import groovy.transform.Field import groovy.json.JsonOutput /** * ======================================================================================= * iZone Universal Parent * Copyright 2021 Grant Slender * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * ======================================================================================= * * Last modified: 2021-07-19 * */ @Field Map getFanLevel = ["low": 25 ,"medium": 50,"high": 100] @Field Map getZoneModeLevel = ["open": 1 ,"close": 2,"auto": 3,"override": 4,"constant": 5] @Field Map getModeLevel = ["cool": 1 ,"heat": 2,"vent": 3,"dry": 4,"auto": 5,"exhuast": 6,"pump": 7] @Field Map getBatteryLevel = ["full": 0 ,"half": 1,"empty": 2] @Field Map getBatteryPcnt = [100: 0 ,50: 1,0: 2] metadata { definition (name: "iZone AC Universal Parent", namespace: "gslender", author: "Grant Slender", importUrl: "") { capability "Refresh" capability "Configuration" capability "Switch" capability "FanControl" capability "Thermostat" capability "Battery" attribute "firmware", "STRING" attribute "switch", "STRING" attribute "speed", "STRING" attribute "battery", "NUMBER" attribute "temperature", "NUMBER" attribute "thermostatSetpoint", "NUMBER" attribute "thermostatMode", "STRING" attribute "ctrlZone", "STRING" attribute "warnings", "STRING" attribute "acError", "STRING" attribute "supportedFanSpeeds", "JSON_OBJECT" attribute "supportedThermostatFanModes", "JSON_OBJECT" attribute "supportedThermostatModes", "JSON_OBJECT" command "discoverBridge" command "setSpeed", [[name: "Fan speed*",type:"ENUM", description:"Fan speed to set", constraints: getFanLevel.collect {k,v -> k}]] command "setThermostatMode", [[name: "AC mode*",type:"ENUM", description:"Cooling/heating mode to set", constraints: getModeLevel.collect {k,v -> k}]] // command "devSendCmd" } preferences { def refreshEnum = [:] refreshEnum << ["1 min" : "Refresh every minute"] refreshEnum << ["5 min" : "Refresh every 5 minutes"] refreshEnum << ["15 min" : "Refresh every 15 minutes"] refreshEnum << ["30 min" : "Refresh every 30 minutes"] refreshEnum << ["never" : "Never Refresh"] input name: "removeChildren", type: "bool", title: "Remove Children on Configure", defaultValue: true input name: "childFanUpdatesMainFan", type: "bool", title: "Child Fan Updates Main Fan", defaultValue: false input name: "enableDebug", type: "bool", title: "Enable debug logging", defaultValue: true input name: "enableDesc", type: "bool", title: "Enable descriptionText logging", defaultValue: true input name: "ip", type: "string", title:"Bridge IP" , required: true input name: "refresh_Rate", type: "enum", title: "Polling Refresh Rate", options:refreshEnum, defaultValue: "5 min" // input name: "devcmdbody", type: "string", title:"DEV Only Send Cmd", defaultValue:"{\"SysOn\":1}" } } @Field static boolean enableRespDebug = false /* ======== driver built-in callback methods ======== */ /* */ void installed(){ "installed..." device.updateSetting("removeChildren",[type:"bool", value: true]) device.updateSetting("childFanUpdatesMainFan",[type:"bool", value: false]) device.updateSetting("enableDebug",[type:"bool", value: true]) device.updateSetting("enableDesc",[type:"bool", value: true]) device.updateSetting("refresh_Rate",[type:"enum", value: "5 min"]) initialize() } void uninstalled(){ "uninstalled..." unschedule() } void updated() { "updated..." unschedule() log.warn "debug logging is: ${enableDebug == true}" log.warn "description logging is: ${enableDesc == true}" switch(refresh_Rate) { case "1 min" : runEvery1Minute(refresh) break case "5 min" : runEvery5Minutes(refresh) break case "15 min" : runEvery15Minutes(refresh) break case "30 min" : runEvery30Minutes(refresh) break default: unschedule() } if (enableDebug) log.debug "runEvery${refresh_Rate}Minute(s) refresh() " refresh() if (enableDebug) runIn(1800,logsOff) } void initialize() { "initialize..." discoverBridge() state.sysinfo = [:] state.zones = [:] state.firmware = null } void parse(description) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "parse() description: ${description}" try { def map = parseDescriptionAsMap(description) def list = hexToASCII(map.get("payload")).tokenize(',') def ip_addr = null list.each { if (it.startsWith("IP_")) { ip_addr = it.reverse().take(it.length()-3).reverse() } } device.updateSetting("ip",[type:"string", value: ip_addr]) } catch (e) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "parse() error $e" } } /* ======== capability commands ======== */ def off() { if (enableDebug) log.debug "off()" sendSimpleiZoneCmd("SysOn",0) // - is the on/off setting, 0 = stop air con, 1 = run air con runInMillis(500, 'refresh') } def on() { if (enableDebug) log.debug "on()" sendSimpleiZoneCmd("SysOn",1) // - is the on/off setting, 0 = stop air con, 1 = run air con runInMillis(500, 'refresh') } def setSpeed(_speed) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "setSpeed() speed: $_speed" def speed = 0 switch (_speed) { case "off": case "low": speed = 1 break case "medium-low": case "medium": case "medium-high": speed = 2 break case "high": case "on": case "auto": speed = 3 break } sendSimpleiZoneCmd("SysFan",speed) // - is the new fan speed 1-4 runInMillis(500, 'refresh') } def cycleSpeed() { if (enableDebug) log.debug "cycleSpeed()" String currentSpeed = device.currentValue("speed") ?: "off" switch (currentSpeed) { case "low": sendSimpleiZoneCmd("SysFan",2) break case "medium-low": case "medium": case "medium-high": sendSimpleiZoneCmd("SysFan",3) break case "high": case "off": case "on": case "auto": sendSimpleiZoneCmd("SysFan",1) break } } def auto() { if (enableDebug) log.debug "auto()" setThermostatMode("auto") } def cool() { if (enableDebug) log.debug "cool()" setThermostatMode("cool") } def emergencyHeat() { log.warn "emergencyHeat() - not supported" } def fanAuto() { log.warn "fanAuto() - not supported" } def fanCirculate() { log.warn "fanCirculate() - not supported" } def fanOn() { log.warn "fanCirculate() - not supported" } def heat() { if (enableDebug) log.debug "heat()" setThermostatMode("heat") } def setCoolingSetpoint(temperature) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "setCoolingSetpoint()" setSetpoint(temperature) } def setHeatingSetpoint(temperature) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "setHeatingSetpoint()" setSetpoint(temperature) } private setSetpoint(temperature) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "setSetpoint() temperature: $temperature" sendSimpleiZoneCmd("SysSetpoint",(temperature*100).toInteger()) runInMillis(500, 'refresh') } def setSchedule(json) { log.warn "setSchedule() - not supported" } def setThermostatFanMode(fanmode) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "setThermostatFanMode()" setSpeed(fanmode) } def setThermostatMode(thermostatmode) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "setMode() mode: $thermostatmode" def mode = getModeLevel[thermostatmode] sendSimpleiZoneCmd("SysMode",mode) runInMillis(500, 'refresh') } def refresh() { if (enableDebug) log.debug "refresh()" // connect and getSystemInfo def result = getSystemInfo() if (result.status == "ok") { def now = new Date().format("yyyy MMM dd EEE h:mm:ss a", location.timeZone) sendEvent(name: "lastCheckin", value: now) state.sysinfo = result.SystemV2 sendiZoneEvents() // getZonesInfo state.zones.clear() def worstBattVolt = 0 result.SystemV2.NoOfZones.times { def resultZone = getZonesInfo(it) if (resultZone.status == "ok") { def zonename = "zone${it+1}" state.zones.put(zonename, resultZone.ZonesV2) def hubitatThermoAttrib = convertiZoneToHubitat(resultZone.ZonesV2) childSendEvent("${device.getDeviceNetworkId()}-$zonename",hubitatThermoAttrib) if (resultZone.ZonesV2.BattVolt.toInteger() > worstBattVolt) worstBattVolt = resultZone.ZonesV2.BattVolt.toInteger() } } //send battery sendEvent(name: "battery", value: getBatteryPcnt.find { it.value == worstBattVolt }?.key) //getFirmwareList if (state.firmware == null) { def resultFmw = getFirmwareList() if (resultFmw.status == "ok") { state.firmware = resultFmw.Fmw } } sendEvent(name: "firmware", value: state.firmware) } else { sendEvent(name: "lastCheckin", value: "unknown") sendEvent(name: "help", value: "check IP is correct") } sendEvent(name: "status", value: result.status) } def List configure() { if (enableDebug) log.debug "configure()" // clean stuff up !! state.clear() state.sysinfo = [:] state.zones = [:] state.firmware = null if (removeChildren) { getChildDevices().each { if (enableDebug) log.debug "deleteChildDevice ${it.deviceNetworkId}" deleteChildDevice("${it.deviceNetworkId}") } } // connect and refresh refresh() state.zones.eachWithIndex { zoneNo, zoneData, index -> addChildThermostat(zoneNo,zoneData.Name) } // populate the children refresh() } /* ======== custom commands and methods ======== */ def discoverBridge() { if (enableDebug) log.debug "discoverBridge()" def myHubAction = new hubitat.device.HubAction("IASD", hubitat.device.Protocol.LAN,[type: hubitat.device.HubAction.Type.LAN_TYPE_UDPCLIENT,destinationAddress: ""]) sendHubCommand(myHubAction) } def devSendCmd() { if (enableDebug) log.debug "devSendCmd() devcmdbody: $devcmdbody" sendSimpleiZoneCmd(devcmdbody) runInMillis(500, 'refresh') } private parseDescriptionAsMap(description) { try { def descMap = description.split(",").inject([:]) { map, param -> def nameAndValue = param.split(":") if (nameAndValue.length == 2){ map += [(nameAndValue[0].trim()):nameAndValue[1].trim()] } else { map += [(nameAndValue[0].trim()):""] } } return descMap } catch (e) { return [:] } } private String hexToASCII(String hexValue) { def output = new StringBuilder("") for (int i = 0; i < hexValue.length(); i += 2) { def str = hexValue.substring(i, i + 2) output.append((char) Integer.parseInt(str, 16)) } return output.toString() } private tmpRnd(BigDecimal temp) { return temp.divide(100,1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) } private sendiZoneEvents() { /* thermostatOperatingState - ENUM ["heating", "pending cool", "pending heat", "vent economizer", "idle", "cooling", "fan only"] */ sendEvent(name: "temperature", value: tmpRnd(state.sysinfo.Temp)) sendEvent(name: "thermostatSetpoint", value: tmpRnd(state.sysinfo.Setpoint)) sendEvent(name: "coolingSetpoint", value: tmpRnd(state.sysinfo.Setpoint)) sendEvent(name: "heatingSetpoint", value: tmpRnd(state.sysinfo.Setpoint)) sendEvent(name: "supportedFanSpeeds", value: getFanLevel.collect {k,v -> k}) sendEvent(name: "supportedThermostatFanModes", value: getFanLevel.collect {k,v -> k}) sendEvent(name: "supportedThermostatModes", value: getModeLevel.collect {k,v -> k}) def ctrlZone = state.zones.get("zone${state.sysinfo.CtrlZone+1}") if (ctrlZone != null) sendEvent(name: "ctrlZone", value: ctrlZone.Name) if (state.sysinfo.SysOn == 0) { sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "off") sendEvent(name: "speed", value: "off") sendEvent(name: "thermostatFanMode", value: "off") sendEvent(name: "thermostatMode", value: "off") sendEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: "off") } else { sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "on") sendEvent(name: "speed", value: getFanMode()) sendEvent(name: "thermostatFanMode", value: getFanMode()) sendEvent(name: "thermostatMode", value: getModeLevel.find { it.value == state.sysinfo.SysMode }?.key) sendEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: getModeLevel.find { it.value == state.sysinfo.SysMode }?.key) } sendEvent(name: "warnings", value: state.sysinfo.Warnings) sendEvent(name: "acError", value: state.sysinfo.ACError) } private String getFanMode() { switch (state.sysinfo.SysFan) { case 1: // SysFan_Low return "low" break case 2: // SysFan_Med return "medium" break case 3: // SysFan_High return "high" break case 4: // SysFan_Auto return "auto" break default: break } } private Map convertiZoneToHubitat(_izone) { /* thermostatOperatingState - ENUM ["heating", "pending cool", "pending heat", "vent economizer", "idle", "cooling", "fan only"] */ def map = [:] map.put("temperature",tmpRnd(_izone.Temp)) def setPoint = _izone.Setpoint def now = new Date().format("yyyy MMM dd EEE h:mm:ss a", location.timeZone) map.put("lastCheckin", now) map.put("supportedThermostatModes",getZoneModeLevel.collect {k,v -> k}) map.put("supportedThermostatFanModes",getFanLevel.collect {k,v -> k}) map.put("thermostatFanMode",getFanMode()) def mode = "off" switch (_izone.Mode) { case 1: // ZoneMode_Open mode = "open" setPoint = state.sysinfo.Setpoint break case 2: // ZoneMode_Close mode = "close" setPoint = state.sysinfo.Setpoint break case 3: // ZoneMode_Auto mode = "auto" /* if (_izone.Setpoint > _izone.Temp) { mode = "heat" } else { mode = "cool" } */ break case 4: // ZoneMode_Override case 5: // ZoneMode_Constant default: break } map.put("thermostatMode",mode) map.put("thermostatOperatingState",mode) map.put("coolingSetpoint",tmpRnd(setPoint)) map.put("heatingSetpoint",tmpRnd(setPoint)) map.put("thermostatSetpoint",tmpRnd(setPoint)) map.put("battVolt", getBatteryLevel.find { it.value == _izone.BattVolt }?.key) map.put("sensorFault", (_izone.SensorFault == 0) ? 'none' : 'fault') return map } private childSendEvent(_childname,_attrib,_value) { childSendEvent(_childname,[_attrib:_value]) } private childSendEvent(_childname,_map) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "childSendEvent(${_childname},${_map})" def child = getChildDevice(_childname) if (child) { _map.each { def data = [name:it.key, value:it.value, descriptionText:"${child.displayName} ${it.key} value was set to ${it.value}"] child.sendEvent(data) } } else log.warn "no child found ?" } private Map sendSimpleiZoneCmd(cmd,value) { sendSimpleiZoneCmd(JsonOutput.toJson(["$cmd":value])) } private Map sendSimpleiZoneCmd(cmdbody) { def respData def params = [:] params.uri = "http://${ip}:80/iZoneCommandV2" params.body = cmdbody if (enableDebug) log.debug "sendSimpleiZoneCmd() params: $params" try { httpPost(params) { resp -> resp.headers.each { if (enableDebug && enableRespDebug) log.warn "resp.headers: ${} : ${it.value}" } respData = } } catch (e) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "sendSimpleiZoneCmd() ERROR: $e" return [status:"failed: $e"] } if (enableDebug && enableRespDebug) log.warn " ${respData}" if (!respData.startsWith("{OK}")) { log.warn "$cmdbody returned $respData" } return [status:"$respData"] } private Map getSystemInfo() { if (enableDebug) log.debug "getSystemInfo()" def respData = [:] def uri = "http://${ip}:80/iZoneRequestV2" def mapBody = ["iZoneV2Request":["Type": 1,"No": 0,"No1": 0]] as Map try { respData.status = "failed" httpPostJson(uri,mapBody) { resp -> resp.headers.each { if (enableDebug && enableRespDebug) log.warn "resp.headers: ${} : ${it.value}" } respData = resp.getData() as Map if (enableDebug && enableRespDebug) log.warn " ${respData.toString()}" if (respData.containsKey("SystemV2")) respData.status = "ok" } } catch (e) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "getSystemInfo() ERROR: $e" respData.status = "failed: $e" } return respData } private Map getZonesInfo(int zone) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "getZonesInfo() zone: $zone" def respData = [:] def uri = "http://${ip}:80/iZoneRequestV2" def mapBody = ["iZoneV2Request":["Type": 2,"No": zone,"No1": 0]] as Map try { respData.status = "failed" httpPostJson(uri,mapBody) { resp -> resp.headers.each { if (enableDebug && enableRespDebug) log.warn "resp.headers: ${} : ${it.value}" } respData = resp.getData() as Map if (enableDebug && enableRespDebug) log.warn " ${respData.toString()}" if (respData.containsKey("ZonesV2")) respData.status = "ok" } } catch (e) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "getZonesInfo() ERROR: $e" respData.status = "failed: $e" } return respData } private Map getACUnitFaults() { if (enableDebug) log.debug "getACUnitFaults()" def respData = [:] def uri = "http://${ip}:80/iZoneRequestV2" def mapBody = ["iZoneV2Request":["Type": 4,"No": 0,"No1": 0]] as Map try { respData.status = "failed" httpPostJson(uri,mapBody) { resp -> resp.headers.each { if (enableDebug && enableRespDebug) log.warn "resp.headers: ${} : ${it.value}" } respData = resp.getData() as Map if (enableDebug && enableRespDebug) log.warn " ${respData.toString()}" if (respData.containsKey("AcUnitFaultHistV2")) respData.status = "ok" } } catch (e) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "getACUnitFaults() ERROR: $e" respData.status = "failed: $e" } return respData } private Map getFirmwareList() { if (enableDebug) log.debug "getFirmwareList()" def respData = [:] def uri = "http://${ip}:80/iZoneRequestV2" def mapBody = ["iZoneV2Request":["Type": 6,"No": 0,"No1": 0]] as Map try { respData.status = "failed" httpPostJson(uri,mapBody) { resp -> resp.headers.each { if (enableDebug && enableRespDebug) log.warn "resp.headers: ${} : ${it.value}" } respData = resp.getData() as Map if (enableDebug && enableRespDebug) log.warn " ${respData.toString()}" if (respData.containsKey("Fmw")) respData.status = "ok" } } catch (e) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "getFirmwareList() ERROR: $e" respData.status = "failed: $e" } return respData } def addChildThermostat(String zone,String label) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "addChildThermostat() zone: $zone label: $label" def devLabel = device.label if (devLabel == null) devLabel = def childname = "${device.getDeviceNetworkId()}-${zone}" if (!getChildDevice(childname)) { addChildDevice("hubitat","Generic Component Thermostat", childname, [label: "${devLabel}-${label}",name: "${zone}-${label}", isComponent: true]) } else { if (enableDebug) log.debug "child exists !! $childname not created !!" } } def logsOff() { log.warn "debug logging disabled..." device.updateSetting("enableDebug",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) } /* ======== child Thermostat device methods ======== */ void componentRefresh(cd) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "componentRefresh ${cd.displayName}" def zoneIndex = (cd.getDeviceNetworkId().drop(cd.getDeviceNetworkId().size() - 1).toInteger())-1 def resultZone = getZonesInfo(zoneIndex) if (resultZone.status == "ok") { def zonename = "zone${zoneIndex+1}" state.zones.put(zonename , resultZone.ZonesV2) def hubitatThermoAttrib = convertiZoneToHubitat(resultZone.ZonesV2) childSendEvent("${device.getDeviceNetworkId()}-$zonename",hubitatThermoAttrib) } } void componentSetCoolingSetpoint(cd,temperature) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "componentSetCoolingSetpoint() ${cd.displayName},$temperature" def zoneIndex = (cd.getDeviceNetworkId().drop(cd.getDeviceNetworkId().size() - 1).toInteger())-1 sendSimpleiZoneCmd("ZoneSetpoint",["Index":zoneIndex,"Setpoint":(temperature*100).toInteger()]) componentRefresh(cd) } void componentSetHeatingSetpoint(cd,temperature) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "componentSetHeatingSetpoint() ${cd.displayName},$temperature" def zoneIndex = (cd.getDeviceNetworkId().drop(cd.getDeviceNetworkId().size() - 1).toInteger())-1 sendSimpleiZoneCmd("ZoneSetpoint",["Index":zoneIndex,"Setpoint":(temperature*100).toInteger()]) } void componentSetSchedule(cd) { log.warn "setSchedule() - not supported" } void componentSetThermostatFanMode(cd,fanmode) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "componentSetThermostatFanMode() ${cd.displayName},$fanmode" if (childFanUpdatesMainFan) { setSpeed(fanmode) } else { if (enableDebug) log.debug "componentSetThermostatFanMode() !ignored!" } } void componentSetThermostatMode(cd,thermostatmode) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "componentSetThermostatMode() ${cd.displayName},$thermostatmode" def zoneIndex = (cd.getDeviceNetworkId().drop(cd.getDeviceNetworkId().size() - 1).toInteger())-1 def zoneMode = getZoneModeLevel[thermostatmode] if (zoneMode) { sendSimpleiZoneCmd("ZoneMode",["Index":zoneIndex,"Mode":zoneMode]) componentRefresh(cd) } else { if (enableDebug) log.debug "componentSetThermostatMode() !ignored!" } }