Clafer Tools ============= v0.4.5 Integration of [Clafer Compiler and Instance Generators]( into [Sublime Text 2/3]( See release notes for [Clafer 0.4.5]( Contributors ------------ * [MichaƂ Antkiewicz](, Main developer. Features and Usage ------------------ * Syntax highlighting of keywords, operators, comments, and integer and string literals * Compilation and validation `+b`. To change parameters of the command: * `Preferences->Browse Packages` * `cd Clafer Tools` * edit `Clafer.sublime-build` * Instance generation (with simple scope inference) using * Alloy-based instance generator `+i, g, a` * Choco-based instance generator `+i, g, c` * Z3 SMT-based instance generator `+i, g, s` (only for Installation ------------ 1. Install [Sublime Text 3]( On Ubuntu, add the [WebUpd8 PPA]( then execute `sudo apt install sublime-text-installer`. 2. In Sublime Text * Install `Package Control` * `Tools->Install Package Control...` * Install packages `SublimeREPL`, `Clafer Tools` and (optionally) `SidebarEnhancements` * `Preferences->Package Control->Install Package` * type the name of the package * Open the `Packages` folder * `Preferences->Browse Packages...` * copy the folder `SublimeREPL` from `Clafer Tools` to `Packages` * on Mac, use the `merge` option not `replace` 3. Download the latest binary distribution of Clafer Tools * [Clafer Tools]( * Unzip the contents of the folder `clafer-tools-0.4.5` into `Packages/Clafer-Bin` * Make sure the folder structure is NOT `Packages/Clafer-Bin/clafer-tools-0.4.5`, that is, the contents of the folder `clafer-tools-0.4.5` are directly inside `Clafer-Bin` * (optional) add `Clafer-Bin` to the variable `PATH`. 4. On Windows only * Alloy-based instance generator only works with 32bit Java on Windows and if you only have 64bit Java installation, you will see an error: `Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no minisatproverx1 in java.library.path`. ### Known Limitations and Workarounds * On Windows - Setting the PATH to 32bit Java installation * install [32bit JDK]( but do not modify the PATH to point to it (there's no 32bit JRE anymore) * in Sublime Text * `Preferences->Package Settings->SublimeREPL->Settings - Default` * set `default_extended_env` as `"default_extend_env": {"PATH": "C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.8.0_102/bin;{PATH}"},` * On Linux and Mac * the Python 3 executable is called `python3` and the best solution is to create a symlink called `python` pointing to `/usr/bin/python3` * in `Packages/Clafer Tools` execute `ln -s /usr/bin/python3 python`. * it's also needed to add the current directory `.` to the `PATH`, so that the executables are found. Add the following line at the end of your `.profile` * `PATH=".:$PATH"` * for python to be able to find the `Z3` library, add the following line to your `.profile` * on Linux, `export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/Clafer-Bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"` * on Mac, `export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/Clafer-Bin:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"` * On MacOS Yosemite, the preferred way of setting the variable `PATH` is by editing `/etc/paths`. However, despite that, Sublime Text 2/3 will not see the specified values because it is a GUI application and it will only see `/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/`. To check the value of `PATH` visible to Sublime 1. open console `View->Show Console` 2. execute `import os; print (os.environ['PATH'])` 3. if you see `/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/`, you are affected by the Yosemite `PATH` bug and ClaferChocoIG will be unable to comple the model for you because it calls the clafer executable. 4. the workaround is to: * create a symlink `sudo ln -s ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/Clafer-Bin/clafer /usr/bin/clafer` so that `clafer` executable will be visible on the default `PATH`. 5. to conveniently use ClaferChocoIG, move the script `` (included in Mac binary distro) to `/usr/bin` by executing `sudo mv ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/Clafer-Bin/ /usr/bin`. * ClaferSMT in Clafer Tools binary depends on the python package `bintrees`, to install execute `pip install bintrees` on Windows or `pip3 install bintrees` on Linux and Mac. Planned Improvements -------------------- * Code snippets for quantified expressions such as `[ all disj x1; x2 : X | ... ]`