#!/bin/bash # Set the default values # The name of the server (it is not too important, except if you want to have multiple openvpn servers in the same host) SERVERNAME=openvpnserver # The host in which the server will listen VPN_PORT=10443 # The IP address range for the VPN VPN_CIDR=172.$((16+$(($RANDOM%16)))).$(($RANDOM%255)).0/24 # The name of the client (not much important except if you want to privide access to multiple users to the VPN) CLIENTNAME=client # SKIPNAT=false # Function that converts the CIDR segment to the classic mask (e.g. function cidrtomask { local MASK MASK=0x"$(printf "%08x" $(( $((0xffffffff << $((32 - $1)) )) & 0xffffffff )) )" || return 1 printf "%d.%d.%d.%d\n" 0x${MASK:2:2} 0x${MASK:4:2} 0x${MASK:6:2} 0x${MASK:8:2} return 0 } # Function that converts an arbitraty IP address to the proper CIDR notation (i.e. with zeros in the bits that are out of the mask) # e.g. => function iptonet { local IP MASK EXTRA NET NBITS IFS=/ read IP NBITS EXTRA <<< "$1" [ "$EXTRA" != "" ] && return 1 [ "$NBITS" == "" ] && NBITS=32 [ -z "${NBITS##*[!0-9]*}" ] && return 1 IP=0x"$(printf "%02x%02x%02x%02x" ${IP//./ } 2> /dev/null)" || return 1 MASK=0x"$(printf "%08x" $(( $((0xffffffff << $((32 - $NBITS)) )) & 0xffffffff )) )" || return 1 NET=0x"$(printf "%08x" $(($IP & $MASK)) )" || return 1 printf "%d.%d.%d.%d/%d\n" 0x${NET:2:2} 0x${NET:4:2} 0x${NET:6:2} 0x${NET:8:2} $NBITS return 0 } # Function that detects whether two networks (expressed in CIDR notation) intersect or not # usage: netintersect CIDR1 CIDR2 function netintersect { local IP1 BITS1 MASK1 R1 local IP2 BITS2 MASK2 R2 IP1=${1%%/*} BITS1=${1##*/} IP2=${2%%/*} BITS2=${2##*/} IP1=0x"$(printf "%02x%02x%02x%02x" ${IP1//./ } 2> /dev/null)" IP2=0x"$(printf "%02x%02x%02x%02x" ${IP2//./ } 2> /dev/null)" MASK1=0x"$(printf "%08x" $(( $((0xffffffff << $((32 - $BITS1)) )) & 0xffffffff )) )" MASK2=0x"$(printf "%08x" $(( $((0xffffffff << $((32 - $BITS2)) )) & 0xffffffff )) )" R1=$(($((IP1 & $MASK1)) & MASK2)) R2=$(($((IP2 & $MASK1)) & MASK2)) [ "$R1" == "$R2" ] && return 0 return 1 } # Wrapper to exit with error function exit1 { echo "$@" >&2 exit 1 } # Function that reads the next parameter in the variable with name passed as an argument # usage: readparam VARNAME function readparam { CPARAM=$((CPARAM+1)) if ((CPARAM<${#PARAMS[@]})); then read ${1} <<< "${PARAMS[$CPARAM]}" else exit1 "missing parameter for $COPTION" fi } # Display the help for the command function usage { cat - < | client ] easyrsa - installs the latest version of EasyRSA and prepares a new CA server - installs OpenVPN and configures it, by creating a new certificate, etc. EasyRSA must be installed in /opt/easyrsa This command also prepares the scripts to NAT to an internal private network, thus making the server act as a VPC server for the private network. client new - Creates a new client configuration file to be used with openvpn command retrieve - Retrieves the configuration file to be used with openvpn for an existing client EOT } # Function that installs the latest version of easyrsa from the github repository. The installation # is left in /opt/EasyRSA with a link in /opt/easyrsa function easyrsa { if [ -e /opt/easyrsa ]; then exit1 "/opt/easyrsa already exists" fi cd /tmp # Get the current release and its URL from the github repo RELEASES="$(curl -X GET https://api.github.com/repos/OpenVPN/easy-rsa/releases)" || exit1 "could not obtain EasyRSA info" URL="$(echo "$RELEASES" | jq '.