Track the source commits here:

/** 14.2.3 / 02-Feb-2016 / 37c501bce15c3f884958c2c230dce5b3acdd6668 **/

95e63a9 fixes #728 and #718 by disabling unsupport cipher suites
9b31ce3 Merge pull request #735 from uxname/patch-1
05991a4 Added missing translation strings
765fe92 update to version name 14.2.2 code 1422001
940599b Merge pull request #733 from eighthave/master
63fe37d get keysync working again!
790f16c OtrFileConverter is called KeySync!
86eb67b update translations: ar bg bo ca cs da el es fa fi fr hu it ja nb pt ru sr tr zh
6415200 add new translation: mk Macedonian
7c16015 add more translation fixes and unified into a single script
441cddb fix NPE crash when setting background
b13a88d stop crashing if external storage is not available
28a8914 do not claim .ofcaes files, there is no handler hooked up
c66fc94 if import keystore fails, always show Toast
2c4a5ba Merge pull request #731 from eighthave/master
13c37e7 make "Shutdown & Lock" also clear from "Recent Apps"
9ae2dc7 after receiving panic trigger, quit and remove from history
c8bf278 fix crash on shutdown/lock with progress dialog
172c10b use string resource for "Chat Encryption" preference
4792376 Merge pull request #712 from kden/github-672-negative-xmpp-set
a2ec464 Merge pull request #730 from eighthave/master
66bfcbe Fixed bad comparisons for 'checkGroupElem' and 'checkExpon' basic verification methods for parameters in SMP.
758bbd7 use symlinks to provide alternate folders for Hebrew and Indonesian
20ce719 GitHub #672 Allowing setting negative XMPP priority
bdd8bca Merge pull request #706 from n8fr8/master
1cd4be5 Merge branch 'master' of
482daca fixes github issue #699 for multiple resend of postponed messages
1990815 ensure the locale is properly set for the app
03f5f89 handle errors thrown lower in the stack here
78c66f1 handle connection being null
f6be4d9 this is not used anymore
5606e08 no need to clear this
c1c18fe handle possible NPE
c21ce30 Merge branch 'master' of
5ca08b5 Merge pull request #698 from eighthave/master
b094091 make-release-build: disable faketime since it is problematic
4a83e97 update changelog for v14.2
6761575 Merge pull request #695 from eighthave/master
0fed76e improve regexps for linkifying and add bitcoin: for payments
1f4bb8e too many views in the account wizard

14.2.0 / 2015-07-13 / 67615753e0f87e09fa0aa3df1f6f8e0fc347c825

6761575 Merge pull request #695 from eighthave/master
0fed76e improve regexps for linkifying and add bitcoin: for payments
1f4bb8e too many views in the account wizard
b587ef6 this is now 14.2.0
9af9115 add support for auto lookup of proper MUC conference server host for user
167432b remove
dca3aab fixes #4679 making sure user set port is always used
f2a33aa fixes #4652 makes sure there are no NPE
47781b4 don't pull arrays from tx anymore, as we don't need it
b3dddb5 otr_options_values should not be localized as they are keys all strings for arrays moved to strings.xml
c2b2ef0 Merge pull request #693 from n8fr8/v14.2-more-bug-fixes
7a31686 Merge branch 'v14.2-more-bug-fixes' of into v14.2-more-bug-fixes
b32639e remove switch support
e51728f cleanup account view layout
334cc5b Merge pull request #684 from eighthave/master
d1e9bdc Merge pull request #683 from n8fr8/master
58abae2 make-release-build: use version from `git describe` in original name format
f31b57e include app description in the app manifest
d47ef09 fixes #677 on github: update asmack to address "sessionSupported" bug
d72d79b fixes #677 on github: update asmack to address "sessionSupported" bug
9f42ad9 Merge pull request #682 from n8fr8/v14.2-more-bug-fixes
0920091 simplify the refreshSessionPresence code by merging into login logic
c08ff61 merge updateNotification() into networkStateChange for simplicity
5484f43 final fixes to message postpone/re-send logic
75100c2 Merge pull request #681 from eighthave/some-small-fixes
ea91042 partial fix #2147 if OTR is set to require/force then don't send messages without OTR Also attempts to set messages to POSTPO
3df88f3 use to be sure
f5ce7fb Fix SMP for non-ASCII chars.
2ae6b02 fixes #5132 handles cases where there is no display name for some reason
93c4de0 feature: add support for image preview in conversation view
acb9bec fixes bug #2146 messages sent while offline stay in right place! previously, the sent time was being reset to -1 for offline/
ac1ae6f fixes #3256 removes debug code that caused crash
084f51e add new base art images
66f4918 multiple fixes to import from content:// URIs and image resizing Apps like CameraV share images and video direclty using cont
214e2ab reduce the size of the thumbnail cache
860d769 make it easy to get active sessions
467f628 only reconnect if suspended and then refresh presence of all open sessions
9ac0b37 fix NPE if notifyBuilder is not yet instanced
3121196 add new offline/disconnected icon
26e4974 update manifest types supported for picker
1b9aacd initial fixes to handle content:// URI files shared into ChatSecure
a7c72d9 Merge pull request #678 from n8fr8/bug-fix-network-state
767cb2a update notificaiton with proper intent
448a7b2 simplify, clean-up handling of network connectivity state and improve notifications
a8d8cf4 Merge pull request #676 from n8fr8/dev-14.2
250a689 make the message view properly load form a stream instead of just a file object
326fefe remove use of ugly background
635f0ca remove ugly background
790b164 update layout of avatars to make them slightly bigger 48dp
6fc9001 make round avatars a little bigger with a smaller border
fa01457 begin handling low memory states better
c5bf709 only load the full roster once (don't reload it on reconnect) this saves bandwidth, battery and memory
d696c98 never disconnect unless the user explicitly tells us to (always retry!)
9027951 reduce memory usage in half by reducing avatars in half!
55c5a4d resize images for sharing
4ac1c90 Merge pull request #652 from eighthave/release-build-tweaks
b858857 do not include BUILD.MF in debug APK, it breaks signature verification
aa36a32 make versionName match the signed release git tag
46444e1 include build metadata in release APK to help reproducibility
ce48ce2 use `git describe` to name APK file
575c684 make-release-build: include 'v' in release APK name, following convention
0407072 remove references to non-existant Activites

