# BackgroundColorEdit


Allows you to quickly and easily change only the background color of the currently active color scheme in Sublime Text 3. Currenntly only works with color schemes installed via [Colorsublime](colorsublime.com/). ## Requirements - Sublime Text 3 - Colorsublime - Package Control (optional) ## Installation ### Manual Clone this repo (or download and extract) to your Sublime Text 'Packages' directory, which can be found via `Preferences > Browse Packages`. ### Via Package Control 1. Open the command palette (`ctrl+shift+p` or `cmd+shift+p` by default) 2. Search for `Package Control: Install Package` 3. Search for `BackgroundColorEdit` and hit enter. ## Usage 1. Open the command palette (`ctrl+shift+p` or `cmd+shift+p` by default) 2. Search for `BackgroundColorEdit: Set Background Color` 3. Type a hex color code in the prompt provided and press enter to apply. 4. Alternately, search for `BackgroundColorEdit: Show Background Color` to print out the active color scheme's current background color to the status bar. ## Resetting the background color Simply reinstall the color scheme in Colorsublime.