[0].assets[] | select(.content_type=="application/x-gzip") | .browser_download_url')" || exit1 "could not get information about EasyRSA version" URL="${URL:1:-1}" # Download the release file and untargzip it wget "$URL" FNAME="$(basename "$URL")" tar xfz "$FNAME" # Move EasyRSA to /opt and create the link /opt/easyrsa mkdir -p /opt mv "${FNAME%.*}" /opt cd /opt ln -s "${FNAME%.*}" easyrsa # Initialize the PKI and generate the diffie-hellman (DH) params cd /opt/easyrsa ./easyrsa --batch init-pki ./easyrsa --batch gen-dh } # Function that generates the client configuration file that includes the key and certificate embedded in it function client_genfile { umask 0077 CLIKEY="$(cat pki/private/"$CLIENTHASH".key)" CLICERT="$(cat pki/issued/"$CLIENTHASH".crt)" cd /etc/openvpn/$SERVERNAME TA="$(cat ta.key)" CA="$(cat ca.crt)" cat > $CLIENT_FILE < $VPN_PORT resolv-retry infinite nobind user nobody group nogroup persist-key persist-tun remote-cert-tls server cipher AES-256-CBC auth SHA512 key-direction 1 verb 3 $CA $CLICERT $CLIKEY $TA EOT } # Function that implements the option "client get" function client_get { # There must exist the key [ -e pki/private/"$CLIENTHASH".key ] || exit1 "it does not exist a certificate for $CLIENTNAME" # Generate the file with the configuration for the client client_genfile } function client_new { # The key must not exist [ -e pki/private/"$CLIENTHASH".key ] && exit1 "a certificate for $CLIENTNAME already exists" # Generate client certificates ./easyrsa --batch --req-cn="$CLIENTNAME" gen-req "$CLIENTHASH" nopass 2> /dev/null > /dev/null ./easyrsa --batch sign-req client "$CLIENTHASH" 2>/dev/null > /dev/null # Generate the file with the configuration for the client client_genfile } function client { # Get the operation COP="${PARAMS[$CPARAM]}" CPARAM=$((CPARAM+1)) # Get the parameters (they are common for each sub operation) while ((CPARAM<${#PARAMS[@]})); do COPTION=${PARAMS[$CPARAM]} case $COPTION in -n|--client-name) readparam CLIENTNAME;; -s|--server-name) readparam SERVERNAME;; -f|--file) readparam CLIENT_FILE;; *) usage;; esac CPARAM=$((CPARAM+1)) done [ -z "${SERVERNAME##*[!0-9A-Za-z]*}" ] && exit1 "invalid name for server" [ "$CLIENT_FILE" == "-" ] && CLIENT_FILE=/dev/stdout # Get a hash for the name of the client CLIENTHASH="$(echo "$CLIENTNAME" | md5sum)" CLIENTHASH="${CLIENTHASH%% *}" # Set a default filename to output the client file [ "$CLIENT_FILE" == "" ] && CLIENT_FILE="$(pwd)/$CLIENTHASH.ovpn" # Check whether the folder for the server exists or not (the CA, ta.key, etc. files should be there) cd /etc/openvpn/$SERVERNAME 2> /dev/null || exit1 "could not find configuration for server $SERVERNAME" # Any command expect to be in /opt/easyrsa folder cd /opt/easyrsa 2> /dev/null || exit1 "easyrsa not found at folder /opt/easyrsa" case "$COP" in