var memory = { canvas_2d: null, context_2d: null, canvas_3d: null, gl: null, lineRenderer: null, imgui: null, origin: { r: null, g: null, b: null }, lines: { yellow: null, cyan: null, magenta: null, gray: null }, circles: { thin: null, thick: null, }, q1: null, q2: null, t: 0.66 } const cam_position = [4, 1, 2] const cam_target = [0, 0, 0] function Init() { memory.canvas_2d = document.getElementById('polar_2d_canvas'); if (memory.canvas_2d && memory.canvas_2d.getContext) { memory.context_2d = memory.canvas_2d.getContext('2d'); memory.imgui = IM_Init(memory.canvas_2d, memory.context_2d); } memory.canvas_3d = document.getElementById('polar_3d_canvas'); if (memory.canvas_3d && memory.canvas_3d.getContext) { = memory.canvas_3d.getContext("webgl"); if (! { alert("Can't initialize Web GL!\nWon't be able to render examples.") } else { / 255.0, 34.0 / 255.0, 34.0 / 255.0,1);;;;;; memory.lineRenderer = LR_Init(; memory.origin.r = LR_MakeLine(memory.lineRenderer, [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], "segment", 2); memory.origin.g = LR_MakeLine(memory.lineRenderer, [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], "segment", 2); memory.origin.b = LR_MakeLine(memory.lineRenderer, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], "segment", 2); memory.lines.yellow = LR_MakeLine(memory.lineRenderer, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "segment", 3); memory.lines.cyan = LR_MakeLine(memory.lineRenderer, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "segment", 3); memory.lines.magenta = LR_MakeLine(memory.lineRenderer, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "segment", 3); memory.lines.gray = LR_MakeLine(memory.lineRenderer, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "strip", 3); var diskArray = [] diskArray = diskArray.concat(MakeDiskArray([1, 0, 0], 2.0, null, [330, 360], 2)) diskArray = diskArray.concat(MakeDiskArray([1, 0, 0], 2.0, null, [0, 200], 2)) memory.circles.thin = LR_MakeLine(memory.lineRenderer, diskArray, "line", 1); memory.circles.thick = LR_MakeLine(memory.lineRenderer, MakeDiskArray([1, 0, 0], 2.0, null, [200, 330]), "strip", 4); } } // Disable depth? memory.q1 = Q_AngleAxis(-30, [1, 0, 0]); memory.q2 = Q_AngleAxis(-160, [1, 0, 0]); DrawEverything(); } function Draw2D(im) { im.idGen = 1 const w = im.canvas.width const h = im.canvas.height IM_Rect(im, [34.0/255.0, 34.0 / 255.0, 34.0 / 255.0], [0, 0, w, h]) /*if (IM_Button(im, "Button", [5, 5])) { console.log("Button clicked!"); } scroll = IM_Scrollbar(im, scroll, [100, 20]) check = IM_Checkbox(im, check, [10, 50])*/ var oldT = memory.t memory.t = IM_Scrollbar(im, memory.t, [10, 5]) IM_Label(im, "t: " + memory.t.toFixed(4), [170.0 / 255.0, 170.0 / 255.0, 170.0 / 255.0], [370, 9]) if (oldT != memory.t) { const gl =; const viewMatrix = LookAt(cam_position, cam_target, [0, 1, 0]); const projectionMatrix = PerspectiveMatrix(60, 0.1, 500, memory.canvas_3d.width / memory.canvas_3d.height); Draw3D(gl, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix); } } function Draw3D(gl, view, proj) { const v = 0.7 gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); LR_DrawLine(memory.origin.r, view, proj, [v, 0, 0]); LR_DrawLine(memory.origin.g, view, proj, [0, v, 0]); LR_DrawLine(memory.origin.b, view, proj, [0, 0, v]); LR_DrawLine(memory.circles.thin, view, proj, [0, v, v]) LR_DrawLine(memory.circles.thick, view, proj, [0, v, v]) var vec1 = V3_Scale(Q_Mul_V3(memory.q1, [0, 0, 1]), 2); var vec2 = V3_Scale(Q_Mul_V3(memory.q2, [0, 0, 1]), 2); var t = 1 - memory.t var nlerp_vec = V3_Scale(Q_Mul_V3(Nlerp(memory.q1, memory.q2, t), [0, 0, 1]), 2); var slerp_vec = V3_Scale(Q_Mul_V3(Slerp(memory.q1, memory.q2, t), [0, 0, 1]), 