{ "Herschel 40-foot": { "name": "William Herschel 40-foot telescope", "diam": 1220, "alt": 33, "englight": "1787-02-19", "firstlight": "1789-10-15", "end": "1815-06-15", "url": "https://history.aip.org/exhibits/cosmology/tools/tools-early-reflectors.htm" }, "Leviathan": { "name": "Leviathan of Parsonstown", "diam": 1830, "alt": 53, "firstlight": "1845-02-15", "end": "1878-06-15" }, "Great Melbourne Telescope": { "diam": 1220, "obs": "Melbourne Observatory", "obscode": "907", "name": "Great Melbourne Telescope", "alt": 30, "firstlight": "1869-04-15", "end": "1944-03-08", "bib": "2014A&G....55c3.16B" }, "Great Melbourne Telescope-Mount Stromlo": { "diam": 1270, "obs": "Mount Stromlo Observatory", "obscode": "414", "name": "Great Melbourne Telescope", "alt": 770, "firstlight": "1945-06-15", "end": "2003-01-18" }, "Hooker": { "name": "100-inch Hooker telescope", "obs": "Mount Wilson Observatory", "diam": 2540, "alt": 1742, "firstlight": "1917-11-02", "url": "https://www.mtwilson.edu/discovering-mount-wilson-chapter-7-first-light-on-the-100-inch-telescope/" }, "Plaskett": { "name": "Plaskett telescope", "obs": "Dominion Astrophysical Observatory", "diam": 1830, "alt": 229, "firstlight": "1918-05-06" }, "Struve": { "name": "Otto Struve Telescope", "obs": "McDonald Observatory", "diam": 2080, "alt": 2070, "firstlight": "1939-06-15" }, "Hale": { "name": "Hale Telescope", "runame": "Телескоп Хейла", "telescope": "Hale Telescope", "diam": 5080, "area": 19.36, "f": 3.3, "obs": "Palomar Observatory", "alt": 1713, "obscode": "I41", "region": "US-CA", "firstlight": "1949-01-26" }, "BTA": { "name": "BTA-6", "runame": "Большой азимутальный телескоп Специальной астрофизической обсерватории РАН", "telescope": "6-m Big Telescope Alt-azimuth", "diam": 6050, "area": 25.1, "f": 4, "alt": 2080, "obs": "Special Astrophysical Observatory", "wvband": ["NUV", "V", "NIR"], "wv": [303, 10000], "obscode": "115", "region": "RU-KC", "firstlight": "1975-12-30", "url": "https://www.sao.ru/Doc-en/Events/2015/BTA-40/" }, "Subaru": { "name": "Subaru Telescope", "runame": "Субару", "obs": "Mauna Kea Observatories", "obscode": "T09", "region": "US-HI", "alt": 4139, "diam": 8300, "area": 53, "design": "RC", "englight": "1998-12-31", "firstlight": ["1999-01-04", "1999-01-11"], "bib": "2000PASJ...52....1K" }, "GTC": { "name": "Gran Telescopio Canarias", "diam": 10400, "area": 78.54, "mirror": "segmented", "design": "RC", "obs": "Roque de los Muchachos Observatory", "obscode": "Z18", "alt": 2267, "firstlight": "2007-07-13" }, "LBT": { "name": "Large Binocular Telescope", "area": 111, "diam": "8400x2", "mirror": "multiple", "obs": "Mount Graham International Observatory", "obscode": "G83", "alt": 3221, "firstlight": "2005-10-12" }, "LAMOST": { "name": "The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope", "diam": 4000, "area": "<18.86", "mirror": "segmented", "design": "Schmidt", "obs": "Xinglong Station (NAOC)", "obscode": "327", "alt": 960, "firstlight": "2008-01-01" }, "Xinglong 2.16m": { "name": "Xinglong 2.16m", "obs": "Xinglong Station (NAOC)", "bib": "2016PASP..128k5005F", "diam": 2160, "alt": 900, "firstlight": "1989-06-15" }, "VLT": { "name": "Very Large Telescope", "design": "RC", "diam": "8200x4", "alt": 2635, "wvband": ["V", "NIR"], "obs": "Paranal Observatory", "obscode": 301, "firstlight": ["1998-05-25", "1999-03-01", "2000-01-26", "2000-09-04"] }, "VLTI": { "name": "VLT Interferometer", "alt": 