new) client_new;; get) client_get;; revoke) exit1 "not implemented";; *) usage;; esac } # Function that installs and configures the server function server { while ((CPARAM<${#PARAMS[@]})); do COPTION=${PARAMS[$CPARAM]} case $COPTION in -n|--name) readparam SERVERNAME;; -p|--port) readparam VPN_PORT;; -v|--vpn-cidr) readparam VPN_CIDR;; -i|--internal-cidr) readparam PRIV_CIDR;; -s|--skip-nat) SKIPNAT=true;; *) usage;; esac CPARAM=$((CPARAM+1)) done # Check that the name for the server is valid (only letters and numbers) [ -z "${SERVERNAME##*[!0-9A-Za-z]*}" ] && exit1 "invalid name for server" VPN_CIDR=${VPN_CIDR:-x} PRIV_CIDR=${PRIV_CIDR:-x} # Check that the port is valid (only numbers) [ -z "${VPN_PORT##*[!0-9]*}" ] && exit1 "invalid port" # Check that the VPN CIDR is valid VPN_NET="$(iptonet $VPN_CIDR)" || exit1 "invalid CIDR for VPN" echo "VPN Network: $VPN_NET" VPN_BITS=${VPN_NET##*/} [ $VPN_BITS -ge 32 ] && exit1 "Net is too small (only 1 machine)" if [ "$SKIPNAT" != "true" ]; then # Check that the private network is valid PRIV_NET=$(iptonet $PRIV_CIDR) || exit1 "invalid CIDR for Private Network" echo "Private Network: $PRIV_NET" PRIV_BITS=${PRIV_NET##*/} [ $PRIV_BITS -ge 32 ] && exit1 "Net is too small (only 1 machine)" # Check that both networks (private and VPN) do intersect netintersect $PRIV_NET $VPN_NET && exit1 "Networks for VPN and Private Network intersect" # Find the device that has the private network (it must exist) while read IINFO; do IP="${IINFO#* }" ICIDR="${IP%% *}" IDEV="${IP##* }" NET="$(iptonet $IP)" || exit1 "failed to get IPs in the host" netintersect $NET $VPN_NET && exit1 "Networks for VPN ($NET) and $VPN_NET intersect" if netintersect $NET $PRIV_NET; then IINFO2="$(ip -4 a show $IDEV | grep inet)" IINFO2="$(echo $IINFO)" [ "$IINFO" != "$IINFO2" ] && exit1 "failed to guess private interface" PRIV_DEV="$IDEV" fi done <<< "$(ip -4 a | grep inet)" # If the private network does not exist, quit if [ "$PRIV_DEV" == "" ]; then exit1 "Could not find the private network $PRIV_NET or find the interface to which is assigned" fi fi # We'll need easyrsa to generate the certificates cd /opt/easyrsa 2> /dev/null || exit1 "easyrsa not found at folder /opt/easyrsa" # Install OpenVPN apt update apt install -y openvpn # Generate CA and generate OpenVPN server certificate, keys, etc. UUID=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid) ./easyrsa --batch --req-cn="vpc-${UUID%%-*}" build-ca nopass ./easyrsa --batch gen-req server nopass ./easyrsa --batch sign-req server server openvpn --genkey --secret ta.key # Copy the certificates and so on to a folder for the server mkdir /etc/openvpn/$SERVERNAME cp pki/dh.pem /etc/openvpn/$SERVERNAME cp pki/ca.crt /etc/openvpn/$SERVERNAME cp pki/private/server.key /etc/openvpn/$SERVERNAME cp pki/issued/server.crt /etc/openvpn/$SERVERNAME cp ta.key /etc/openvpn/$SERVERNAME mkdir -p /var/log/openvpn/$SERVERNAME # Generate server configuration cat > /etc/openvpn/$SERVERNAME.conf <> /etc/openvpn/$SERVERNAME.conf < /etc/openvpn/$SERVERNAME/scripts/donat.sh < /etc/openvpn/$SERVERNAME/scripts/rmnat.sh < /etc/openvpn/$SERVERNAME/scripts/vpcnat_$SERVERNAME.service <