14.1.1-RC-5 / 2015-03-09 / abea2282eacc1975738bd643efa9e1e972eda149
83a06fe fix presence and add contact handling logic to smooth new user experience

14.1.1-RC-4 / 2015-03-08 / 126ba01d3e1966998d184e39d0c1bef7d549f11a

9c1ee62 Merge pull request #643 from n8fr8/bug_4650_remoteservice_crash
8d7cf8e fixes #4682 where presence from can somtimes be null
5f7086d tune Google OAuth setup and presence/avatar refresh
0cf3b1f don't use an avatar in the action/title bar
b6a314b empty space
a62c2d3 make sure there is an icon for the remove account menu
9e1c954 make status warning text smaller
6fbffb3 improve message status display
6520c27 allow all proper jabberid strings in account setup
e7be7cd Merge pull request #640 from n8fr8/bug_avatars_not_displayed
29a0f87 fix view profile menu option
9ec1b3b refresh presence when new session is created
e3a43e0 fixes #4653 chatmanager can be null, so make sure to check
479187c fixes #4652 roster might be null
3d964d7 fixes #4651 handle exception throwing from problems with ChatFileStore/VFS
daf181e fixes #4650 cacheword might be null
461e85e make sure avatars show up in chatview as well The nickname string was being used instead of the address/JID to lookup avatars
54af765 re-enables proper storage and retrieval of avatars

14.1.1-RC-3 / 2015-03-01 / 34deffd103b9a2dfcec32f5f4b934dbe049dd921

27ac3ba fixes bug with incorrect display of media transfer progress
39f01ea small final layout cleanups, menu tuning and related fixes
9c7ff10 handle NoSuchElement error happening due to poll(); peek() first!
2df2d14 fix audio playback, media rendering and remove errant tap logic

14.1.1-RC-1 / 2015-02-27 / 757c50144bf04975063031204250c0e755c2fef6

* MultiUser Chat / Group fixes
23454b2 fix creation of new ChatGroup/MUC sessions Previously, new chat instance was being inserted into IMPS when we created a new MU
6e66920 UI logic for handling group vs normal contact
a366cfd set provider default sort to unambigious column (_ID instead of name)
672becb read the contact type to properly determine if it is a groupchat
fe1c585 Fix handling of groupchat/MUC nickname storage and display

* Usability
b27841c make Tor bridge: links clickable always, whether on Tor or not
cee8a3a auto-resize images taken with embedded camera for quick transfer
3b762b4 make sure all desired accounts sign in on startup
9c99e50 create prompt screen if chat media store or SD card is missing
be2c6e2 Trigger message requery when file transfer is done Sometimes the message display doesn't update after you ahve received in an 
d263292 stop delete prompt after taking audio/pictures, just delete automatically

* OTR sessoon init fixes
2062b77 OtrEngine doesn't need to set the from - the XMPP Provider will do it

* Stability Improvements
bfaa660 improved logic for handling service restart/reinit
de92973 if VFS not mounted, redirect to WelcomeActivity for logic This can happen if user opens app from Notification and not from Lau
693bc29 an extra check to make sure mounted() before getting image
7a684a2 reconnect to cacheword on restart of Service after OS kills it
f9c606f Enable Service to response to CacheWord in case of restart/kills In some cases, on devices with low memory like my Moto E, the
11aa581 prevent NPE after ending a chat session
18508b3 purge old code structure that launches NewChatActivity for each account
a4ed775 prefer internal storage for ChatFileStore, unless there isn't enough space
424f931 rename IocVfs to ChatFileStore following what it does
db9c873 rename chat_screen_menu to new_chat_menu, its only used in NewChatActivity
a02f05e provide single method for "Shutdown & Lock"
26aca9b AccountWizardActivity: purge unused code to clarify "Shutdown & Exit" usage
3885625 there is only one VFS, so if its already mounted, nothing to do
69609ff rename IocVfs.dbFile to dbFilePath to distinguish it from the File instances
d011614 store the location of IOCipher media store so if its missing, prompt user
3d4c8c4 move all encrypted store password transformations to single method
d1d357f create IocVfs.initWithoutPassword(Context) for when no password is set
f092b41 unmount IOCipher container on "complete shutdown" to zero out stored keys
8520b14 support new IOCipher v0.3 API
db2405f switch to IOCipher v0.3

