Changelog --------- 1.8.0 (Unreleased) ================== - Binary wheels are now provided by the `evdev-binary`_ package. The package is compiled on manylinux_2_28 against kernel 4.18. 1.7.1 (May 8, 2024) ==================== - Provide fallback value for ``FF_MAX_EFFECTS``, which fixes the build on EL 7 (#219). - Add ``#ifdef`` guards around ``UI_GET_SYSNAME`` to improve kernel compatibility (#218) . - Wait up to two seconds for uinput devices to appear. (#215) 1.7.0 (Feb 18, 2024) ==================== - Respect the ``CPATH/C_INCLUDE_PATH`` environment variables during install. - Add the uniq address to the string representation of ``InputDevice``. - Improved method for finding the device node corresponding to a uinput device (`#206`_). - Repository TLC (reformatted with ruff, fixed linting warnings, moved packaging metadata to ``pyproject.toml`` etc.). 1.6.1 (Jan 20, 2023) ==================== - Fix generation of ``ecodes.c`` when the path to ``sys.executable`` contains spaces. 1.6.0 (Jul 17, 2022) ==================== - Fix Python 3.11 compatibility (`#174 `_). 1.5.0 (Mar 24, 2022) ==================== - Fix documentation (`#163 `_, `#160 `_). - Re-enable TTY echo at evtest exit (`#155 `_). - Fix ``ImportError: sys.meta_path is None, Python is likely shutting down`` (`#154 `_). - Closing the input device file descriptor in ``InputDevice.close()`` now happens in the main thread, instead of in a new thread (reverts `#146 `_). - Fix ``util.find_ecodes_by_regex`` not working across all supported Python versions (`#152 `_). 1.4.0 (Jan 16, 2021) ==================== - Fix ``InputDevice.set_absinfo`` to allow setting parameters to zero. - Fix off-by-one in ``ioctl_EVIOCG_bits``, which causes value at the end of the list to not be reported back (`#131 `_). - Fix ``set_absinfo`` to allow setting parameters to zero (`#128 `_). - Fix leak when returning ``BlockingIOError`` from a read (`#143 `_). - Fix "There is no current event loop in thread" error for non asyncio code (`#146 `_). - Prevent ``InputDevice`` destructor from blocking (`#145 `_). - Add missing return codes to ``os.strerror()`` calls and fix force feedback example in docs (`#138 `_). - Add the ``util.find_ecodes_by_regex()`` helper function. 1.3.0 (Jan 12, 2020) ==================== - Fix build on 32bit arches with 64bit time_t - Add functionality to query device properties. See ``InputDevice.input_props`` and the ``input_props`` argument to ``Uinput``. - ``KeyEvent`` received an ``allow_unknown`` constructor argument, which determines what will happen when an event code cannot be mapped to a keycode. The default and behavior so far has been to raise ``KeyError``. If set to ``True``, the keycode will be set to the event code formatted as a hex number. - Add ``InputDevice.set_absinfo()`` and ``InputDevice.absinfo()``. - Instruct the asyncio event loop to stop monitoring the fd of the input device when the device is closed. 1.2.0 (Apr 7, 2019) ==================== - Add UInput support for the resolution parameter in AbsInfo. This brings support for the new method of uinput device setup, which was `introduced in Linux 4.5`_ (thanks to `@LinusCDE`_). - Vendor and product identifiers can be greater or equal to `0x8000` (thanks `@ivaradi`_). 1.1.2 (Sep 1, 2018) ==================== - Fix installation on kernels <= 4.4. - Fix uinput creation ignoring absinfo settings. 1.1.0 (Aug 27, 2018) ==================== - Add support for handling force-feedback effect uploads (many thanks to `@ndreys`_). - Fix typo preventing ff effects that need left coefficients from working. 1.0.0 (Jun 02, 2018) ==================== - Prevent ``Uinput`` device creation raising ``Objects/longobject.c:415: bad argument to internal function`` when a non-complete ``AbsInfo`` structure is passed. All missing ``AbsInfo`` fields are set to 0. - Fix ``Uinput`` device creation raising ``KeyError`` when a capability filtered by default is not present. - The ``InputDevice.fn`` attribute was deprecated in favor of ``InputDevice.path``. Using the former will show a ``DeprecationWarning``, but would otherwise continue working as before. - Fix ``InputDevice`` comparison raising ``AttributeError`` due to a non-existant ``path`` attribute. - Fix asyncio support in Python 3.5+. - Uploading FF effect now works both on Python 2.7 and Python 3+. - Remove the ``asyncore`` example from the tutorial. 