2635, "diam": 200000, "area": 844.962, "obs": "Paranal Observatory", "type": "interferometer", "firstlight": "2001-03-17", "url": "https://www.eso.org/public/unitedkingdom/news/eso0111/" }, "Keck": { "name": "W. M. Keck Observatory", "diam": "10000x2", "mirror": "segmented", "design": "RC", "area": "75.76x2", "obs": "Mauna Kea Observatories", "wvband": ["V", "NIR"], "alt": 4145, "firstlight": ["1990-11-24", "1996-10-23"] }, "Magellan": { "name": "Magellan Telescopes", "diam": "6500x2", "obs": "Las Campanas Observatory", "obscode": "304", "alt": 2516, "firstlight": ["2001-09-15", "2002-09-07"] }, "Gemini": { "name": "Gemini Observatory", "diam": "8100x2", "design": "RC", "obs": "Gemini Observatory", "alt": [4213, 2722], "englight": "1999-02-27", "firstlight": ["1999-06-25", "2000-11-01"], "url": "https://issuu.com/geminifocus/docs/gf_0699" }, "HET (1996)": { "name": "Hobby-Eberly Telescope", "obs": "McDonald Observatory", "mirror": "segmented", "diam": 9200, "area": "<67", "alt": 2030, "firstlight": "1996-12-10", "end": "2013-01-01" }, "HET (2015)": { "name": "Hobby-Eberly Telescope", "obs": "McDonald Observatory", "mirror": "segmented", "diam": 10000, "area": "<78.5", "alt": 2030, "firstlight": "2015-07-15" }, "SALT": { "name": "Southern African Large Telescope", "diam": 9200, "mirror": "segmented", "obs": "South African Astronomical Observatory", "obscode": "B31", "alt": 1798, "area": "<67", "firstlight": "2005-09-01" }, "MMT (1979)": { "name": "MMT Observatory", "telescope": "Multiple Mirror Telescope with 6 mirrors", "diam": 4410, "alt": 2616, "mirror": "multiple", "obs": "Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory", "obscode": "696", "firstlight": "1979-05-09", "end": "1998-03-02", "bib": "2004SPIE.5489..300B", "url": "https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260955804_The_new_MMT" }, "MMT (2000)": { "name": "MMT Observatory", "telescope": "Multiple Mirror Telescope", "diam": 6500, "alt": 2616, "obs": "Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory", "obscode": "696", "firstlight": "2000-05-13", "url": "https://www.mmto.org/history-of-the-telescope/" }, "TAO 6.5": { "name": "University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory 6.5m telescope dome", "obs": "University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory", "alt": 5640, "diam": 6500, "wvband": ["NIR", "IR", "MIR"], "wvrange": [900, 38000], "inauguration": "2024-04-30", "url": ["https://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/TAO/en/news/20240430/", "https://22century.ru/space/118798"] }, "LZT": { "name": "Large Zenith Telescope", "diam": 6000, "alt": 395, "obs": "Malcolm Knapp Research Forest, 70 km east of Vancouver", "mirror": "liquid", "type": "liquid-mirror", "firstlight": "2003-04-15", "end": "2016-07-15", "url": "https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/large-zenith-telescope" }, "WHT": { "name": "William Herschel Telescope", "obs": "Roque de los Muchachos Observatory", "alt": 2344, "diam": 4200, "area": "<13.85", "firstlight": "1987-06-01" }, "ESO-3.6m": { "name": "ESO 3.6-metre telescope", "obs": "La Silla Observatory", "obscode": "809", "region": "CHL", "design": "quasi-RC", "diam": 3566, "area": 8.8564, "alt": 2400, "firstlight": "1976-11-07", "bib": "1990Msngr..61...27B", "url": ["https://www.eso.org/public/unitedkingdom/teles-instr/lasilla/36/", "http://www.eso.org/sci/libraries/historicaldocuments/Technical_Reports/ESO-TR2_A1b.pdf", "https://cds.cern.ch/record/1528777/files/Tech-Note-P21.pdf"] }, "MPG/ESO": { "name": "Max