2); LR_UpdateLine(memory.lines.gray, [vec1[0], vec1[1], vec1[2], 0, 0, 0, vec2[0], vec2[1], vec2[2]]); LR_UpdateLine(memory.lines.yellow, [0, 0, 0, nlerp_vec[0], nlerp_vec[1], nlerp_vec[2]]); LR_UpdateLine(memory.lines.magenta, [0, 0, 0, slerp_vec[0], slerp_vec[1], slerp_vec[2]]); LR_DrawLine(memory.lines.gray, view, proj, [v, v, v]) LR_DrawLine(memory.lines.yellow, view, proj, [v, v, 0]) LR_DrawLine(memory.lines.magenta, view, proj, [v, 0, v]) } function DrawEverything() { const gl =; const viewMatrix = LookAt(cam_position, cam_target, [0, 1, 0]); //const projectionMatrix = PerspectiveMatrix(60, 0.1, 500, memory.canvas_3d.clientWidth / memory.canvas_3d.clientHeight); const projectionMatrix = PerspectiveMatrix(60, 0.1, 500, memory.canvas_3d.width / memory.canvas_3d.height); Draw2D(memory.imgui); Draw3D(gl, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix); } function PerspectiveMatrix(fov, zNear, zFar, aspect) { const tanHalfFov = Math.tan((fov * 0.5) * 0.0174533); const fovY = 1.0 / tanHalfFov; const fovX = fovY / aspect; const _33 = -(zFar / (zFar - zNear)) const _43 = -((zFar * zNear) / (zFar - zNear)); const result = [ fovX, 0, 0, 0, 0, fovY, 0, 0, 0, 0, _33, -1, 0, 0, _43, 0 ]; return result; } function LookAt(eye, at, up) { const zAxis = V3_Normalize([ eye[0] - at[0], eye[1] - at[1], eye[2] - at[2] ]); const xAxis = V3_Normalize(V3_Cross(zAxis, up)); const yAxis = V3_Cross(xAxis, zAxis); const result = [ xAxis[0], yAxis[0], zAxis[0], 0, xAxis[1], yAxis[1], zAxis[1], 0, xAxis[2], yAxis[2], zAxis[2], 0, -(xAxis[0] * eye[0] + xAxis[1] * eye[1] + xAxis[2] * eye[2]), -(yAxis[0] * eye[0] + yAxis[1] * eye[1] + yAxis[2] * eye[2]), -(zAxis[0] * eye[0] + zAxis[1] * eye[1] + zAxis[2] * eye[2]), 1 ]; return result; } function MakeDiskArray(normal, radius, centerPoint, ranges, stride) { var point = centerPoint if (typeof centerPoint == "undefined" || centerPoint == null) { point = [0, 0, 0] } if (typeof ranges == "undefined" || ranges == null) { ranges = [] } if (typeof stride == "undefined" || stride == null) { stride = 0 } for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i += 2) { if (i + 1 >= ranges.length) { break; } if (ranges[i] > ranges[i + 1]) { var temp = ranges[i + 1] ranges[i + 1] = ranges[i] ranges[i] = temp } if (ranges[i] < 0) { ranges[i] = 0; } if (ranges[i + 1] > 360) { ranges[i + 1] = 360; } } const verts = []; normal = V3_Normalize(normal); const zero = [0, 0, 0] var perp = V3_Cross(normal, [0, 1, 0]) if (V3_Equals(perp, zero)) { perp = V3_Cross(normal, [0, 0, 1]) if (V3_Equals(perp, zero)) { perp = V3_Cross(normal, [1, 0, 0]) } } var forward = V3_Cross(V3_Normalize(perp), normal) var right = V3_Cross(normal, forward); var v = right; var k = V3_Normalize(normal) for (var i = 0; i < 361; ++i) { //for (var i = 361; i >= 0; --i) { if (ranges != null && ranges.length > 0) { var continueOuterLoop = true; for (var j = 0; j < ranges.length; j += 2) { const min = ranges[j]; if (j + 1 >= ranges.length) { break; } const max = ranges[j + 1] if (i >= min && i <= max) { continueOuterLoop = false; } } if (continueOuterLoop) { continue; } } if (i % stride == 0) { continue; } var cos = Math.cos(i * 0.0174533) var sin = Math.sin(i * 0.0174533) // v' = (1 - cos)(v dot n)n + cos v + sin(n cross v) const p1 = V3_Scale(k, V3_Dot(k, v) * (1.0 - cos)) const p2 = V3_Scale(v, cos) const p3 = V3_Scale(V3_Cross(k, v), sin) var vprime = V3_Add( V3_Add( p1, p2 ), p3 ); vprime = V3_Scale(V3_Normalize(vprime), radius) verts.push(point[0] + vprime[0]) verts.push(point[1] + vprime[1]) verts.push(point[2] + vprime[2]); } return verts; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Math ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function