14.1.1-BETA-1 / 2015-02-24 / b938c5b0e7c424bc0be907b78bc38d3e1eb97125

* UI tweaks
415070e re-instate chat OTR state/drop-down menu
ad3367b make button panel scroll horizontally
bd0068f Revert "Only linkify when it is a text message and not media"
302904d last cleanup of groupchat dialog box
72fdb80 small clean-up of dropdown dialog for groupchat
cd82821 add new dark attachment icon for dark theme
b9ba9f4 use a ScrollView for Account Wizard screens to accomodate long translations
f57083f add new dark attachment icon for dark theme
53227fe move share/attach to bottom of the screen popup menu This declutters the actionbar, and matches more what other popular apps 
9cfcfa3 last cleanup of groupchat dialog box

* Feature fixes
02044de fix message address targeting for OTR setup Messages were being sent to wrong resource, and OTR init never occured
853af9e OTR code cleanup to remove still existing issues with encryption start

* Stability
5fb1ac4 fix crash if loader is working, then ChatSecure quits
1a3b695 launch all clicked links into a new Task

* Misc
7d6d558 explain why the SQLCipher libs are loaded at app start
3b2530c do not translate SharedPreferences key strings
6f10871 make-release-build: generate APK file name based on `git describe`
df3cc88 use correct classes and casts in LinkifyHelper
2391f76 small clean-up of dropdown dialog for groupchat
6f70426 make MUC chat work better and persist across app instances
0bbb908 Only linkify when it is a text message and not media Linkify code expects a Spannable which only exists if the message contai
8d5d2c3 purge dead code from MessageView
eddb171 add new translations

14.1.0-RC1 / 2015-01-06 / 863bfec7b0881395dbaec8937f999e0c9b0b9dd7

863bfec update translations
21d18af remove duplicate packet subscribe code
bd0c743 update to latest cacheword
f172551 reinstate contact object instance clearing on logout
7880bc0 this just clears objects from memory; it should be done
bc4bbaa query or insert new contact to ensure you don't create duplicates
cc5f8d8 don't add a contact if it already exists
5ecf862 don't load chats until connections are init'd also re-impl subscription dialog prompts properly
815a6ed simplify subscription prompt text
6bb7deb just show normal contact for now in contact picker - still looking into a way to show pending/subscribe notices here
c0ab354 clean up menu options for account and chat views
eddfd38 Merge branch 'master' of
6625a91 additional fixes for contact add, subscribe, presence interaction
d476883 multiple fixes for handling subscription request in UI
71d1c1d don't re-init timers if they already have been created
51eb8ea Merge pull request #621 from n8fr8/bug4461-normalizeusernames
74ccfdd fixes #4473 makes sure the roster is not null
bf6bae2 fixes #4472 makes sure connection, view are not null
6ee25fe fixes #4461 (and others) related to invalid username/jids This should solve cases where OTR does not init when a user creates 
d8ce28d include the 'v' before the version number in the release file name
063fa4b make-release-build: configure ant build after all conf files are in place
089aaa8 update cacheword to get build fixes
5c33aed make-release-build: always build the git tag that matches versionName
b9dcf37 automatically name ant release builds using versionName from AndroidManifest.xml
55be894 make-release-build: temp workaround for old cacheword that signs the jar
de8a9be update translations: ar bg bo ca cs de es_ES fa fi it nl pl sr tr

14.1.0-beta-2 / 2015-01-24 / b2fb94fa8c98b29ea922d864dff88968e57af7c1

6a69d43 fixes #4448 makes sure cursor is closed
975f1c3 fixes #4447 sometimes cursor is null if not init'd yet
b962e20 fixes #4437 - flag should be added, not set (which overrides NEW flag) the CLEAR flag must be used in conjunction with the NEW
63841f8 typo fix
6d96780 fixes #4441 - networkinfo or other network info could be null
68c532c fixes #4438 - presence might be null

14.1.0-beta-1 / 2015-01-21 / 424927dfa7778bc0a9a64a9202029f15bcb4255c

* Network
3992ac2 if remote connect is offline when you send message, refresh presence
2575942 ignore stale XMPP Connection instance, and re-init/login
f4dc7b4 Improves the connectivity monitoring listener accuracy

