TopCoder Helper =============== This is a Sublime Text 3 plugin for solving TopCoder problems in Java. Other languages may be supported in the future, and pull requests will be accepted. Installation ------------ This plugin can be installed through Package Control (only available on ST3). Alternatively, you can clone the repository into your Packages directory. Usage ----- Copy and paste the entire problem description into the editor. Hit ctrl + p to generate the code template, or find the "TopCoder: Parse" command in the command palette. Features -------- [+] Convert a problem statement into a Java class [+] Customize Java class snippet [-] Autogenerate supplied test case [+] Customize coding view (Single pane, two pane, etc.) [-] Prepare code for submission by removing test cases and optionally comments Possible future features: [-] Browse and generate classes for questions on the Problem Archive [-] Autogenerate random test cases using variable constraints [-] C++ support [-] C# support [+] = Completed [*] = In progress [-] = Not started Customization ------------- To customize the Java template, open the command palette and find the "TopCoder: Edit Java Template" command in the command palette. This will open a file called java.template. There are currently three variables whose purpose should be self-explanatory: $className, $functionName, and $functionHeader. You have two options when it comes to where the template is generated. If the option `use_two_column_layout` is set to `true`, then the template is generated in a new group. If this option is set to false, the template is generated in same file as the problem statement, and the problem statement is commented out. License ------- MIT License, you can see the license [here](