## 0.8.0 - Updated to react native 0.46.4 and fixed PropTypes (thanks @Traviskn). - Added `onStart` property (thanks @gvillenave). - Added `onPlayPress`, `onHideControls`, `onShowControls` callbacks. - Added `disableFullscreen` prop. ## 0.7.0 - Fixed actually using `seekBarBackground` from custom style. - Fixed a setState after unmount - Added `videoWrapper` custom style. - Added `disableControlsAutoHide` prop that stops the controls from hiding after the timeout. ## 0.6.1 - Added a hitSlop to the seek bar knob. - Fixed the seek bar on android. - Changed the way the seek bar is build up. There are new customStyles called `seekBarFullWidth` and `seekBarBackground`. A part of the script needs the width of the seek bar. The padding is added to this width by by reading paddingHorizontal or paddingLeft and paddingRight from the custom `seekBar` styles. ## 0.6.0 - The seekBar is now seek-able. - Added `seekBarKnob` to `customStyles` to style the seek bar knob. ## 0.2.0 - `resizeMode` prop added, now defaults to `contain` - `customStyles` prop added, allows for customization of the player.