Planck Gesellschaft/European Southern Observatory 2.2m telescope", "obs": "La Silla Observatory", "diam": 2200, "alt": 2375, "url": "https://www.eso.org/public/teles-instr/lasilla/mpg22/", "firstlight": "1983-06-22" }, "MPI-CAHA": { "name": "MPI-CAHA 3.5m telescope", "obs": "Calar Alto Observatory", "diam": 3500, "alt": 2168, "firstlight": "1984-06-15" }, "MPIA-CAHA": { "name": "Max Planck Institute for Astronomy - Centro Astronomico Hispano-Aleman 2.2m telescope", "obs": "Calar Alto Observatory", "diam": 2200, "alt": 2168, "firstlight": "1979-06-15" }, "HARPS": { "name": "High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher", "type": "spectrograph", "telescope": "ESO 3.6-metre telescope", "obs": "La Silla Observatory", "obscode": "809", "region": "CHL", "diam": 3566, "area": 8.8564, "alt": 2400, "firstlight": "2003-02-11" }, "CFHT": { "name": "Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope", "obs": "Mauna Kea Observatories", "design": "RC", "obscode": "T14", "region": "US-HI", "diam": 3580, "firstlight": "1979-08-06", "alt": 4204 }, "SOAR": { "name": "Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope", "diam": 4100, "alt": 2738, "design": "RC", "obs": "Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory", "obscode": "I33", "firstlight": "2004-04-17" }, "LDT": { "name": "Lowell Discovery Telescope", "diam": 4300, "design": "RC", "obs": "Lowell Observatory", "alt": 2360, "firstlight": "2012-04-30" }, "VISTA": { "name": "Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy", "diam": 4100, "design": "quasi-RC", "obs": "Paranal Observatory", "wvband": ["V", "NIR"], "alt": 2518, "firstlight": "2009-12-01" }, "Blanco": { "name": "Victor M. Blanco Telescope (VBT)", "obs": "Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory", "diam": 4100, "area": 10.014, "alt": 2207, "design": "RC", "firstlight": "1976-06-15" }, "ILMT": { "name": "International Liquid Mirror Telescope", "diam": 4000, "mirror": "liquid", "type": "liquid-mirror", "obs": "Devasthal Observatory", "alt": 2450, "firstlight": "2022-06-02" }, "DOT": { "name": "3.6m Devasthal Optical Telescope", "diam": 3600, "obs": "Devasthal Observatory", "alt": 2540, "design": "RC", "englight": "2015-03-22", "firstlight": ["2016-02-15", "2016-03-31"], "bib": "2018BSRSL..87...29K" }, "TNG": { "name": "Telescopio Nazionale Galileo", "obs": "Roque de los Muchachos Observatory", "alt": 2370, "design": "RC", "diam": 3580, "firstlight": "1998-06-06" }, "Mayall KPNO": { "name": "Nicholas U. Mayall Telescope", "obs": "Kitt Peak National Observatory", "obscode": "695", "design": "RC", "alt": 2120, "diam": 4000, "area": 11.4, "firstlight": "1973-02-27" }, "WIYN": { "name": "WIYN Telescope", "obs": "Kitt Peak National Observatory", "diam": 3498, "alt": 2090, "design": "RC", "area": "<9.61", "mount": "altaz", "region": "US-AZ", "firstlight": "1994-06-15" }, "UKIRT": { "name": "United Kingdom Infrared Telescope", "wvband": "NIR", "diam": 3800, "obs": "Mauna Kea Observatories", "alt": 4194, "firstlight": "1979-10-15" }, "INO": { "name": "Iranian National Observatory", "obs": "Iranian National Observatory", "diam": 3400, "alt": 3600, "englight": "2022-10-15", "firstlight": "2022-10-19", "url": "https://ino.org.ir/en/3442-2/" }, "SST": { "name": "Space Surveillance Telescope", "diam": 3500, "obs": "White Sands Missile