{ "gulp-angular-templatecache-ionic": "duplicate of gulp-angular-templatecache", "mmjd-gulp-este": "duplicate of gulp-este", "gulp-blink": "deprecated. use `blink` instead.", "gulp-build-branch": "use the `buildbrach` module", "gulp-clean": "use the `del` module", "gulp-doggy": "duplicate of gulp-jsdoc", "gulp-rimraf": "use the `del` module", "gulp-browserify": "use the browserify module directly", "gulp-myth-css": "duplicate of gulp-myth", "gulp-htmin": "duplicate of gulp-htmlmin", "gulp-filesize": "duplicate of gulp-size", "gulp-redust": "duplicate of gulp-dust", "gulp-shell": "promotes anti-patterns, use gulp-exec or child_process", "gulp-streamline": "no documentation, duplicate of gulp-streamlinejs", "gulp-compile-js": "combines other plugins", "gulp-module-system": "does too much, use gulp-wrap-* modules", "gulp-wrap-define": "duplicate of gulp-wrap-amd", "gulp-urequire": "no documentation", "gulp-absolute": "use gulp-filter and node's path module", "gulp-wintersmith": "use the wintersmith module directly", "gulp-connect": "use the connect module directly", "gulp-image-optimization": "duplicate of gulp-imagemin", "gulp-bower": "use the bower module directly", "gulp-ember-handlebars": "duplicate of gulp-handlebars & too complex", "gulp-ember-handlebarz": "duplicate of gulp-handlebars & too complex", "gulp-es6to5": "duplicate of gulp-6to5", "gulp-handlebars-michael": "duplicate of gulp-handlebars", "gulpify": "deprecated - use vinyl-source-stream instead", "gulp-web-modules": "a grab bag of tasks/plugins - not a plugin itself", "gulp-jekyll": "use Jekyll directly through gulp-spawn or ChildProcess.spawn()", "gulp-reduce": "use AssetGraph directly", "gulp-imageoptim": "should just be a vanilla node module", "gulp-typescript-compiler": "duplicate of gulp-typescript", "gulp-ts": "duplicate of gulp-typescript", "gulp-load": "too magical, use require() or gulp-load-plugins", "gulp-spawn-mocha": "duplicate of gulp-mocha", "gulp-swig-precompiler": "duplicate of gulp-swig", "gulp-usemin": "does too much. touches fs. non-responsive author. use gulp-useref.", "gulp-usemin2": "duplicate of gulp-usemin", "gulp-usemin-query": "duplicate of gulp-usemin", "gulp-play-usemin": "duplicate of gulp-usemin", "gulp-jade-usemin": "duplicate of gulp-usemin", "gulp-bundle": "deprecated. use gulp-useref.", "gulp-npm": "use the npm module directly or gulp-spawn", "duh": "not a gulp plugin", "tc-gulp-boilerplate": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-blanket-mocha": "use gulp-coverage", "gulp-js-prettify": "duplicate of gulp-beautify", "gulp-using": "duplicate of gulp-debug", "gulp-removelogs": "fragile. use gulp-strip-debug", "gulp-download": "use the request module", "gulp-php": "use PHP directly through gulp-spawn or ChildProcess.spawn()", "gulp-apidoc": "use the apidoc module", "gulp-wp-rev": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-continuous-concat": "duplicate of gulp-concat", "gulp-dart2js": "use Dart2JS directly through gulp-spawn or ChildProcess.spawn()", "gulp-spritesmith": "duplicate of gulp.spritesmith", "gulp-filelog": "duplicate of gulp-debug", "gulp-remove-lines": "duplicate of gulp-replace", "gulp-ext-replace": "duplicate of gulp-rename", "gulp-pancakes": "does nothing", "gulp-batch-replace": "duplicate of gulp-replace", "gulp-mversion": "duplicate of gulp-bump", "gulp-minify-inline-scripts": "duplicate of gulp-uglify-inline", "gulp-jshint-cached": "duplicate of gulp-jshint", "gulp-twitter": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-print": "duplicate of gulp-debug", "gulp-css": "duplicate of gulp-minify-css", "gulp-uncss-task": "duplicate of gulp-uncss", "gulp-juice": "duplicate of gulp-inline-css", "gulp-install": "use gulp-spawn", "gulp-gzip2": "duplicate of