"use strict"; /** * JSLink: View Customization */ var GDView = (function () { /** * Methods */ // Method to add tags above and below the body function body(ctx) { // Render the default html var html = "

Above Body

" + (RenderBodyTemplate ? RenderBodyTemplate(ctx) : "") + "

Below Body

"; // Return the html return html; } // Method to add tags above and below the footer function footer(ctx) { // Render the default html var html = "

Above Footer

" + RenderFooterTemplate(ctx) + "

Below Footer

"; // Return the html return html; } // Method to add tags above and below the group function group(ctx, group, groupId, listItem, listSchema, level, expand) { var style = " "; // Get the default group var html = RenderGroupTemplate(ctx, group, groupId, listItem, listSchema, level, expand); // Convert the html to an element var group = document.createElement("table"); group.innerHTML = html; // Append rows above and below the group var row = group.querySelector("tr"); row.innerHTML = "Before Group" + row.innerHTML + "After Group"; // Return the html return group.innerHTML; } // Method to add tags above and below the header function header(ctx) { // Render the default html var html = "

Above Header

" + RenderHeaderTemplate(ctx) + "

Below Header

"; // Return the html return html; } // Method to add tags above and below the item function item(ctx) { // Render the default html var html = "

Above Item

" + RenderItemTemplate(ctx) + "

Below Item

"; // Return the html return html; } /** * Initialization */ function init() { // Register the JSLink templates $REST.Helper.JSLink.register({ BaseViewId: 2, Templates: { Body: body, Footer: footer, Group: group, Header: header, Item: item } }); } /** * Public Interface */ return { init: init }; })(); // Write the javascript to initialize the CSR override. This will ensure it's called when MDS is enabled document.write("");