0.8.1 (Mar 24, 2018) ==================== - Fix Python 2 compatibility issue in with ``Uinput.from_device``. - Fix minor `evdev.evtest` formatting issue. 0.8.0 (Mar 22, 2018) ==================== - Fix ``InputDevice`` comparison on Python 2. - The device path is now considered when comparing two devices. - Fix ``UInput.from_device`` not correctly merging the capabilities of selected devices. - The list of excluded event types in ``UInput.from_device`` is now configurable. For example:: UInput.from_device(dev, filtered_types=(EV_SYN, EV_FF)) In addition, ``ecodes.EV_FF`` is now excluded by default. - Add a context manager for grabbing access to a device - ``InputDevice.grab_context``. For example:: with dev.grab_context(): pass - Add the ``InputDevice.uniq`` attribute, which contains the unique identifier of the device. As with ``phys``, this attribute may be empty (i.e. `''`). 0.7.0 (Jun 16, 2017) ==================== - ``InputDevice`` now accepts objects that support the path protocol. For example:: pth = pathlib.Path('/dev/input/event0') dev = evdev.InputDevice(pth) - Support path protocol in ``InputDevice``. This means that ``InputDevice`` instances can be passed to callers that expect a ``os.PathLike`` object. - Exceptions raised during ``InputDevice.async_read()`` (and similar) are now handled properly (i.e. an exception is set on the returned future instead of leaking that exception into the event loop) (Fixes `#67`_). 0.6.4 (Oct 07, 2016) ==================== - Exclude ``ecodes.c`` from source distribution (Fixes `#63`_). 0.6.3 (Oct 06, 2016) ==================== - Add the ``UInput.from_device`` class method, which allows uinput device to be created with the capabiltiies of one or more existing input devices:: ui = UInput.from_device('/dev/input1', '/dev/input2', **constructor_kwargs) - Add the ``build_ecodes`` distutils command, which generates the ``ecodes.c`` extension module. The new way of overwriting the evdev header locations is:: python build \ build_ecodes --evdev-headers path/input.h:path/input-event-codes.h \ build_ext --include-dirs path/ \ install The ``build*`` and ``install`` commands no longer have to be part of the same command-line (i.e. running ``install`` will reuse the outputs of the last ``build``). 0.6.1 (Jun 04, 2016) ==================== - Disable tty echoing while evtest is running. - Allow evtest to listen to more than one devices. - The script now allows the location of the input header files to be overwritten. For example:: python build_ext \ --evdev-headers path/input.h:path/input-event-codes.h \ --include-dirs path/ \ install 0.6.0 (Feb 14, 2016) ==================== - Asyncio and async/await support (many thanks to `@paulo-raca`_). - Add the ability to set the `phys` property of uinput devices (thanks `@paulo-raca`_). - Add a generic :func:`InputDevice.set` method (thanks `@paulo-raca`_). - Distribute the evtest script along with evdev. - Fix issue with generating :mod:`ecodes.c` in recent kernels (``>= 4.4.0``). - Fix absinfo item indexes in :func:`UInput.uinput_create()` (thanks `@forsenonlhaimaisentito`_). - More robust comparison of :class:`InputDevice` objects (thanks `@isia`_). 0.5.0 (Jun 16, 2015) ==================== - Write access to the input device is no longer mandatory. Evdev will first try to open the device for reading and writing and fallback to read-only. Methods that require write access (e.g. :func:`set_led()`) will raise :class:`EvdevError` if the device is open only for reading. 0.4.7 (Oct 07, 2014) ==================== - Fallback to distutils if setuptools is not available. 0.4.6 (Oct 07, 2014) ==================== - Rework documentation and docstrings once more. - Fix install on Python 3.4 (works around issue21121_). - Fix :func:`ioctl()` requested buffer size (thanks Jakub Wojciech Klama). 0.4.5 (Jul 06, 2014) ==================== - Add method for returning a list of the currently active keys - :func:`InputDevice.active_keys()` (thanks `@spasche`_). - Fix a potential buffer overflow in :func:`ioctl_capabilities()` (thanks `@spasche`_). 0.4.4 (Jun 04, 2014) ==================== - Calling :func:`InputDevice.read_one()` should always return ``None``, when there is nothing to be read, even in case of a ``EAGAIN`` errno (thanks JPP). 