gulp-gzip", "gulp-cssmin": "duplicate of gulp-minify-css", "gulp-uglify2": "duplicate of gulp-uglify", "gulp-commonjs": "no (github-)repository available, use gulp-wrap-commonjs", "gulp-license-finder": "shouldn't be a gulp plugin", "gulp-common-wrap": "No README, No (github-)repository - use gulp-wrap-commonjs instead", "gulp-tinypng": "uses fs to create a temp .gulp folder", "gulp-faster-browserify": "use the watchify module directly: https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp/blob/master/docs/recipes/fast-browserify-builds-with-watchify.md", "gulp-saxon": "reads from fs and not stream", "gulp-gitinfo": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-gh-pages-ci-compatible": "duplicate of gulp-gh-pages", "gulp-git-pages": "duplicate of gulp-gh-pages", "gulp-clean-old": "duplicate of gulp-clean", "gulp-closure-compiler-old": "duplicate of gulp-closure-compiler", "gulp-changed-old": "duplicate of gulp-changed", "gulp-browserify-old": "duplicate of gulp-browserify", "gulp-streamify-old": "duplicate of gulp-streamify", "gulp-spawn-shim": "duplicate of gulp-spawn", "retro-gulp-jade": "duplicate of gulp-jade", "retro-gulp-styl": "duplicate of gulp-styl", "vinyl-source-stream2": "duplicate of vinyl-source-stream", "gulp-csscssfont64": "duplicate of gulp-cssfont64", "gulp-uglifyjs": "duplicate of gulp-uglify", "gulp-file-list": "unpublished by author", "gulp-module-requirejs": "use the require.js module directly", "gulp-tmpl": "duplicate of gulp-template", "gulp-chug": "no reason for this to exist, use the require-all module or node's require", "gulp-marked": "duplicate of gulp-markdown", "fd-gulp-cssconcat": "duplicate of gulp-concat", "fd-gulp-cssmin": "duplicate of gulp-minify-css", "fd-gulp-dependencies": "duplicate of amd-optimize", "fd-gulp-jsconcat": "duplicate of gulp-concat", "fd-gulp-jsmin": "duplicate of uglify", "fd-gulp-less": "duplicate of gulp-less", "fd-gulp-removebom": "moot. already handled by gulp", "gulp-bg": "duplicate of gulp-exec", "gulp-run": "duplicate of gulp-exec", "gulp-script": "duplicate of gulp-exec", "wangjiantest": "duplicate of gulp-less", "gulp-cond": "duplicate of gulp-if", "gulp-template-handlebars": "unpublished by author", "gulp-concat-util": "duplicate of gulp-concat, gulp-tap, gulp-header, and gulp-footer", "gulp-jsbeautify": "duplicate of gulp-beautify", "gulp-jsbeautifier": "duplicate of gulp-beautify", "gulp-additem": "duplicate of gulp-add", "gulp-angular-templatecache-n3utrino": "duplicate of gulp-angular-templatecache", "gulp-bower-files": "use bower module directly and globs", "gulp-bower-src": "use bower module directly and globs", "gulp-concat-sourcemap-bom": "moot as gulp strips bom. duplicate of gulp-concat-sourcemap", "gulp-concat-vendor": "does too much. use gulp-concat instead.", "gulp-cson-safe": "duplicate of gulp-cson", "gulp-dot-precompiler": "duplicate of gulp-dotify", "gulp-dot": "duplicate of gulp-dotify", "gulp-file-activity": "duplicate of gulp-size", "gulp-file-cache": "duplicate of gulp-cache", "gulp-file-includer": "duplicate of gulp-file-include", "gulp-freeze": "duplicate of gulp-rev", "gulp-freeze-resources": "duplicate of gulp-useref", "gulp-hash-manifest": "duplicate of gulp-rev", "gulp-hash-src": "duplicate of gulp-useref", "gulp-hashmap": "duplicate of gulp-rev", "gulp-hogan-compile": "duplicate of gulp-hogan", "gulp-iconfont-css": "duplicate of gulp-iconfont", "gulp-if-else": "duplicate of gulp-if", "gulp-image": "duplicate of gulp-imagemin", "gulp-import": "duplicate of gulp-add", "gulp-intercept": "duplicate of gulp-tap", "gulp-istanbul-enforcer": "duplicate of gulp-istanbul", "gulp-less-sourcemap": "duplicate of gulp-less", "gulp-load-tasks": "duplicate of gulp-load-plugins", "gulp-load-utils": "duplicate of