* Usability 
9b9412f ensuring message notifications are cleared when chat is displayed
905da53 let's not show a background in the account setup
5f78377 only single background image file needed, its dynamically resized
09e5efe don't automatically linkify in chat windows of accounts running on Tor
9256651 add custom URI scheme linkifying to handle geo:, xmpp:, etc.
41dfdd3 Ensure presence is updated all the way to the UI/View Also fix mismatches in int values for presence status types Small improv
01b3562 go back to main conversation list when chat is ended this fixes the issue with chat name/titles not properly updating on some 
9909501 remove profile menu if OTR is not init'd we need an active session/fingerprint for this to work
8db20d9 add horizontal progress bar for otr status
5a06cdd make sure avatars show up on medium screens
1cbe65d Merge pull request #598 from n8fr8/master

* Core Stability 
a38da81 Don't clear list/contacts data from memory on logout
20e262c Clearing data causes issues on network disconnect/reconnects We don't need to so aggressively clear data anymore, now that we 
31db61f remove unneeded duplicate contact cleanup code
6570d85 closes the settings cursor
c3d8532 cursor needs to be closed manually
eb76c46 Fix verify method : the 2 arrays compared were the same -> use this.xEncryptedMAC instead of xEncryptedMAC
d9e40c4 move Orbot market: link to donottranslate.xml
cf596a2 Merge pull request #607 from raphaelm/fix-build-scripts
baf7842 Adjust pom.xml version of asmack to the one actually included in the project
762651e Update to work correctly on current build tool versions
0b2926e simplify presence updating to make it more reliable
92f3ba1 don't clear presence table ever, and don't load offline contacts these were causing problems with presence table being incorre
5439b75 add ability to request an async presence refresh from roster
3ba2a8f avoid concurrent mode problem by using idx
c0cfa8d fix code for detecting OTR capable resource
f6f1a91 nothing changed
0a040b2 add new low-res versions of default background
a44e1ad Merge branch 'eighthave-fix-crashes-related-to-large-background-bitmap'
43e213a load background bitmaps in a custom AsyncTask
7806e7a remove drawables targeted at android < 9 since minSdk is 9

14.0.9 / 2014-12-15 / ac8027fe74409cf2afb2ad22e3a0e76118017ced

* Design and usability
2d811fd make lock, wizard screens user user background fix lookup of file path from returned URI of images
c6c1e4b add new default material images original images generated with Tapet app
831c7cc fixes #4277 and issue with blank frag after rotate
f899c96 update background image to material style
caba6fa sync up file layout with portrait version for easy comparing
98e7533 include languageButton in landscape layout
c0536d2 make Orbot install link a direct link to app in Google Play and F-Droid
a8a79ab update LetterAvatar to better match Gmail material style
a607d49 add round letter avatar for contact w/o image
5d86664 make start OTR menu the green/verified one
3f651c8 don't throw unhandled Exception if audio message is unplayable
6134d31 handle "opaque" xmpp: URIs from QR scan
51d7d3d in "New Account", only show Google option if there are Google accounts

* Core fixes
4536135 test whether pinned domains are working properly with the pins
e397110 remove defunct XMPP server from recommended list:
a2f7511 fix crash when setting presence to "not subscribed"
e5f42c1 fix crash when timer runs XmppConnection.handlePresenceChanged()
4942329 fix crash if logout during contacts list sync
d875409 fix NPE
e37adab purge defunct XMPP cert pin for, the main COMODO one covers this
1c6f772 fix crash if mProviders is reset while loading
22d0a8a fix crash when selecting "verify" from a chat
6ae9dfc CLOSE ALL THE THINGS! aka "Resource leak: 'foo' is never closed"
12b1545 when user selects "End chat", also send OTR FINISHED message
b79ffbc after creating a new account, automatically sign in
47bac15 make MessageView also guess the MIME type to display uploaded media
113a59d strip down inline Audio Player to make it more responsive
a62a32b send contacts that are shared to ChatSecure
a1ab729 standardize on IocVfs.isVfsUri(Uri) for testing VFS URLs
3c9702d show error message if shared URL is not understood
9fc3be5 make ChatSecure claim .ofcaes files that are opened in file managers
0227fe2 show error message if sharing data when all accounts are offline

* Tests!
6110556 port basic tests from robo-tests/ to an Android Test Project

14.0.8 / 2014-12-05 / c5e5c38d9ffda8a19addd5ee10ff88e980a62b7f

* Misc fixes
d9c1b2d only auto-start OTR if the other person is also using chatsecure
a2fcd17 added beautiful new background from trey ratcliff https://creativeco
aa5658c re-implemented keysync
af4b270 improve account setup screen with left/right swipe hint
6c6ad63 simplify connection creation code

* Improve support for locale/language switching
21e741c Merge branch 'xmpp-urls-and-languages' of into eighthave-xmpp-urls-and-languag
2a2e0e0 purge unused menu from WelcomeActivity
05ff8cb add button to first launch lock screen to change language
5893eb0 don't use android.R.string, it might not have Tibetan and others
a012cf4 ImApp.checkLocale() removed unused return value
75bd214 use system names for Languages preferences menu
bb130cb check status of pref.commit() otherwise just use pref.apply()
3111d91 remove empty translations so they don't show up in the languages list
16f1dbe ImApp.setNewLocale uses new setLocale() method on >= android-17
e2b3536 move all strings to resources so they can be translated

