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— Section numbers: 1. Programs, 2. System calls, 3. Library calls, 4. Special files, 5. File formats, 7. Miscellaneous, 8. System administration commands echo — Prints passed text. -n — Does not add newline at the end. -e — Enables interpretation of backslashed letters. xargs — Passes output from one command to arguments of another: `echo -a | xargs ls` -t — Echoes the command before executing it. -p — Echoes command and asks for confirmation before execution. -0 — Input items are separated by null character instead of space. tee — Sends output of a program to specified file and to standard output: ` | tee out_1.txt | ` /dev/tty — Sends output to terminal and to standard output expr — Evaluates passed expression. 1 + 1 — Prints `2`. bc — Evaluates input. It's basically a calculator, but also provides some control commands. echo 1 + 1 | bc — Prints `2`. echo "scale=5;3/4" | bc — Prints `.75000`. sh — Runs command interpreter (shell). Can run a script even if not executable. -c '' — Starts new non-interactive shell and reads commands from arguments instead of `stdin`. To append lines to system configuration file run: `sudo sh -c 'echo "" >> '` bash — Runs bash command interpreter (shell). -c — Reads commands from arguments instead of `stdin`. -n