gulp-util", "gulp-mocha-co": "duplicate of gulp-mocha", "gulp-modified": "duplicate of gulp-changed", "gulp-modify": "duplicate of gulp-tap", "gulp-mustache-plus": "duplicate of gulp-mustache", "gulp-notify-growl": "duplicate of gulp-notify", "gulp-pako": "duplicate of gulp-gzip", "gulp-phantom": "shouldn't be a gulp plugin. use PhantomJS directly instead.", "gulp-protector": "doesn't do anything", "gulp-pipereplace": "duplicate of gulp-replace", "gulp-rev-hash": "duplicate of gulp-rev-mtime", "gulp-rm": "duplicate of gulp-rimraf", "gulp-scsslint": "duplicate of gulp-scss-lint", "gulp-sloc-simply": "duplicate of gulp-sloc", "gulp-sprite": "deprecated. use the css-sprite module instead", "gulp-sprites-preprocessor": "duplicate of gulp-sprite-generator", "gulp-svgo": "duplicate of gulp-svgmin", "gulp-swig-jst": "duplicate of gulp-swig-precompile", "gulp-sym": "duplicate of gulp-symlink", "gulp-todos": "duplicate of gulp-todo", "gulp-token-replace": "duplicate of gulp-replace", "gulp-tslint-log": "duplicate of gulp-tslint", "gulp-untar2": "duplicate of gulp-untar", "gulp-vhash": "duplicate of gulp-useref", "gulp-ng-html2js": "duplicate of gulp-angular-templatecache", "gulp-templatecache": "duplicate of gulp-angular-templatecache", "gulp-slack": "not a gulp plugin", "fd-gulp-chinese2unicode": "inaccessible repo", "fd-gulp-convert-encoding": "inaccessible repo", "fd-gulp-encodingfilter": "inaccessible repo", "fd-gulp-styleversion": "inaccessible repo", "favicon-generator": "unpublished by author", "gulp-remove-files": "operates directly on file paths", "gulp-retina-sprite": "missing documentation", "gulp-update": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-uncache": "works files from outside the stream", "gulp-execsyncs": "synchronous. use gulp-exec instead", "gulp-tsc": "operates directly on file paths. does too much.", "gulp-sketch": "operates directly on file paths. creates a folder outside the stream.", "gulp-purs": "duplicate of gulp-purescript", "gulp-through-child": "duplicate of gulp-spawn", "gulp-spawn-xcodebuild": "just use gulp-spawn", "dustin": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-am-transport": "missing repo link and description", "fdlintjs": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-cache-manifest": "duplicate of gulp-manifest", "gulp-appcache": "duplicate of gulp-manifest", "gulp-backtrace": "missing description", "gulp-html-optimizer": "missing description", "gulp-html-minifier": "duplicate of gulp-htmlmin", "gulp-cleanhtml": "duplicated functionality of gulp-htmlmin", "gulp-component-build": "duplicate of gulp-component", "gulp-component-builder": "duplicate of gulp-component", "gulp-component-updater": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-compressor": "does too much", "gulp-composer": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-concat-coffee": "unpublished by author", "gulp-compass": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-concat-sourcemap": "gulp-concat supports source maps", "gulp-css-combo": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-base64": "duplicate of gulp-css-base64", "gulp-download-atom-shell": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-dummy-json": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-dust-html": "duplicate of gulp-dust-render", "gulp-ect-compile": "duplicate of gulp-ect", "gulp-ember-emblem": "duplicate of gulp-emblem", "gulp-express-serice": "misspelling of gulp-express-service", "gulp-express-service": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-fix-windows-source-maps": "use gulp-sourcemaps", "gulp-headerfooter": "use gulp-header or gulp-footer", "gulp-insert": "use gulp-header or gulp-footer", "gulp-folders": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-hexuglify": "duplicate