Quick File Open =============== This is a Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for quickly opening files. Sublime Text offers the ability to quickly switch between workspaces, but there is no way to quickly open a set of "Favorite" files. This plugin allows you to specify this set of "Favorite" files so you can open them with a simple shortcut. Installation ------------ Clone this repository in the the Packages directory, or install through Package Control. Usage ----- Specify the list of favorite files in the QuickFileOpen.sublime-settings file. The files can then be accessed by hitting `ctrl+alt+shift+p`, which can be configured in the user keybindings file. Here is an example settings file: ``` { "files": ["file1", "file2"] } ``` License ------- MIT License, you can see the license [here](https://github.com/gsingh93/sublime\ -quick-file-open/blob/master/LICENSE).