* Improve presence/contact list loading
7d8e2bf always load lists
383bd85 always reload lists even if previously loaded
da31c36 improve presence handling
00d84de clean up UI lists and contact views

* Standardize handler URI logic
40b50d0 receive clicked im: URLs (syntax defined in RFC3860)
a78ecc3 tweak displayed xmpp: URL to work on more apps and follow RFC5122
dd16cb3 handle all incoming xmpp: URIs using XmppUriHandler.parse()
0c566ec XmppUriHelper.parse() parses xmpp:, xmpp://, and xmpp:/// URLs

14.0.7 / 2014-11-13 / 9914be3aad11880bbeb7616934d6056e35957b03 

* Connection management improvements
366d895 ensure logout happens fast, and reload contacts on new add
87d016d check for state (disconnected) to ensure shutdown is complete
551394a removing these is causing dups and confusion just because it is disconnected doesn't mean we should remove
64aefd5 don't keep local instances of anything as they can get stale
d6abb8f new connection instances should override the old/stale ones
05c6985 InexactRepeating seems to be one source of delays and oddities Let's go back to "exact"!
2a86288 Fix Presence/Subscribe handling; Improve Message sending - presence subscribe(d) requests were being lost due to trying to rel
b2446dd always reload lists on logging to refresh presence state
905adaa add new state to Presence so we can support retry subscribe

* OTR encryption fixes
397ee80 send OTR "FINISHED" message to all OTR sessions on logout
0b9b591 OTRKeyMgr might be null if the user has not yet entered a passphrase

* User interface updates (Material!)
58de542 simplify lockscreen UI - we don't need a button
14c63c0 show 2 checks now for sent and delivered like WhatsApp
46ca027 fixing theme colors and other material tweaks
69b445c updates for new Material design and color schemes
9d13e05 target 21 now to ensure Material support on Android L
a9de17a updates to support appcompat v21 and new drawerlayout/toolbar removed external SlidingMenu dependency - only appcompat now
8ac9802 update to target android-21 to support Material
59a5ef5 update appcompat for latest SDK/Android-L
c343510 for lower-res devices hide the avatar icon in messages as it takes up too much space

14.0.6 / 2014-11-04 / 8f8771c16513b21c03387ccc835011fe755158ef

* Message sending and OTR init reliability 
5bfaa90 set a date to the internal Message instance
3912b95 setFrom() to full JID to address bug #3948
f604949 guarantee a unique XMPP Resource
89f0661 some optimizations for sha1 hashing on OTRData
cb30014 getAddress() should return the base address with resource The Presence is updated with the latest resource value, but the addr
80dfb94 remove SessionID.getSessionID(), it duplicates toString() and is misnamed
0a5b47d make sure a SessionID is created, even if LocalUser is null or empty
ef718b6 When SessionID object is used as key, make sure to be specific toString() doesn't always seem to produce the same results this
e8dd2ff set unique resource before initConnection()
02f71aa add a random tag to our default XMPP resource value if the user is still using our default "ChatSecure" resource, then we shou
2ac3187 fix for #3879 NPE in some otr init cases
e7854c7 SessionID instances must NOT be held anywhere, as they change a new SessionID can be created if the remote user /resource chan
45e1180 don't update remote sessions; if jabberid changes, create new session

* OTR keystore management
7c3897d make the save/persist code a bit more reliable

* Presence updating
944a47a make sure roster is not null when you tried to load presence
ce89fd2 load latest presence for all that request
18b2278 improve logic for presence handling and parsing
bd25922 fixes contact loading by using proper cursormanager/loadermanager fixes #3909
79b56b0 when new roster entries are added, make sure they are on the local list

* User interface
0220d72 ensures chat title is reset on end chat. fixes #555 on github.
1620509 add new alpha+mode sort as default for contact picking
0a31a5f on Sign In, put indeterminite, spinning progress meter in ActionBar
57a7f4f fixes #3909 by using proper CursorLoader/LoaderManager for contact list
17de5a6 update to support Tibetan font if Tibetan Keyboard is installed
a7c1b13 update to latest tibetantextlibrary
03852ec had two tap twice to open chat the first time (fixed!)
a5abb79 throttle and batch contact presence updates
7fbff76 improve groupchat user interface/setup

* Network management and security
7247581 include pins for self-signed/ for people who install those certs
0b6ce0a update pins to use the CA's certificates
0ccdbf2 fix reconnect try from heartbeat and tune retry/relogin code
a8cf348 slight fix for ciphers and method for setting ssl context
d7ad0d6 Merge branch 'crypto3' of into knoy-crypto3
b9ec7e3 Add TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 support
01d6fb6 New TLS ciphersuites

14.0.4 / 2014-09-24 / 0eccf0213403c74243056730d432b8d0b217b432
    update to 14.0.4

