#!/bin/bash # shellcheck source=/dev/null # Autoconfig for DuckDNS IPv4 & IPv6 Update Script v1.0.3 # By James Watt 2017-05-12 Updated 2021-06-08 # This script is intended for hosts with a public IPv6 address set -e # Paths baseDir=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" || exit; pwd -P) duck6conf="$HOME"/.duck6.conf # Probe IPv4 and IPv6 addresses read -r _ _ _ _ iface _ ipv4local <<<"$(ip r g | head -1)" ipv6addr=$(ip addr show dev "$iface" | sed -e's/^.*inet6 \([^ ]*\)\/.*$/\1/;t;d' | grep -v '^fd' | grep -v '^fe80' | head -1) # Does .duck6.conf exist? if [[ -f "$duck6conf" ]] ; then source "$duck6conf" else # Default IPv4 service: https://gtwy.net/ip/ # Alternate IPv4 service: https://api.ipify.org/?format=txt ipv4service="https://gtwy.net/ip/" # Questions printf "Autoconfigure script by James Watt for DuckDNS.\nThis script should be run on the computer hosting the services you would like publicly accessible.\n\nCheck https://www.duckdns.org/domains for domain and token\n\n" read -r -e -p "DuckDNS Subdomain (Do not include \".duckdns.org\"): " duckdomain read -r -e -p "DuckDNS Token (E.g. a7c4d0ad-114e-40ef-ba1d-d217904a50f2): " ducktoken if [[ "$ipv4local" =~ (^127\.)|(^10\.)|(^172\.1[6-9]\.)|(^172\.2[0-9]\.)|(^172\.3[0-1]\.)|(^192\.168\.) ]] ; then printf "\nWe are detecting a local IPv4 address: %s\nYou must provide an ip4service to lookup your public address.\nPress enter for default lookup service.\n" "$ipv4local" read -r -e -p "IPv4 Service [$ipv4service]: " Ripv4service ipv4service=${Ripv4service:-$ipv4service} else ipv4service="" fi fi # Get IPv4 Address if [[ -z $ipv4service ]] ; then ipv4addr=$ipv4local else ipv4addr=$(curl --ipv4 -s "${ipv4service}") fi # Display IPv4 printf "\nYour IPv4 has been detected as $ipv4addr\n" # Connect to DuckDNS printf "\nNow connecting to DuckDNS and publishing your IPv6 $ipv6addr" printf "\nFor domain $duckdomain.duckdns.org with token $ducktoken.\n\n" curl -s "https://www.duckdns.org/update?domains=$duckdomain&token=$ducktoken&ip=$ipv4addr&ipv6=$ipv6addr" # Write changes and create cronjob if [[ -f "$duck6conf" ]] ; then exit else printf "\n\nCheck https://www.duckdns.org/domains to ensure it updated with the correct info.\n\n" yesNo="Y" read -r -e -p "Did it update correctly? [Y/n]" RyesNo yesNo=${RyesNo:-$yesNo} if [[ "$yesNo" == "Y" || "$yesNo" == "y" || "$yesNo" == "yes" || "$yesNo" == "Yes" ]] ; then printf "\n 1. Writing changes to ~/duck6.conf." echo "#IPv6 for DuckDNS Config Script. You can make changes to this file." > "$duck6conf" { echo duckdomain=\""$duckdomain"\" echo ducktoken=\""$ducktoken"\" echo ipv4service=\""$ipv4service"\" } >> "$duck6conf" printf "\n 2. Copying this script to ~/duckdns6.sh" cp "$baseDir"/autoconf-duckdns6.sh "$HOME"/duckdns6.sh printf "\n 3. Setting up cronjob to run every 5 minutes" (crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "*/5 * * * * ~/duckdns6.sh >/dev/null 2>&1") | crontab - printf "\n\nConfiguration complete.\n" else printf "\n\nThis script will now exit. Please double check your settings and run ./autoconfig-duckdns6.sh again.\n\n" exit fi fi