of gulp-uglify", "gulp-highlight": "missing description", "gulp-jquery-closure": "use gulp-wrap", "gulp-iconv-lite": "missing description", "gulp-prettify": "duplicate of gulp-html-prettify", "gulp-hsp-compiler": "deprecated, use gulp-hashspace instead", "gulp-hsp-transpiler": "deprecated, use gulp-hashspace instead", "gulp-jslint-simple": "duplicate of gulp-jslint", "gulp-jstemplate-compile": "duplicate of gulp-jst", "gulp-jstemplater": "duplicate of gulp-jst-concat", "gulp-kissy-xtemplate": "missing description", "gulp-layoutize": "duplicate of gulp-consolidate", "gulp-less-templates": "duplicate of gulp-less", "gulp-litmus": "missing description", "gulp-local-screenshots": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-mailgun": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-map": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-minifier": "does too much", "gulp-msbuild": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-replace-task": "duplicate of gulp-replace", "gulp-rev-cleaner": "renamed to gulp-rev-outdated", "gulp-size2": "duplicate of gulp-size", "gulp-skin": "missing repo link and description", "gulp-slash": "not a gulp plugin and moot", "gulp-sass-alt": "duplicate of gulp-sass", "gulp-traceur-out": "duplicate of gulp-traceur", "gulp-switch": "duplicate of gulp-if", "gulp-webshot": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-webserver": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-wrapper": "duplicate of gulp-wrap", "gulp-ziey-ruby-haml": "duplicate of gulp-ruby-haml", "gulp.bless": "duplicate of gulp-bless", "gulp-jsx": "duplicate of gulp-react", "gulp-unpathify": "use the `unpathify` module directly", "gulp-filter-by": "duplicate of gulp-filter", "gulp-inline-source": "duplicate of gulp-smoosher", "grunt-favicons-tasks": "use the `favicons` module directly", "gulp-traceur-compiler": "duplicate of gulp-traceur", "gulp-node-inspector": "not a gulp plugin, very bad patterns", "gulp-lodash-template": "duplicate of gulp-template", "gulp-template-compile": "duplicate of gulp-template", "gulp-lodash-jst": "duplicate of gulp-template", "gulp-6to5": "deprecated in favor of gulp-babel", "gulp-jest": "use the `jest` module directly", "gulp-karma": "use the `karma` module directly", "gulp-concat-json2": "duplicate of gulp-concat-json, missing documentation", "gulp-jscs-custom": "duplicate of gulp-jscs", "gulp-origin-stylus": "duplicate of gulp-stylus", "gulp-handlebars-compiler": "missing documentation, does basically nothing", "daguike-gulp-rev-del": "duplicate of rev-del", "gulp-casperjs": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-tsb": "duplicate of gulp-typescript", "gulp-tsc-sushicutta": "duplicate of gulp-typescript", "gulp-type": "renamed to gulp-typescript", "gulp-typescript-alpha-1.5.0": "duplicate of gulp-typescript", "gulp-typescript-package": "use gulp-typescript, gulp-uglify and gulp.dest", "gulp-electron": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-props2json": "duplicate of gulp-props", "gulp-properties": "not a gulp plugin", "gulp-babel-transpiler": "duplicate of gulp-babel", "gulp-uglifyjs-wrapper": "duplicate of gulp-uglify", "gulp-livereload": "abandoned. use gulp-refresh", "gulp-minify-css": "deprecated. use gulp-clean-css.", "gulp.livereload": "not maintained anymore. use gulp-refresh", "gulp-cssnano": "use gulp-clean-css or cssnano with gulp-postcss", "gulp-lodash-autobuild": "promotes anti-patterns, use child_process", "gulp-better-rollup": "use rollup-stream, gulp-rollup, or the `rollup` module directly", "@absolunet/gulp-include": "fork of gulp-include, use the original module", "gulp-uglify-es": "duplicate of gulp-uglify. ES6/ES2015 support via https://github.com/terinjokes/gulp-uglify#using-a-different-uglifyjs" }