Range", "alt": 1300, "type": "military", "firstlight": "2011-06-15", "end": "2017-06-15" }, "SST (2020)": { "name": "Space Surveillance Telescope", "obs": "Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt", "type": "military", "diam": 3500, "alt": 65, "firstlight": "2020-03-05" }, "ARC": { "name": "Astrophysical Research Consortium Telescope", "diam": 3480, "obs": "Apache Point Observatory", "design": "RC", "alt": 2788, "firstlight": "1994-06-15" }, "Starfire OR": { "name": "USAF Starfire Optical Range", "obs": "Kirtland Air Force Base", "alt": [1632, 1685], "type": "military", "diam": 3500, "firstlight": "1994-06-15" }, "Shane": { "name": "C. Donald Shane telescope", "diam": 3050, "obs": "Lick Observatory", "alt": 1283, "firstlight": "1959-06-15" }, "AAT": { "name": "Anglo-Australian Telescope", "diam": 3900, "area": "<11.94", "alt": 1100, "obs": "Siding Spring Observatory", "firstlight": "1974-04-27" }, "Seimei": { "name": "Kyoto 3.8m Seimei Telescope", "diam": 3780, "alt": 366, "design": "RC", "obs": "Okayama Observatory", "wvband": "V", "englight": " 2018-12-12", "firstlight": "2019-02-28", "bib": "2020PASJ...72...48K", "url": ["https://www.kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp/general/facilities/okayama/", "https://sites.astro.caltech.edu/~srk/Workshops/TDAMMS/Files4Facilities/KyotoSeimai.pdf"] }, "AEOS": { "name": "3.67 m Advanced Electro Optical System Telescope", "diam": 3670, "alt": 3052, "obs": "Haleakala Observatory", "firstlight": "1996-06-15" }, "IRTF": { "name": "NASA Infrared Telescope Facility", "obs": "Mauna Kea Observatories", "wvband": "NIR", "wv": {"SpeX": [800, 5400], "iSHELL": [1000, 5300], "MIRSI": [2200, 25000], "MORIS": [480, 900]}, "alt": 4205, "diam": 3200, "firstlight": "1979-06-15" }, "SDSS": { "name": "Sloan Digital Sky Survey", "runame": "Слоановский цифровой небесный обзор", "telescope": "Sloan Digital Sky Survey telescope", "design": "RC", "alt": 2788, "diam": 2500, "f": 5, "obs": "Apache Point Observatory", "obscode": "645", "region": "US-NM", "fov": 3, "englight": "1998-05-09", "firstlight": "1998-05-27", "url": "https://classic.sdss.org/news/releases/19980608.fl.img1.php", "urlimg": "https://classic.sdss.org/data/first_light.300dpi.jpg", "bib": "2006AJ....131.2332G" }, "NTT": { "name": "New Technology Telescope", "diam": 3580, "design": "RC", "obs": "La Silla Observatory", "alt": 2375, "firstlight": "1989-03-23", "url": "https://www.eso.org/public/unitedkingdom/news/eso8903/" }, "Shajn": { "name": "2.6-m Shajn Telescope (ZTSh)", "runame": "Зеркальный телескоп им. Г.А. Шайна", "obs": "Crimean astrophysical observatory", "alt": 600, "diam": 2640, "firstlight": "1961-06-15" }, "H. Smith": { "name": "Harlan J. Smith Telescope", "obs": "McDonald Observatory", "alt": 2077, "diam": 2690, "firstlight": "1968-12-15" }, "Byurakan": { "name": "2.6-m telescope of Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (ZTA)", "obs": "Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory", "diam": 2600, "alt": 1406, "firstlight": "1976-06-15", "url": "https://www.bao.am/telescopes/2.6m/" }, "NOT": { "name": "Nordic Optical Telescope", "obs": "Roque de los Muchachos Observatory", "design": "RC", "diam": 2560, "alt": 2382, "firstlight": "1988-06-15" }, "VST": { "name": "VLT Survey Telescope", "obs": "Paranal Observatory", "design": "RC", "alt": 2635, "diam": 2650, "firstlight": "2011-06-08" }, "INT (1967)": { "name": "Isaac Newton