# Create the dblink extension CREATE EXTENSION dblink; # Create the server using the pgbouncer credentials and dblink extension CREATE SERVER pgbouncer FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dblink_fdw OPTIONS (host '',port '6432', dbname 'pgbouncer'); # Create the mapping CREATE USER MAPPING FOR PUBLIC SERVER pgbouncer OPTIONS (user 'pgbouncer'); # Register pgbouncer data in one isolated schema CREATE SCHEMA pgbouncer; CREATE VIEW pgbouncer.clients AS SELECT * FROM dblink('pgbouncer', 'show clients') AS _(type text, "user" text, database text, state text, addr text, port integer, local_addr text, local_port integer, connect_time timestamp with time zone, request_time timestamp with time zone, ptr text, link text, remote_pid smallint, tls text); CREATE VIEW pgbouncer.config AS SELECT * FROM dblink('pgbouncer', 'show config') AS _(key text, value text, changeable boolean); CREATE VIEW pgbouncer.databases AS SELECT * FROM dblink('pgbouncer', 'show databases') AS _(name text, host text, port integer, database text, force_user text, pool_size integer, reserve_pool integer, pool_mode text, max_connections integer, current_connections integer, paused integer, disabled integer); CREATE VIEW pgbouncer.lists AS SELECT * FROM dblink('pgbouncer', 'show lists') AS _(list text, items int); CREATE VIEW pgbouncer.pools AS SELECT * FROM dblink('pgbouncer', 'show pools') AS _(database text, "user" text, cl_active integer, cl_waiting integer, sv_active integer, sv_idle integer, sv_used integer, sv_tested integer, sv_login integer, maxwait integer, pool_mode text); CREATE VIEW pgbouncer.servers AS SELECT * FROM dblink('pgbouncer', 'show servers') AS _(type text, "user" text, database text, state text, addr text, port integer, local_addr text, local_port integer, connect_time timestamp with time zone, request_time timestamp with time zone, ptr text, link text, remote_pid smallint, tls text); CREATE VIEW pgbouncer.sockets AS SELECT * FROM dblink('pgbouncer', 'show sockets') AS _(type text, "user" text, database text, state text, addr text, port int, local_addr text, local_port int, connect_time timestamp with time zone, request_time timestamp with time zone, ptr text, link text, recv_pos int, pkt_pos int, pkt_remain int, send_pos int, send_remain int, pkt_avail int, send_avail int);