V3_MagnitudeSq(quat) { return quat[0] * quat[0] + quat[1] * quat[1] + quat[2] * quat[2]; } function V3_Normalize(quat) { const lengthSq = quat[0] * quat[0] + quat[1] * quat[1] + quat[2] * quat[2]; const length = Math.sqrt(lengthSq); const invLength = 1.0 / length; return [ quat[0] * invLength, quat[1] * invLength, quat[2] * invLength, ] } function Q_AngleAxis(degreesNum, axisVec3) { const radians = degreesNum * 0.0174533; const axis = V3_Normalize(axisVec3); const halfCos = Math.cos(radians * 0.5); const halfSin = Math.sin(radians * 0.5); return [ axis[0] * halfSin, axis[1] * halfSin, axis[2] * halfSin, halfCos ]; } function Q_Add(leftQuat, rightQuat) { return [ leftQuat[0] + rightQuat[0], leftQuat[1] + rightQuat[1], leftQuat[2] + rightQuat[2], leftQuat[3] + rightQuat[3] ] } function Q_Sub(leftQuat, rightQuat) { return [ leftQuat[0] - rightQuat[0], leftQuat[1] - rightQuat[1], leftQuat[2] - rightQuat[2], leftQuat[3] - rightQuat[3] ] } function Q_Scale(quat, numFloat) { return [ quat[0] * numFloat, quat[1] * numFloat, quat[2] * numFloat, quat[3] * numFloat ] } function Q_Normalize(quat) { const lengthSq = quat[0] * quat[0] + quat[1] * quat[1] + quat[2] * quat[2] + quat[3] * quat[3]; const length = Math.sqrt(lengthSq); const invLength = 1.0 / length; return [ quat[0] * invLength, quat[1] * invLength, quat[2] * invLength, quat[3] * invLength ] } function Q_Dot(a, b) { return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2] + a[3] * b[3]; } function Q_Mul_Q(a, b) { const aw = a[3] const ax = a[0] const ay = a[1] const az = a[2] const bw = b[3] const bx = b[0] const by = b[1] const bz = b[2] return [ aw * bx + ax * bw + ay * bz - az * by, aw * by + ay * bw + az * bx - ax * bz, aw * bz + az * bw + ax * by - ay * bx, aw * bw - ax * bx - ay * by - az * bz ]; } function Q_GetAngleDegrees(q) { return 2.0 * Math.acos(q[3]) * 57.2958; } function Q_GetAngleRadians(q) { return 2.0 * Math.acos(q[3]); } function Q_GetAxis(inQuaternion) { return V3_Normalize([ inQuaternion[0], inQuaternion[1], inQuaternion[2] ]) } function UE4_FloatSelect(Comparand, ValueGEZero, ValueLTZero ) { return Comparand >= 0 ? ValueGEZero : ValueLTZero; } function UE4_Slerp(Quat1, Quat2, Slerp) { // Get cosine of angle between quats. const RawCosom = Quat1[0] * Quat2[0] + Quat1[1] * Quat2[1] + Quat1[2] * Quat2[2] + Quat1[3] * Quat2[3]; // Unaligned quats - compensate, results in taking shorter route. const Cosom = UE4_FloatSelect( RawCosom, RawCosom, -RawCosom ); var Scale0 = null; var Scale1 = null; if( Cosom < 0.9999 ) { const Omega = Math.acos(Cosom); const InvSin = 1.0/Math.sin(Omega); Scale0 = Math.sin( (1.0 - Slerp) * Omega ) * InvSin; Scale1 = Math.sin( Slerp * Omega ) * InvSin; } else { // Use linear interpolation. Scale0 = 1.0 - Slerp; Scale1 = Slerp; console.log("UE4 fallback to lerp: " + Cosom.toFixed(8)); } // In keeping with our flipped Cosom: Scale1 = UE4_FloatSelect( RawCosom, Scale1, -Scale1 ); return Q_Normalize([ Scale0 * Quat1[0] + Scale1 * Quat2[0], Scale0 * Quat1[1] + Scale1 * Quat2[1], Scale0 * Quat1[2] + Scale1 * Quat2[2], Scale0 * Quat1[3] + Scale1 * Quat2[3], ]) } function Q_Pow(inputQuaternion, powerNum) { var axis = V3_Normalize([ inputQuaternion[0], inputQuaternion[1], inputQuaternion[2] ]); const radians = 2.0 * Math.acos(inputQuaternion[3]); const halfCos = Math.cos((powerNum * radians) * 0.5); const halfSin = Math.sin((powerNum * radians) * 0.5); return [ axis[0] * halfSin, axis[1] * halfSin, axis[2] * halfSin, halfCos ]; } function Q_Inv(q) { return [ -q[0], -q[1], -q[2], q[3] ] } function V3_Negate(v3) { return [ v3[0] * -1.0, v3[1] * -1.0, v3[2] * -1.0 ] } function Q_FromTo(fromVec3, toVec3) { fromVec3 = V3_Normalize(fromVec3); toVec3 = V3_Normalize(toVec3); if (V3_Equals(fromVec3, V3_Negate(toVec3))) { // If from == -to var mostOrthogonal = [1, 0, 0]; if (Math.abs(fromVec3[1]) < Math.abs(fromVec3[0])) { mostOrthogonal = [0, 1, 0]; } if (Math.abs(fromVec3[2]) < Math.abs(fromVec3[1]) && Math.abs(fromVec3[2]) < Math.abs(fromVec3[0])) { mostOrthogonal = [0, 0, 1] } console.log("Most orthogonal: (" + mostOrthogonal[0].toFixed(2) + ", " + mostOrthogonal[1].toFixed(2) + ", " + mostOrthogonal[2].toFixed(2) + ")"); const axis = V3_Normalize(V3_Cross(fromVec3, mostOrthogonal)); return [ axis[0], axis[1], axis[2], 0 ]; } var half = V3_Add(fromVec3, toVec3); half = V3_Normalize(half); const axis = V3_Cross(fromVec3, half); if (Math.abs(V3_MagnitudeSq(axis)) < 0.0001) { console.log("Axis has no magnitude"); } return [ axis[0], axis[1], axis[2], V3_Dot(fromVec3, half) ] } function f(a) { return Number(a).toFixed(5) } function Q_Equals(leftQuat, rightQuat) { const epsilonFloatOptional = 0.0001; const l1 = Math.abs(leftQuat[0] - rightQuat[0]) <= epsilonFloatOptional const l2 = Math.abs(leftQuat[1] - rightQuat[1]) <= epsilonFloatOptional const l3 = Math.abs(leftQuat[2] - rightQuat[2]) <= epsilonFloatOptional const l4 = Math.abs(leftQuat[3] - rightQuat[3]) <= epsilonFloatOptional const r1 = Math.abs(leftQuat[0] + rightQuat[0]) <= epsilonFloatOptional const r2 = Math.abs(leftQuat[1] + rightQuat[1]) <= epsilonFloatOptional const r3 = Math.abs(leftQuat[2] + rightQuat[2]) <= epsilonFloatOptional const r4 = Math.abs(leftQuat[3] + rightQuat[3]) <= epsilonFloatOptional const left = l1 && l2 && l3 && l4 const right = r1 && r2 && r3 && r4 const result = left || right return result } function V3_Equals(leftQuat, rightQuat) { const epsilonFloatOptional = 0.0001; const l1 = Math.abs(leftQuat[0] - rightQuat[0]) <= epsilonFloatOptional const l2 = Math.abs(leftQuat[1] - rightQuat[1]) <= epsilonFloatOptional const l3 = Math.abs(leftQuat[2] - rightQuat[2]) <= epsilonFloatOptional const r1 = Math.abs(leftQuat[0] + rightQuat[0]) <= epsilonFloatOptional const r2 = Math.abs(leftQuat[1] + rightQuat[1]) <= epsilonFloatOptional const r3 = Math.abs(leftQuat[2] + rightQuat[2]) <= epsilonFloatOptional const left = l1 && l2 && l3 const right = r1 && r2 && r3 const result = left || right return result } function V3_Add(v1, v2) { return [ v1[0] + v2[0], v1[1] + v2[1], v1[2] + v2[2] ] } function V3_Dot(v1, v2) { return v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1] + v1[2] * v2[2]; } function V3_Scale(v, s) { return [ v[0] * s, v[1] * s, v[2] * s ] } function V3_Cross(v1, v2) { const result = [ v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1], v1[2] * v2[0] - v1[0] * v2[2], v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0] ]; return result; } function Q_Mul_V3(quaternion, vector3) { const qVector = [quaternion[0], quaternion[1], quaternion[2]]; const qScalar = quaternion[3]; return V3_Add( V3_Add( V3_Scale(qVector, 2.0 * V3_Dot(qVector, vector3)), V3_Scale(vector3, (qScalar * qScalar) - V3_Dot(qVector, qVector)) ), V3_Scale(V3_Cross(qVector, vector3), 2.0 * qScalar) ); } function Q_ToStr(quat, precision) { if (typeof precision == undefined || precision == null) { precision = 5 } return "(" + quat[3].toFixed(precision) + ", (" + quat[0].toFixed(precision) + ", " + quat[1].toFixed(precision) + ", " + quat[2].toFixed(precision) + ")"; } // ((b * a^-1)^t * a function Slerp(q1, q2, t) { const reference = UE4_Slerp(q1, q2, t); var dot = Q_Dot(q1, q2); if (dot < 0) { q2 = Q_Scale(q2, -1) } const slerp = Q_Mul_Q(Q_Pow(Q_Mul_Q(q2, Q_Inv(q1)), t), q1) if (!Q_Equals(reference, slerp)) { console.log("slerp deviated from reference implementation"); } return slerp; } // a + (b - a) * t function Nlerp(a, b, t) { const dot = Q_Dot(a, b); if (dot < 0.0) { //console.log("Nlerp: dot < 0"); b = Q_Scale(b, -1); } const r1 = Q_Add(a, Q_Scale(Q_Sub(b, a), t)); const r2 = Q_Normalize(r1); return r2; } // a * (1 - t) + b * t function Nlerp_mix(a, b, t) { const dot = Q_Dot(a, b); const r3 = Q_Add(Q_Scale(a, 1.0 - t), Q_Scale(b, dot < 0.0? -t : t)); const r4 = Q_Normalize(r3); return r4; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Line Renderer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function LR_Init(gl) { var lineRendererObject = { shader: null, gl: null } = gl; // Setup vertex Shader const vSource = ` precision highp float; attribute vec3 position; uniform mat4 modelMatrix; uniform mat4 viewMatrix; uniform mat4 projectionMatrix; uniform vec4 renderColor; varying vec4 color; void main() { color = renderColor; gl_Position = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix * vec4(position, 1); } `; const vertex = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER); gl.shaderSource(vertex, vSource); gl.compileShader(vertex); if (!gl.getShaderParameter(vertex, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) { alert("Can't compile vertex shader: " + gl.getShaderInfoLog(vertex)); gl.deleteShader(vertex); return null; } // Setup fragment shader const fSource = ` precision highp float; varying vec4 color; void main() { gl_FragColor = color; } `; const fragment = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER); gl.shaderSource(fragment, fSource); gl.compileShader(fragment); if (!gl.getShaderParameter(fragment, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) { alert("Can't compile fragment shader: " + gl.getShaderInfoLog(fragment)); gl.deleteShader(fragment); return null; } // Setup actual program const program = gl.createProgram(); gl.attachShader(program, vertex); gl.attachShader(program, fragment); gl.linkProgram(program); gl.deleteShader(vertex); gl.deleteShader(fragment); if (!gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS)) { alert("Can't link the shader: " + gl.getProgramInfoLog(program)); return null; } lineRendererObject.shader = { id : program, attribs : { position: gl.getAttribLocation(program, "position") }, uniforms : { model: gl.getUniformLocation(program, "modelMatrix"), view: gl.getUniformLocation(program, "viewMatrix"), projection: gl.getUniformLocation(program, "projectionMatrix"), color: gl.getUniformLocation(program, "renderColor") } }; const error = gl.getError(); if (error != gl.NO_ERROR) { console.log("gl error initializing line renderer: " + error); } return lineRendererObject; } function LR_MakeLine(lineRenderer, lineArray, mode, width) { if (typeof mode == "undefined" || mode == null) { mode = "strip" } const gl =; var arrayBuffer = gl.createBuffer(); gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, arrayBuffer); var lineObject = { bufferId: arrayBuffer, count: lineArray.length / 3, numComponents: 3, type: gl.FLOAT, stride: 0, offset: 0, renderer: lineRenderer, lineMode: mode, lineWidth: width } LR_UpdateLine(lineObject, lineArray, mode, width); const error = gl.getError(); if (error != gl.NO_ERROR) { console.log("gl error making line: " + error); } return lineObject; } function LR_UpdateLine(lineObject, lineArray, mode, width) { if (typeof lineObject == "undefined" || lineObject == null) { console.log("Could not find line object"); } else if (typeof lineObject.renderer == "undefined" || lineObject.renderer == null) { console.log("Could not find line renderer"); } const gl =; gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, lineObject.bufferId); lineObject.count = lineArray.length / 3; if (typeof mode != "undefined" && mode != null) { lineObject.lineMode = mode; } if (typeof width != "undefined" && width == null) { lineObject.lineWidth = width } gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(lineArray), gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW); const error = gl.getError(); if (error != gl.NO_ERROR) { console.log("gl error updating line: " + error); } } function LR_DrawLine(lineObject, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, color) { if (typeof color == "undefined" || color == null) { color = {r:0,g:0,b:0} } else if (Array.isArray(color)) { color = {r:color[0],g:color[1],b:color[2]} } if (typeof lineObject == "undefined" || lineObject == null) { console.log("Could not find line object"); } else if (typeof lineObject.renderer == "undefined" || lineObject.renderer == null) { console.log("Could not find line renderer"); } const gl =; const shader = lineObject.renderer.shader; const modelMatrix = [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ] gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, lineObject.bufferId); gl.vertexAttribPointer(shader.attribs.position, lineObject.numComponents, lineObject.type, false, lineObject.stride, lineObject.offset); gl.enableVertexAttribArray(shader.attribs.position); gl.useProgram(; gl.uniformMatrix4fv(shader.uniforms.projection, false, projectionMatrix); gl.uniformMatrix4fv(shader.uniforms.view, false, viewMatrix); gl.uniformMatrix4fv(shader.uniforms.model, false, modelMatrix); gl.uniform4f(shader.uniforms.color, color.r, color.g, color.b, 1.0); gl.lineWidth(lineObject.lineWidth); const offset = 0; var mode = gl.LINE_STRIP; if (lineObject.lineMode == "loop" || lineObject.lineMode == "looping") { mode = gl.LINE_LOOP; } else if (lineObject.lineMode == "line" || lineObject.lineMode == "lines" || lineObject.lineMode == "segment" || lineObject.lineMode == "single") { mode = gl.LINES; } gl.drawArrays(mode, offset, lineObject.count ) const error = gl.getError(); if (error != gl.NO_ERROR) { console.log("gl error drawing line: " + error); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMGUI ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function IM_Init(canvas2D, context2D) { canvas2D.addEventListener('mousemove', IM_MouseMove, false); canvas2D.addEventListener('mousedown', IM_MouseDown, false); canvas2D.addEventListener('mouseup', IM_MouseUp, false); canvas2D.addEventListener('mouseleave', IM_MouseLeave, false); canvas2D.addEventListener('mouseenter', IM_MouseEnter, false); context2D.font = '24px serif'; const height = IM_FindTextHeight(context2D, 0, 0, 50, 50); //console.log("Line height: " + height); return { canvas: canvas2D, surface: context2D, mouseX: -1, mouseY: -1, mouseLeft: false, mouseWasDownWhenLeft: false, mouseDown: 0, hotItem: 0, activeItem: 0, idGen: 0, lineHeight: height } } function IM_FindTextHeight(ctx, left, top, width, height) { ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'; ctx.fillRect(left, top, left + width, top + height); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'; ctx.fillText('gM', left + 1, top + height / 2); //ctx.fillText('M', left + 1, top + height / 2); var data = ctx.getImageData(left, top, width, height).data; var first = 50; var last = 0; for (var r = 0; r < height; r++) { for(var c = 0; c < width; c++) { const index = r * width * 4 + c * 4 const test = data[index] if(test != 255) { if (r > last) { last = r; } if (r < first) { first = r; } } } } if (first > last) { console.log("Could not find line height"); return 0; } return last - first; } function IM_MouseInRegion(im, x, y, w, h) { return ( im.mouseX >= x && im.mouseY >= y && im.mouseX <= x + w && im.mouseY <= y + h ) } function IM_PreMouseEvent(evt) { var im = memory.imgui; // TODO: This needs to change! const w = im.canvas.width const h = im.canvas.height const rect = im.