package main import ( "fmt" "log" "" pb "" ) func main() { // Create Addressbook Object with few persons book := &pb.AddressBook{ People: []*pb.Person{ { Id: 1234, Name: "John Doe", Email: "", Phones: []*pb.Person_PhoneNumber{ {Number: "555-4321", Type: pb.Person_HOME}, }, }, { Id: 1235, Name: "Alex", Email: "", Phones: []*pb.Person_PhoneNumber{ {Number: "1234-5678", Type: pb.Person_HOME}, }, }, }, } // let's unmarshal our Address object into byte array so // that we can use it transfer the data across services data, err := proto.Marshal(book) if err != nil { log.Fatal("marshaling error: ", err) } // printing out our raw protobuf object fmt.Println("Raw data", data) // let's go the other way and unmarshal // our byte array into an object we can modify // and use addresssBook := pb.AddressBook{} err = proto.Unmarshal(data, &addresssBook) if err != nil { log.Fatal("unmarshaling error: ", err) } for _, person := range addresssBook.People { // print out our `person` object // for good measure fmt.Println("===========================") fmt.Println("ID: ", person.GetId()) fmt.Println("Name: ", person.GetName()) fmt.Println("Email: ", person.GetEmail()) fmt.Println("Phones: ", person.GetPhones()) } }