Telescope", "obs": "Royal Greenwich Observatory (RGO), Herstmonceux", "alt": 50, "diam": 2540, "englight": "1965-06-15", "inauguration": "1967-12-01", "firstlight": "1967-12-15", "end": "1979-03-15", "bib": "1982JHA....13....1S" }, "INT (1984)": { "name": "Isaac Newton Telescope", "obs": "Roque de los Muchachos Observatory", "alt": 2396, "diam": 2540, "area": 5, "firstlight": "1984-02-13", "bib": "1982JHA....13....1S", "url": "https://www.ing.iac.es//Astronomy/telescopes/int/hist.html" }, "du Pont": { "name": "2.54m Irenee du Pont Telescope", "obs": "Las Campanas Observatory", "design": "RC", "alt": 2380, "diam": 2540, "firstlight": "1976-06-15" }, "UBC": { "name": "University of British Columbia/Laval University (UBC/Laval) 2.7 m Liquid Mirror Telescope", "obs": "Malcolm Knapp Research Forest, 70 km east of Vancouver", "alt": 395, "diam": 2650, "area": 5.3898, "mirror": "liquid", "type": "liquid-mirror", "firstlight": "1992-06-16", "end": "2016-07-15", "url": "https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/large-zenith-telescope", "bib": "1990ASPC...10..265G" }, "LMT": { "name": "NASA Liquid Mirror Telescope", "diam": 3000, "mirror": "liquid", "type": "liquid-mirror", "obs": "NASA Orbital Debris Observatory", "alt": 2751, "firstlight": ["1994-05-15", "1995-04-15"], "end": "2002-06-15", "url": "https://web.archive.org/web/20120215235813/http://orbitaldebris.jsc.nasa.gov/newsletter/pdfs/ODQNv11i2.pdf" }, "PTF": { "name": "Palomar Transient Factory", "runame": "Паломарская фабрика транзиентов", "telescope": "Samuel Oschin telescope", "design": "Schmidt", "diam": 1244, "obs": "Palomar Observatory", "obscode": "I41", "alt": 1712, "region": "US-CA", "sensor": "2000x4000x12", "fov": 7.8, "firstlight": "2008-12-13", "end": "2012-12-15", "bib": "2009PASP..121.1395L" }, "ZTF": { "name": "Zwicky Transient Facility", "runame": "Установка для поиска транзиентов имени Цвикки", "telescope": "Samuel Oschin telescope", "design": "Schmidt", "diam": 1244, "obs": "Palomar Observatory", "obscode": "I41", "alt": 1712, "region": "US-CA", "sensor": "6144x6160x16", "fov": 46.725, "firstlight": "2017-11-01", "url": "https://www.ptf.caltech.edu/image/ptf171114a", "urlimg": "https://www.ptf.caltech.edu/system/avm_image_sqls/binaries/66/large/ptf171114a.jpg?1510678686", "bib": "2019PASP..131a8002B, 2020PASP..132c8001D" }, "PS": { "name": "Pan-STARRS", "diam": "1800x2", "obs": "Haleakala Observatory", "alt": 3052, "design": "RC", "englight": ["2006-06-15", "2013-07-15"], "firstlight": ["2007-08-22", "2013-09-15"] }, "2MASS": { "name": "The Two Micron All-Sky Survey", "diam": "1300x2", "alt": [2306, 2171], "obs": ["Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory", "Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory"], "wvband": "NIR", "monthly-photometr-fract": [0.38, 0.6], "firstlight": ["1997-04-17", "1997-04-17"], "url": "https://www.umass.edu/synergy/syn_2mass.html", "bib": "2006AJ....131.1163S" }, "Ondrejov": { "name": "Ondrejov Perek 2m Telescope", "obs": "Ondřejov Observatory", "diam": 2000, "alt": 500, "url": "https://stel.asu.cas.cz/~slechta/2m/", "inauguration": "1967-08-23", "firstlight": "1967-03-08" }, "Rozhen 2m": { "name": "Ritchey-Chretien-Coude (RCC) Zeiss telescope", "obs": "National Astronomical Observatory (NAO) - Rozhen", "obscode": "071", "alt": 1759, "design": "RC", "diam": 2000, "firstlight": "1984-06-15" }, "Terskol": { "name": "Zeiss-2000 Terskol", "obs": "Обсерватория