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); im.mouseX = (evt.clientX - rect.left) / ((rect.right - rect.left) / w) im.mouseY = (evt.clientY - / ((rect.bottom - / h) im.hotItem = 0; return im; } function IM_PostMouseEvent(im) { if (!im.mouseDown) { im.activeItem = 0 } else { if (im.activeItem == 0) { im.activeItem = -1 } } } function IM_MouseMove(evt) { var im = IM_PreMouseEvent(evt); Draw2D(im); IM_PostMouseEvent(im); } function IM_MouseDown(evt) { var im = IM_PreMouseEvent(evt); im.mouseDown = true Draw2D(im); IM_PostMouseEvent(im); } function IM_MouseUp(evt) { var im = IM_PreMouseEvent(evt); im.mouseDown = false Draw2D(im); IM_PostMouseEvent(im); Draw2D(im); } function IM_MouseLeave(evt) { var im = IM_PreMouseEvent(evt); im.mouseLeft = true; im.mouseWasDownWhenLeft = evt.buttons == 1 } function IM_MouseEnter(evt) { var im = IM_PreMouseEvent(evt); var mouseIsDown = evt.buttons == 1 if (mouseIsDown) { if (im.mouseLeft && im.mouseWasDownWhenLeft) { // Cool, we're int he right state, do nothing } else { im.hotItem = 0 im.activeItem = -1 IM_MouseUp(evt); } } else { im.hotItem = 0 im.activeItem = -1 im.mouseDown = false IM_MouseUp(evt); } im.mouseLeft = false; im.mouseWasDownWhenLeft = false; } function IM_Rect(context, color, rect) { if (typeof color == "undefined" || color == null) { color = {r:0,g:0,b:0} } else if (Array.isArray(color)) { color = {r:color[0],g:color[1],b:color[2]} } var x = 0; var y = 0; var w = 0; var h = 0; if (typeof rect == "undefined" || rect == null) { x = 0; y = 0; w = 50; h = 50; } else if (Array.isArray(rect)) { x = rect[0]; y = rect[1]; w = rect[2]; h = rect[3] } else { x = rect.x; y = rect.y; w = rect.w; h = rect.h; } color.r = Math.round(color.r * 255); color.g = Math.round(color.g * 255); color.b = Math.round(color.b * 255); if (color.r > 255) { color.r = 255 } if (color.g > 255) { color.g = 255 } if (color.b > 255) { color.b = 255 } if (color.r < 0) { color.r = 0 } if (color.g < 0) { color.g = 0 } if (color.b < 0) { color.b = 0 } context.surface.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + color.r + ', ' + color.g + ', ' + color.b + ')'; context.surface.fillRect(x, y, w, h); } function IM_Label(context, val, color, point) { var x = 0; var y = 0; if (typeof point == "undefined" || point == null) { x = 0; y = 0; } else if (Array.isArray(point)) { x = point[0]; y = point[1]; } else { x = point.x; y = point.y; } if (typeof color == "undefined" || color == null) { color = {r:0,g:0,b:0} } else if (Array.isArray(color)) { color = {r:color[0],g:color[1],b:color[2]} } color.r = Math.round(color.r * 255); color.g = Math.round(color.g * 255); color.b = Math.round(color.b * 255); if (color.r > 255) { color.r = 255 } if (color.g > 255) { color.g = 255 } if (color.b > 255) { color.b = 255 } if (color.r < 0) { color.r = 0 } if (color.g < 0) { color.g = 0 } if (color.b < 0) { color.b = 0 } context.surface.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + color.r + ', ' + color.g + ', ' + color.b + ')'; context.surface.fillText(val, x, y + context.lineHeight); } function IM_Button(context, text, rect) { const id = context.idGen++ var x = 0; var y = 0; var w = 0; var h = 0; if (typeof rect == "undefined" || rect == null) { x = 0; y = 0; w = 50; h = 50; if (typeof text != "undefined" && text != null) { w = context.surface.measureText(text).width + 10; h = context.lineHeight + 10 } } else if (Array.isArray(rect)) { x = rect[0]; y = rect[1]; if (rect.length == 2) { if (typeof text != "undefined" && text != null) { w = context.surface.measureText(text).width + 10; h = context.lineHeight + 10 } else { w = 50 h = 50 } } else { w = rect[2]; h = rect[3] } } else { x = rect.x; y = rect.y; w = rect.w; h = rect.h; } if (IM_MouseInRegion(context, x, y, w, h)) { context.hotItem = id if (context.activeItem == 0 && context.mouseDown) { context.activeItem = id } } var rectColor = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] var textColor = [0.3, 0.3, 0.3] if (context.hotItem == id) { if (context.activeItem == id) { // Button is both 'hot' and 'active' rectColor = [0.9, 0.9, 0.9]; } else { // Button is merely 'hot' rectColor = [0.7, 0.7, 0.7]; } } //else { // button is not hot, but it may be active IM_Rect(context, [.2, .2, .2], [x, y, w, h]); x += 2; y += 2; w -= 4; h -= 4; IM_Rect(context, rectColor, [x, y, w, h]); if (typeof text != "undefined" && text != null) { x += 2; y += 1 IM_Label(context, text, textColor, [x, y]) } if (!context.mouseDown && context.hotItem == id && context.activeItem == id) { return true; } return false; } function IM_Scrollbar(context, val, rect) { const id = context.idGen++ var x = 0; var y = 0; var w = 0; var h = 0; if (typeof rect == "undefined" || rect == null) { x = 0; y = 0; w = 350; h = 30; } else if (Array.isArray(rect)) { if (rect.length == 2) { h = 30 w = 350 } else { w = rect[2]; h = rect[3] } x = rect[0]; y = rect[1]; } else { x = rect.x; y = rect.y; w = rect.w; h = rect.h; } if (IM_MouseInRegion(context, x, y, w, h)) { context.hotItem = id if (context.activeItem == 0 && context.mouseDown) { context.activeItem = id } } const centerY = (y + h / 2) var rectColor = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] var bgColor = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] if (context.hotItem == id) { if (context.activeItem == id) { // Button is both 'hot' and 'active' rectColor = [0.9, 0.9, 0.9]; bgColor = [0.6, 0.6, 0.6] } else { // Button is merely 'hot' rectColor = [0.7, 0.7, 0.7]; bgColor = [0.6, 0.6, 0.6] } } if (context.activeItem == id) { var mouseX = context.mouseX; if (mouseX < x) { mouseX = x; } if (mouseX > x + w) { mouseX = x + w; } val = (mouseX - x - 6) / (w - 10) } if (val < 0) { val = 0 } if (val > 1) { val = 1 } IM_Rect(context, bgColor, [x, centerY - 3, w, 6]) const xOffset = val * (w - 10) IM_Rect(context, [0.2, 0.2, 0.2], [x + xOffset, y, 10, h]); IM_Rect(context, rectColor, [x + xOffset + 2, y + 2, 6, h - 4]); return val; } function IM_Checkbox(context, val, rect) { const id = context.idGen++ var x = 0; var y = 0; var w = 0; var h = 0; if (typeof rect == "undefined" || rect == null) { x = 0; y = 0; w = 30; h = 30; if (typeof text != "undefined" && text != null) { w = context.surface.measureText(text).width + 10; h = context.lineHeight + 10 } } else if (Array.isArray(rect)) { x = rect[0]; y = rect[1]; if (rect.length == 2) { w = 30 h = 30 } else { w = rect[2]; h = rect[3] } } else { x = rect.x; y = rect.y; w = rect.w; h = rect.h; } if (IM_MouseInRegion(context, x, y, w, h)) { context.hotItem = id if (context.activeItem == 0 && context.mouseDown) { context.activeItem = id } } var rectColor = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] var textColor = [0.3, 0.3, 0.3] var tickColor = [0,0,0] if (context.hotItem == id) { if (context.activeItem == id) { // Button is both 'hot' and 'active' rectColor = [0.9, 0.9, 0.9]; tickColor = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2]; } else { // Button is merely 'hot' rectColor = [0.7, 0.7, 0.7]; tickColor = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2]; } } //else { // button is not hot, but it may be active IM_Rect(context, [.2, .2, .2], [x, y, w, h]); IM_Rect(context, rectColor, [x + 2, y + 2, w - 4, h - 4]); if (!context.mouseDown && context.hotItem == id && context.activeItem == id) { val = !val } if (val) { IM_Rect(context, tickColor, [x + 6, y + 6, w - 12, h - 12]); } return val; }