* Multiple fixes and improvements to OTR encryption session management
	commit a9053a91e1f751aab4a70a3131e8d618bf58d1c9 fixes for OTR sessionID handling
	commit 7b038a6fd3e1ab84c40989b2c280cacb256a2880 addt'l fixes for OTR error handling
	commit 40826a7c0ff86c52410c9e9af8e0743c7f38bff0 fix issues with OTR session error messages and refresh
    		as reported here:
	commit cea0b82b3c473a661780ff2cc806e0aa0860d771 more tuning of OTR session management and instantiating
	commit 3783b4ecf26b49ef992827eb8b08beea4ea020af allow updating of remote user id, if resource changes modify OTR session handling logging

* Solved an issue with using the wrong jabberid for local user (when servers appends random ID to it)
	commit cb87b14660e738f2ccd92febbca95207a38deed4 get the actual full JID from the server some servers append info to the resource

* Worked on problem related to resuming and maintaining network connections
	commit 66c1fb67ad6a3d8fa1aba97aedaaa806f9ee208b improving connectivity management and performance

14.0.1-14.0.3 / 2014-09-19 / 3fb5a43336f7fcc040de8157c070320381d731e0

* Ensured when you add a new contact it is updated in local list state
	e743f4a avoid NPE for uninit'd state and make sure to insert new contact
	cd2454e fix management of contactlist instances and adding new
	3e2d604 streamline add contact and add account user interface workflow

* Fixes for XMPP SASL Authentication
	dda8937 fixes in password management and Google OAuth Logic also improvements in reconnect logic to make it actually work
	4b544d9 fix a timeout issue on first login that was happening with Google Talk servers also if ping() fails, we should only maybe() re
	2a6b6c0 fix NPE bug with checking null password value ensure Google OAuth refresh all persists correctly

* Improvements to OTR session management
	ff0b645 another fix for otrdata handling
	364bb7e if a user accepts all transfers for session, make that work
	60fcae2 use the JID in the SessionID and don't append session resouce here it was causing addressing problems, and OTR was not init'in
	194d31f use the SessionID variable here since we have it
	8dd6b93 make the chunks smaller and the tolerance larger
	acb7b43 update the OTR policy setting
	dab9804 sessions are not tied to full jid, only username

* Fixed inability to login to app due to CacheWord library bug
	dc19140 update to cacheword with fix for parse() NPE

* Updated localizations / translation strings
	54568c7 big update to localizations from transifex

* Update SQLCipher and added back in x86 support
	2f74372 update binaries from SQLCipher v3.1 release
	9418d19 updated iocipher and added back in x86 support

* small changes to lockscreen layout and graphic; small layout tweaks for wizard slider
* add nickname support to groupchat/MUC dialog and methods
* fix bug with OAuth prioritization over PLAIN/MD5 Auth if Googel OAuth is not used, it should be marked unsupported

14.0.0-beta-2 / 2014-09-09 / d22207bae8ddc3f94ede1b9b9568592641cf7306
* OTR data sharing improved with progress display and export capability
* Add contacts can now be done via QR code and new xmpp:// "auto verify" URI
* Account info screen enables display of xmpp:// URI
* auto-start OTR chat when opened if auto/force is set
* fix for handling expiration of Google OAuth token
* update new tls 1.2 ciphers for API 20+ (4.4.4) only
* Update
* Updates to latet SQLCipher, IOCipher and Cacheword libraries
* 20% reducation in appsize, removal of unneeded dependencies (ActionBarSherlock)

14.0.0-alpha-1 / 2014-08-27 / 12c39dab38fb5458f01829bce2f9b659f7395647
* fixes for network suspend / resume
* fixes for sharing of files/media from external apps
* efficiency improvements for presence loading

13.2.0-beta-2 / 2014-08-13 / dd8d4f6fa091439f3e55217ee85a7f24e6145c6b

13.1.3-beta-4 / 2014-02-26 / 24a447d0ee0807b75a45a385b870f6f532328480

13.1.3-beta-3 / 2014-02-20 / 8bdd6cec55dad332c2e9a0e7458c56ad7893a770
* small fix for getting connection

13.1.2 / 2014-01-16 / 2b75704b68a7a36acaa438d7b2276bcffb34c116
* network improvements and UI tweaks

13.1.1 / 2014-01-15 / ff9bd3175768b25cfceb1b6aa474c7e24466a44f
* a few more small testing fixes

13.1.0 / 2014-01-15 / 81ba4c78013e98df3967bc7121e70a99e929a0d2
* contact nickname change
* major bug fixes

13.0.9 / 2014-01-10 / dabbdb08496f016d0081ad797fb83a901762f7df
* worked on issue #571 (nicknames)
* fixed fixes order of ops errors for exit/shutdown
* worked on account setup

13.0.8 / 2014-01-07 / 4364d6a9abb7ddf421335845e32a39f344fa21bd
* worked on contact zombies + proper exit / stop services

13.0.7 / 2013-12-20 / d9d6b839393d89e1d038cf61fc2c17309e11d34a
* worked on on media sharing viewing

13.0.6 / 2013-12-14 / cfc0ca1c73c57a86f98f7f73b8ac3c170bfe819a

13.0.5 / 2013-12-14 / eacb08daa4ec61a4bb9390c56e27a9d8c8ba5153
* small tweaks for inline layout, and a bitmap cache
* Feature: inline media
* Service telemetry - record timestamps
* Feature: remove emoji