0.4.3 (Dec 19, 2013) ==================== - Silence :class:`OSError` in destructor (thanks `@polyphemus`_). - Make :func:`InputDevice.close()` work in cases in which stdin (fd 0) has been closed (thanks `@polyphemus`_). 0.4.2 (Dec 13, 2013) ==================== - Rework documentation and docstrings. - Call :func:`InputDevice.close()` from :func:`InputDevice.__del__()`. 0.4.1 (Jul 24, 2013) ==================== - Fix reference counting in :func:`InputDevice.device_read()`, :func:`InputDevice.device_read_many()` and :func:`ioctl_capabilities`. 0.4.0 (Jul 01, 2013) ==================== - Add ``FF_*`` and ``FF_STATUS`` codes to :func:`ecodes` (thanks `@bgilbert`_). - Reverse event code mappings (``ecodes.{KEY,FF,REL,ABS}`` and etc.) will now map to a list of codes, whenever a value corresponds to multiple codes:: >>> ecodes.KEY[152] ... ['KEY_COFFEE', 'KEY_SCREENLOCK'] >>> ecodes.KEY[30] ... 'KEY_A' - Set the state of a LED through :func:`InputDevice.set_led()` (thanks `@accek`_). - Open :attr:`InputDevice.fd` in ``O_RDWR`` mode from now on. - Fix segfault in :func:`InputDevice.device_read_many()` (thanks `@bgilbert`_). 0.3.3 (May 29, 2013) ==================== - Raise :class:`IOError` from :func:`InputDevice.device_read()` and :func:`InputDevice.device_read_many()` when :func:`` fails. - Several stability and style changes (thank you debian code reviewers). 0.3.2 (Apr 05, 2013) ==================== - Fix vendor id and product id order in :func:`DeviceInfo` (thanks `@kived`_). 0.3.1 (Nov 23, 2012) ==================== - :func:`` will return an empty tuple if the device has nothing to offer (instead of segfaulting). - Exclude unnecessary package data in sdist and bdist. 0.3.0 (Nov 06, 2012) ==================== - Add ability to set/get auto-repeat settings with ``EVIOC{SG}REP``. - Add :func:`InputDevice.version` - the value of ``EVIOCGVERSION``. - Add :func:`InputDevice.read_loop()`. - Add :func:`InputDevice.grab()` and :func:`InputDevice.ungrab()` - exposes ``EVIOCGRAB``. - Add :func:`InputDevice.leds` - exposes ``EVIOCGLED``. - Replace :class:`DeviceInfo` class with a namedtuple. - Prevent :func:`InputDevice.read_one()` from skipping events. - Rename :class:`AbsData` to :class:`AbsInfo` (as in ``struct input_absinfo``). 0.2.0 (Aug 22, 2012) ==================== - Add the ability to set arbitrary device capabilities on uinput devices (defaults to all ``EV_KEY`` ecodes). - Add :attr:`UInput.device` which is an open :class:`InputDevice` to the input device that uinput 'spawns'. - Add :func:`UInput.capabilities()` which is just a shortcut to :func:`UInput.device.capabilities()`. - Rename :func:`UInput.write()` to :func:`UInput.write_event()`. - Add a simpler :func:`UInput.write(type, code, value)` method. - Make all :func:`UInput` constructor arguments optional (default device name is now ``py-evdev-uinput``). - Add the ability to set ``absmin``, ``absmax``, ``absfuzz`` and ``absflat`` when specifying the uinput device's capabilities. - Remove the ``nophys`` argument - if a device fails the ``EVIOCGPHYS`` ioctl, phys will equal the empty string. - Make :func:`InputDevice.capabilities()` perform a ``EVIOCGABS`` ioctl for devices that support ``EV_ABS`` and return that info wrapped in an ``AbsData`` namedtuple. - Split ``ioctl_devinfo`` into ``ioctl_devinfo`` and ``ioctl_capabilities``. - Split :func:`UInput.uinput_open()` to :func:`UInput.uinput_open()` and :func:`UInput.uinput_create()` - Add more uinput usage examples and documentation. - Rewrite uinput tests. - Remove ``mouserel`` and ``mouseabs`` from :class:`UInput`. - Tie the sphinx version and release to the distutils version. - Set 'methods-before-attributes' sorting in the docs. - Remove ``KEY_CNT`` and ``KEY_MAX`` from :func:`ecodes.keys`. 0.1.1 (May 18, 2012) ==================== - Add ``events.keys``, which is a combination of all ``BTN_`` and ``KEY_`` event codes. - ``ecodes.c`` was not generated when installing through ``pip``. 0.1.0 (May 17, 2012) ==================== *Initial Release* .. _`@polyphemus`: .. _`@bgilbert`: .. _`@accek`: .. _`@kived`: .. _`@spasche`: .. _`@isia`: .. _`@forsenonlhaimaisentito`: .. _`@paulo-raca`: .. _`@ndreys`: .. _`@LinusCDE`: .. _`@ivaradi`: .. _`introduced in Linux 4.5`: .. _issue21121: .. _`#63`: .. _`#67`: