# PythonSCAD Stub File for use in editors like Visual Studio Code class PyLibFive: pass class PyLibFive: def x(self) -> PyLibFive: """Return X coorinate """ ... def y(self) ->PyLibFive: """Return Y coorinate """ ... def z(self) ->PyLibFive: """Return Z coorinate """ ... def sqrt(self, v) ->PyLibFive: """Return Z coorinate """ ... def square(self, v) ->PyLibFive: """ Calculates the square of v """ ... def abs(self, v) ->PyLibFive: """ Calculates the absolute Value of v """ ... def max(self, a, b) ->PyLibFive: """ Calculates the maximum from a and b """ ... def min(self, a, b) ->PyLibFive: """ Calculates the minimum from a and b """ ... def sin(self, v) ->PyLibFive: """ Calculates the sine of v """ ... def cos(self, v) ->PyLibFive: """ Calculates the cosine of v """ ... def tan(self, v) ->PyLibFive: """ Calculates the tangens of v """ ... def asin(self, v) ->PyLibFive: """ Calculates the arc sine of v """ ... def acos(self, v) ->PyLibFive: """ Calculates the arc cosine of v """ ... def atan(self, v) ->PyLibFive: """ Calculates the arc tangent of v """ ... def exp(self, v) ->PyLibFive: """ Calculates the exponent of v """ ... def log(self, v) ->PyLibFive: """ Calculates the logarithm of v """ ... def pow(self, a, b) ->PyLibFive: """ Calculates the power from a over b """ ... def comp(self, a, b) ->PyLibFive: """ Calculates the libfive comparision of a and b """ ... def atan2(self, y, x) ->PyLibFive: """ Calculates aractangent from y/x """ ... def print(self) ->PyLibFive: """ Print the Tree for debugging """ ... class PyOpenSCAD: pass class PyOpenSCAD: def translate(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Move Object by an offset """ ... def right(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Moves an Object to the right """ ... def left(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Moves an Object to the left """ ... def back(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Moves Object backwards """ ... def front(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Moves Object frontwards """ ... def up(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Move Object upwards """ ... def down(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Move Object downwards """ ... def rotx(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Rotate Object around X Axis """ ... def roty(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Rotate Object around Y Axis """ ... def rotz(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Rotate Object around Z Axis """ ... def rotate(obj:PyOpenSCAD, a:float, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Rotate Object around X, Y and Z Axis """ ... def scale(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Scale Object by a factor """ ... def mirror(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Mirror Object """ ... def multmatrix(obj:PyOpenSCAD, m:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Apply an 4x4 Eigen vector to an Object or handle """ ... def divmatrix(obj:PyOpenSCAD, m:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Apply inverse of an 4x4 Eigen vecor to an Object or handle """ ... def offset(obj:PyOpenSCAD, r:float, delta:float, chamfer:float, fn:int, fa:float, fs:float) -> PyOpenSCAD: """2D or 3D Offset of an Object """ ... def roof(obj:PyOpenSCAD, method:str, convexity:int, fn:int, fa:float, fs:float) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Create Roof from an 2D Shape """ ... def pull(obj:PyOpenSCAD, src:list[float], dst:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Pull apart Object, basically between src and dst it creates a prisma with the x-section src: anchor dst: how much to pull """ ... def color(obj:PyOpenSCAD, c:str, alpha:float, texture:int) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Colorize Object texture: id from texture command """ ... def output(obj:PyOpenSCAD) -> None: """Output the result to the display """ ... def show(obj:PyOpenSCAD) -> None: """Same as output """ ... def export(obj:PyOpenSCAD, file:str) -> None: """Export the result to a file file: output file name, format is automatically detected from suffix when obj is a dictionary, it allows 3mf export to export several paths """ ... def linear_extrude(obj:PyOpenSCAD, height:float, v:list[float], layer:str, convexity:int, origin:list[float], scale:float, center:bool, slices:int, segments:int, twist:float, fn:int, fa:float, fs:float) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Linear_extrude an 2D Object v: direction of extrusion """ ... def rotate_extrude(obj:PyOpenSCAD, layer, convexity:int, scale:float, twist:float, origin:list[float], offset:list[float], v:list[float], method:str, fn:int, fa:float, fs:float) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Rotate_extrude an 2D Object v: direction of extrusion """ ... def path_extrude(obj:PyOpenSCAD, path:list[float], xdir:list[float], convexity:int, origin:list[float], scale:float, twist:float, closed:bool, fn:int, fa:float, fs:float) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Path_extrude an 2D Object xdir: intial vector of x axis """ ... def resize(obj:PyOpenSCAD) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Resize an Object """ ... def highlight(obj:PyOpenSCAD) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Highlights Object """ ... def background(obj:PyOpenSCAD) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Puts Object into background """ ... def only(obj:PyOpenSCAD) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Shows only this object """ ... def projection(obj:PyOpenSCAD, cut:bool, convexity:int) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Crated 2D Projection from a 3D Object """ ... def mesh(obj:PyOpenSCAD): """Retrieves Mesh Data from a 2D or 3D object """ ... def oversample(obj:PyOpenSCAD,n:int, round:bool) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Create artificial intermediate points into straight lines n: factor of the oversampling bool: whether to round the oversampling """ ... def fillet(obj:PyOpenSCAD, r:float, sel:PyOpenSCAD, fn:int) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Create nice roundings for sharp edges r: radius of the fillet sel: Object which overlaps the "selected" edges fn: number of points for fillet x-section """ ... def align(obj:PyOpenSCAD, refmat:list[float], objmat:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Aligns an Object to another refmat: handle matrix of the reference object objmat: handle matrix of the new object """ ... def square(dim:float | list[float], center:bool) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Create a Square """ ... def circle(r:float,d:float,angle:float, fn:int, fa:float, fs:float) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Creates a Circle """ ... def polygon(points:list[float], paths:list[int], convexity:int) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Creates a Polygon points: array of vertices paths: how to combine them """ ... def text(text, size:float, font:str, spacing:float, direction:str, language:str, script:str, halign:float, valign:float, fn:int, fa:float, fs:float) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Creates a Text """ ... def textmetrics(text, size:float, font:str, spacing:float, direction:str, language:str, script:str, halign:float, valign:float) -> list[float]: """Get textmetrics from a label """ ... def cube(size:list[float], center:bool) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Creates a Cube """ ... def cylinder(h:float,r1:float, r2:float, center:bool, r:float, d:float, d1:float, d2:float, angle:float, fn:int, fa:float, fs:float) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Creates a Cylinder """ ... def sphere(r:float, d:float, fn:int, fa:float, fs:float) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Creates a Sphere """ ... def polyhedron(points:list[float], faces:list[int], convexity:int, triangles:list[int]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Creates a Polyhedron """ ... def frep(exp:PyLibFive, min:list[float], max:list[float], res:int) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Create F-Rep (libfive) exp : an SDF epression composed from SDF variables and operators, see tutorial """ ... def ifrep(obj:PyOpenSCAD) -> PyLibFive: """Create Inverse F-Rep(experimental) """ ... def translate(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Move Object by an offset """ ... def right(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Moves an Object to the right """ ... def left(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Moves an Object to the left """ ... def back(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Moves Object backwards """ ... def front(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Moves Object frontwards """ ... def up(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Move Object upwards """ ... def down(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Move Object downwards """ ... def rotx(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Rotate Object around X Axis """ ... def roty(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Rotate Object around Y Axis """ ... def rotz(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Rotate Object around Z Axis """ ... def rotate(obj:PyOpenSCAD, a:float, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Rotate Object around X, Y and Z Axis """ ... def scale(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Scale Object by a factor """ ... def mirror(obj:PyOpenSCAD, v:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Mirror Object """ ... def multmatrix(obj:PyOpenSCAD, m:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Apply an 4x4 Eigen vector to an Object or handle """ ... def divmatrix(obj:PyOpenSCAD, m:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Apply inverse of an 4x4 Eigen vecor to an Object or handle """ ... def offset(obj:PyOpenSCAD, r:float, delta:float, chamfer:float, fn:int, fa:float, fs:float) -> PyOpenSCAD: """2D or 3D Offset of an Object """ ... def roof(obj:PyOpenSCAD, method:str, convexity:int, fn:int, fa:float, fs:float) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Create Roof from an 2D Shape """ ... def pull(obj:PyOpenSCAD, src:list[float], dst:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Pull apart Object, basically between src and dst it creates a prisma with the x-section src: anchor dst: how much to pull """ ... def color(obj:PyOpenSCAD, c:str, alpha:float, texture:int) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Colorize Object texture: id from texture command """ ... def output(obj:PyOpenSCAD) -> None: """Output the result to the display """ ... def show(obj:PyOpenSCAD) -> None: """Same as output """ ... def export(obj:PyOpenSCAD, file:str) -> None: """Export the result to a file file: output file name, format is automatically detected from suffix when obj is a dictionary, it allows 3mf export to export several paths """ ... def linear_extrude(obj:PyOpenSCAD, height:float, v:list[float], layer:str, convexity:int, origin:list[float], scale:float, center:bool, slices:int, segments:int, twist:float, fn:int, fa:float, fs:float) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Linear_extrude an 2D Object v: direction of extrusion """ ... def rotate_extrude(obj:PyOpenSCAD, layer, convexity:int, scale:float, twist:float, origin:list[float], offset:list[float], v:list[float], method:str, fn:int, fa:float, fs:float) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Rotate_extrude an 2D Object v: direction of extrusion """ ... def path_extrude(obj:PyOpenSCAD, path:list[float], xdir:list[float], convexity:int, origin:list[float], scale:float, twist:float, closed:bool, fn:int, fa:float, fs:float) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Path_extrude an 2D Object xdir: intial vector of x axis """ ... def union(obj:PyOpenSCAD, r:float, fn:int) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Union several Objects r: radius of fillet fn: number of points for fillet x-section """ ... def difference(obj:PyOpenSCAD, r:float, fn:int) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Difference several Objects r: radius of fillet fn: number of points for fillet x-section """ ... def intersection(obj:PyOpenSCAD, r:float, fn:int) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Intersection several Objects r: radius of fillet fn: number of points for fillet x-section """ ... def hull(obj:PyOpenSCAD) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Hull several Objects """ ... def minkowski(obj:PyOpenSCAD) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Minkowski sum several Objects """ ... def fill(obj:PyOpenSCAD) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Fill Objects(remove holes) """ ... def resize(obj:PyOpenSCAD) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Resize an Object """ ... def highlight(obj:PyOpenSCAD) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Highlights Object """ ... def background(obj:PyOpenSCAD) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Puts Object into background """ ... def only(obj:PyOpenSCAD) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Shows only this object """ ... def projection(obj:PyOpenSCAD, cut:bool, convexity:int) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Crated 2D Projection from a 3D Object """ ... def surface(file, center:bool, convexity:int, invert:bool) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Create a Surface Object """ ... def texture(file, uv:float): """Specify a Texture (JPEG) to be used with color file: path to a jpg file uv: size of the mapped texture square in 3D space """ ... def mesh(obj:PyOpenSCAD): """Retrieves Mesh Data from a 2D or 3D object """ ... def oversample(obj:PyOpenSCAD,n:int, round:bool) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Create artificial intermediate points into straight lines n: factor of the oversampling bool: whether to round the oversampling """ ... def fillet(obj:PyOpenSCAD, r:float, sel:PyOpenSCAD, fn:int) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Create nice roundings for sharp edges r: radius of the fillet sel: Object which overlaps the "selected" edges fn: number of points for fillet x-section """ ... def group(obj:PyOpenSCAD) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Groups several Objects """ ... def render(obj:PyOpenSCAD,convexity:int) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Renders Object even in preview mode """ ... def osimport(file:str, layer:str, convexity:int, origin:list[float], scale:float, width:float, height:float, filename:str, center:bool, dpi:float, id:int) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Imports Object from disc """ ... def version() -> list[float]: """Outputs pythonscad Version """ ... def version_num() -> list[float]: """Outputs pythoncad Version """ ... def add_parameter(name:str, default) -> None: """Adds Parameter for use in Customizer """ ... def scad(code:str) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Evaluate Code in SCAD syntax """ ... def align(obj:PyOpenSCAD, refmat:list[float], objmat:list[float]) -> PyOpenSCAD: """Aligns an Object to another refmat: handle matrix of the reference object objmat: handle matrix of the new object """ ...