13.0.3 / 2013-11-17 / 4b333c8d65a0a7aeb2fd7be74b7b2e480cf6accc

13.0.2 / 2013-11-07 / 6053fa6f825da7c50aaa5949f599099a872893ab
* Design tweaks
* Jump to new chat

13.0.1 / 2013-11-04 / 27462c74ae7fd2ddd3d54fb5c28ef5b60a231f58
* Feature: audio messaging
* Account list tuning
* Fix bug that forced SSL when TLS is optional
* Ensure that connection list is in sync in ImApp and RemoteImService
* Fix issues with OTR whitespace tag
* Feature: menu tuning

12.7.1 / 2013-10-24 / f2fd6f19cc99db31cc67d87b3ca6a23012f2c5cf
* hotfix - updating pinned certificate list and code for pinning support

12.7.0 / 2013-10-24 / 1277b61f53d9c3cbd4093f402dae5e518a532300
* Feature: action bar

12.6.5 / 2013-10-21 / 73fd3af75acf2077816eb811cf564dc05e23d1ab
* many bug fixes

12.6.4 / 2013-10-18 / a8102da0c9bf3c2f13a1e680212fd2b3d95426df
* fixed bug: gingerbread fixes
* fixed bug: bonjour broke
* fixed bug: properly reorg fragment saved state on dataset change

12.6.3 / 2013-10-16 / 5d3c8dfc3aa8ddfb4f45ce158ba01b2e441c168d
* fixed bug #2095 (OTR session setup)
* apply cacheword cleanup to ImUrlActivity
* fixed bug: presence not updating
* added feature: custom notify sound
* fixed bugs: minor ui
* fixed issue: lockscreen layout to match portrait

12.6.2 / 2013-10-11 / d0eb3476e0d2427c2063906b804ca6ce43185a90
* bug fixes

12.6.1 / 2013-10-11 / af8f00f430f15d092dfb0c466e68526b38d4e3a8
* bug fixes
* fixes #1920 improved manual verification and OTR verify dialog
* cacheword: simplify logic and handle unencrypted properly
* Bug 2024 bonjour broken
* Bug contact list cleanup
* fixes #1916 - ensures service is shutdown/killed after provider logout

12.5 / 2013-10-03 / d165ed322540055f5272464a156c962d3d1d3b2b
* bug fixes
** Create account fixes
** Presence fixes
* db upgrade (fixes #1931)
* Improve memory behavior

12.4.2 / 2013-09-25 / c6af331e3681726ca397a5aac1c2f283e30ff04e
* fixes for contactlist view
** re-enable filter input for large contact lists
** ensure we can easily switch between grid avatar and text list view

12.4.1 / 2013-09-23 / 3dce0f145185ddc16b06c8022347afeed2c029e3
* Misc UI fixes
* Improved OTR decryption error reporting
* Jump to correct fragment, prevent NPE
* Backwards compat with V11 DB

12.4 / 2013-09-20 / 65c3147d8d998931973586a29a7be7b9d41d8c4d
* added auto OTR refresh attempt if there is an error decrypting

12.3 / 2013-09-18 / f2ae50bcba13f55d1c482ed4f22a85cc375bdb4f
* show "ChatSecure" in the otr plaintext message. Fixes #1742.

12.2.5 / 2013-09-16 / d0d2f1646f9183d0428b9f905ea2f219f9f4e628

12.2.3 / 2013-09-13 / 4813f8bbc6719eaaf4a0249f7dd63160f9bba444

12.2.2 / 2013-09-12 / 9d6bfc0962bdf56a0c500e1e1030ba52566ed730
* full implementation of OTR data user interface

12.2.1 / 2013-09-11 / b4149ba9bf7ee806cdb559d7b38bfd1259631042
* bugfixes

12.2.0 / 2013-09-08 / c8ec5801b7a54a6297441092b99de1a24c03db54
* many bugfixes
* added file transfer
* Feature account setup
* MUC fixes

12.1.0 / 2013-08-16 / 62575a31df7bcd75d6e9709ed20e0c8262c75620

12.0.7 / 2013-08-14 / aa1dfb3378419a763fda3bc7f22c15b117670538
* bugfix release

12.0.6 / 2013-08-12 / d78b2bb37bc73b7cfd0a9732d2e07f27ee2c783c
* updated translations
* added Feature intent launching
* added Emoji

12.0.5 / 2013-07-31 / 55099b8e134d759229f48b0c02c0c4ed58f19904
* Feature small ui fixes

12.0.4 / 2013-07-31 / 7a6abbd844f143814a4c3c7e4997242b4a8bdb25
* changed version number shema
* small UI fixes

0.0.12-alpha-3-UI / 2013-07-19 / 47d68447b4a745be3ce3155db3740e984c3f0db5
* Feature UI pager
* fix loss of verification upon refresh of OTR
* Feature MUC
* changes on OTR

0.0.12-alpha-2 / 2013-07-01 / 6bef7e6a160ba29367eac7ff1c0bc1de529f6c38
* improved support for XEP-0198 Stream Management
* improved OTR
* many important UI improvements
* the project has been renamed to ChatSecure

0.0.12-alpha-1 / 2013-06-14 / 2deff3ebcf54bf8cf0fdf041b5cefb6cb4140c53

0.0.11-RC3 / 2013-03-08 / 7eab09c050ab1ae7f99ca887064de4ba9c82cbab

0.0.11-RC2 / 2013-03-04 / e3aeba272616193477bb67a32f9699f31d38016b
* multiple small fixes for NPE and other crashes

0.0.11-RC1 / 2013-03-04 / 24ea980f6c500d772420a43bf3155d2f3a28e1e2
* fixes for Veracode test response on CRLF injection log issues
* moves close chat back to menu
* reloads contact list on roster change

0.0.11-beta-4 / 2013-02-26 / 2c1c76935c2300340043bcc8a4a72aac386732da

0.0.11-beta-3 / 2013-02-19 / 87619388ada1de0189fe91d72be4ffbf04223ae3

0.0.11-beta-2 / 2013-02-19 / 8b028f2a42b890249ef11cd75cdda01dcd3253c9

0.0.11-beta-1 / 2013-02-17 / 48c207e23bbc813dc994225d65f25d67d707e22d

0.0.11-alpha-3 / 2013-02-06 / f59112f2367af59d67ff9929f72d856c384daf28
* multiple UI improvements
* Google Auth
* added global setting to control start on boot

0.0.11-alpha-1 / 2013-01-02 / 6b570686db3a03d63e5480ca18937b87f0c12ee8
* changes on OTR
* Use notification lights

0.0.10-RC6 / 2012-11-05 / 8e6d80edf05ca5501a9e6201e448bf39ccf78516
* bugfix release

0.0.10-RC5 / 2012-11-02 / 5df3fcef45066c2575e5a601548d8e74856edc72

0.0.10-RC3 / 2012-10-26 / bee08544505f538153cf172560339c822161d523

0.0.10-RC1 / 2012-09-25 / ce71048ec0bd8045dd817750e937eef61775793a
* Issue #232 - remove signing in page
* Finish outgoing XEP-0198 and offline queuing

0.0.9-RC5 / 2012-06-15 / b3a7433be145f7f7beff8cb8f0225b6db4addfa3
* added support for multiple accounts
* added support for XEP-0174 (Serverless messaging)
* added option to context menu to resend messages
* added XMPP resource priority to account settings
* fixed multi-account OTR support
* fixed contact removal and presence conversion
* fixed issue with SSL wildcard matching to server/domain
* many more fixes and changes

0.0.8 / 2012-04-20 / e4b49ca9508477564c2cba4cfe2821b270281218
* adding es and zh translations
* improved german translation
* ported SMP from javaotr to otr4j
* added support for XEP-0184 (Message Delivery Receipts)
* added support for XEP-0198 (Stream Management)
* store fingerprints as hex in keystore file
* many more fixes and changes

0.0.7 / 2012-01-17 / e17dbbcf338af00466cabc5178634cd0d5ffded8
- updated translation strings
- major fixes to connection stability by devrandom
- user interface clean-ness aka "turn to the light side" by n8fr8
- removed unintentional low level debug output
- added new sasl auth mechanism support
- added locale selection menu option
- improved translations for arabic, german, spanish and dutch

- 0.0.5 RC3/5 release
- updated cacerts file to include root
- used correct version of asmack library for Android
- tweaked support of Gmail and Facebook specific login/auth weirdness

- 0.0.5 RC2 release
- turning TLS verify off now also turns of domain name checking in self-signed certs
- fixed custom port persistence issue; you can use 5223 to your hearts content
- UI tweaks around enabling/disabling based on logged in and OTR state
- added in matching of Root CA common name with verification against cacerts.bks
- default now to PLAIN AUTH off

- 0.0.5 RC1 release
- Replaced Smack's TLS TrustManager with custom imp for Android / BKS keystore
- Bundled in own cacert.bks keystore file to manage trusted Root CAs sep from device-wide version
- Fixed support for DNS SRV record lookups
- Stopped using Smack's reconnection manager, and now use custom Android reconn/status code
- Changed primary contact/buddy UI to filter list mode
- Added back in status selector and message edit text field
- Improved support for OTR, including fingerprint display on activity screen, and auto-attempt on connect
- Upgraded to Smack 3.2.1 release

- 0.0.3 RC1 release
- Major overhaul of the user interface, including new setup wizard, and key verification display
- A huge amount of small buf fixes and tweaks

- tagged the source! :) 

- added "General" contact list on loadContacts() call to the mContactList array
- added notifyPresenceUpdate for "General" contacts list
- Patches 1-3/3 by: Adrian-Ken Rueegsegger <>
-- Contacts which have no assigned group are put into the default group.
-- Rename default list to General
-- Factor out reading of contacts into container to private fillContacts() function.
- fixed app name and ensured build is working on Android 1.5 and up 
- add support for scrollview in Account Activity; final button was getting squished in landscape mode