Пик Терскол", "diam": 2000, "alt": 3127, "design": "RC", "firstlight": "1995-06-15" }, "ShAO": { "name": "2-m telescope of Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory", "runame": "2м телескоп Шемахинской астрофизической обсерватории", "obs": "Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory", "diam": 2000, "alt": 1500, "firstlight": "1969-06-15" }, "SAI-2.5": { "name": "2.5-m Telescope of the Caucasian Mountain Observatory of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute", "runame": "2.5м телескоп Кавказской горной обсерватории", "obs": "Кавказская горная обсерватория ГАИШ МГУ", "alt": 2112, "diam": 2500, "design": "RC", "region": "RU-KC", "firstlight": "2014-11-14", "bib": "2020gbar.conf..127S" }, "JST250": { "name": "Javalambre Survey Telescope", "obs": "Astrophysical Observatory of Javalambre", "design": "RC", "diam": 2550, "area": 3.89, "englight": "2014-09-25", "firstlight": "2017-02-20", "url": ["https://www.j-pas.org/news/show/141", "https://www.j-pas.org/survey/jst-t250"] }, "Hiltner": { "name": "Hiltner Telescope", "obs": "Michigan-Dartmouth-MIT (MDM) Observatory", "diam": 2400, "alt": 1938, "firstlight": "1986-06-15" }, "MRO-2.4": { "name": "MRO 2.4-meter telescope", "obs": "Magdalena Ridge Observatory", "diam": 2400, "alt": 3230, "firstlight": "2006-10-31" }, "APF": { "name": "Automated Planet Finder Telescope", "obs": "Lick Observatory", "diam": 2400, "region": "US-CA", "alt": 1280, "bib": "2014PASP..126..359V", "firstlight": "2013-08-15" }, "Lijiang": { "name": "Lijiang 2.4-m Telescope", "obs": "Yunnan Astronomical Observatory", "diam": 2400, "design": "RC", "alt": 3193, "region": "China, Yunnan", "obscode": "O44", "bib": "2019RAA....19..149W", "firstlight": "2008-06-15" }, "TNT": { "name": "Thai National Telescope", "obs": "Thai National Observatory", "diam": 2400, "region": "Thailand", "design": "RC", "alt": 2457, "bib": "2014AJ....148..100R", "firstlight": "2013-01-15" }, "Vainu Bappu": { "name": "Vainu Bappu Telescope", "obs": "Vainu Bappu Observatory", "alt": 700, "diam": 2340, "region": "India, Tamil Nadu", "englight": "1985-11-02", "inauguration": "1986-01-06", "firstlight": "1986-06-15", "bib": "1992BASI...20..319B" }, "ATT": { "name": "The Advanced Technology Telescope of Australian National University", "obs": "Siding Spring Observatory", "alt": 1165, "diam": 2300, "inauguration": "1984-05-16", "firstlight": "1984-05-16" }, "Bok": { "name": "90-inch Bok Telescope", "obs": "Steward Observatory (Kitt Peak National Observatory)", "alt": 2100, "diam": 2300, "firstlight": "1969-06-23" }, "KPNO 2.1": { "name": "Kitt Peak 2.1-m telescope", "obs": "Kitt Peak National Observatory", "design": "RC", "alt": 2096, "diam": 2124, "url": "https://astronomynow.com/2015/10/13/a-sharp-eyed-future-for-historic-kitt-peak-telescope/", "firstlight": "1964-09-15" }, "WIRO": { "name": "Wyoming Infrared Observatory Telescope", "obs": "Wyoming Infrared Observatory", "wvband": "NIR", "alt": 2943, "diam": 2300, "firstlight": "1977-09-15" }, "Aristarchos": { "name": "Aristarchos 2.3m Telescope", "obs": "Chelmos Observatory", "diam": 2300, "alt": 2340, "design": "RC", "bib": "2006ASSL..343...49C", "firstlight": "2005-12-15" }, "UH88": { "name": "University of Hawaii 88-inch telescope", "obs": "Mauna Kea Observatories", "alt": 4213, "diam": 2240, "englight": "1968-06-15", "firstlight": "1970-06-15" }, "Jorge Sahade": { "name": "Jorge Sahade 2.15m", "obs": "Leoncito Astronomical Complex", "design": "RC", "region": "Argentina, San Juan Province", "alt": 2483, "diam": 2150, "firstlight": "1987-06-15" }, "UNAM 2.12": { "name": "Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 2.12m telescope", "obs": "National Astronomical Observatory (Mexico)", "obscode": "679", "design": "RC", "alt": 2800, "diam": 2120, "bib": "1981raoa.conf..133D", "firstlight": "1979-07-14" }, "INAOE 2.12": { "name": "Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica, Optica y Electronica", "obs": "Guillermo Haro Astrophysics Observatory", "design": "RC", "diam": 2120, "alt": 2480, "bib": "1998ASPC..139..141C", "firstlight": "1987-09-07" }, "Fraunhofer": { "name": "Fraunhofer-Teleskop", "obs": "Wendelstein Observatory", "alt": 1838, "diam": 2100, "url": "https://www.wendelstein-observatorium.de/", "inauguration": "2012-05-21", "firstlight": "2013-11-13" }, "AST": { "name": "2-m Automatic Spectroscopic Telescope of Tennessee State University", "obs": "Fairborn Observatory, Washington Camp, Arizona", "bib": "2003AAS...202.3808E", "url": ["http://ast2.tsuniv.edu/t13/", "http://ast2.tsuniv.edu/t13/press/SPIE-5496-92.pdf"], "diam": 2060, "alt": 1737, "englight": "2001-10-15", "firstlight": "2003-05-15" }, "HCT": { "name": "Himalayan Chandra Telescope", "obs": "Indian Astronomical Observatory", "diam": 2010, "alt": 4500, "design": "modified RC", "firstlight": "2000-09-26", "wvband": ["V", "NIR"] }, "TBL": { "name": "Bernard Lyot Telescope", "obs": "Pic du Midi Observatory", "diam": 2000, "alt": 2877, "firstlight": "1980-06-15" }, "AJT": { "name": "Alfred Jensch Teleskop", "obs": "Karl Schwarzschild Observatory", "design": "Schmidt", "alt": 341, "diam": 2000, "aperture": 1340, "firstlight": "1960-06-15" }, "Faulkes N": { "name": "Faulkes Telescope North", "obs": "Haleakala Observatory", "alt": 3052, "diam": 2000, "design": "RC", "firstlight": "2003-08-07" }, "Faulkes S": { "name": "Faulkes Telescope South", "obs": "Siding Spring Observatory", "alt": 1165, "diam": 2000, "design": "RC", "firstlight": "2004-06-15" }, "LT": { "name": "Liverpool Telescope", "obs": "Roque de los Muchachos Observatory", "alt": 2363, "diam": 2000, "operation": "robotic", "design": "RC", "firstlight": "2003-07-15" }, "NAYUTA": { "name": "NAYUTA Telescope", "obs": "Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory", "diam": 2000, "alt": 449, "design": "RC", "firstlight": "2004-11-15" }, "MAGNUM": { "name": "Multicolor Active Galactic Nuclei Monitoring Telescope", "obs": "Haleakala Observatory", "diam": 2000, "alt": 3050, "operation": "robotic", "wvband": ["NIR", "V"], "wv": [500, 4000], "englight": "2000-08-15", "firstlight": "2001-03-15", "end": "2008-06-15" }, "RTT150": { "name": "Russian-Turkish-Telescope-150", "runame": "российско-турецкий 1.5-м телескоп", "diam": 1500, "firstlight": "2000-09-15" }, "Nickel 1m": { "name": "Anna L. Nickel telescope", "diam": 1000, "alt": 1283, "obs": "Lick Observatory", "firstlight": "1979-09-12", "url": "https://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/c81z4932/entire_text/" }, "OHP": { "name": "Haute-Provence Observatory 1.93m", "obs": "Observatoire de Haute-Provence", "diam": 1930, "alt": 650, "firstlight": "1958-06-15" }, "Radcliffe 1948": { "name": "74 inch (1.9 m) Radcliffe Telescope", "obs": "Radcliffe Observatory", "alt": 1500, "diam": 1880, "bib": "1989QJRAS..30...33G", "firstlight": "1948-06-15", "end": "1974-06-15" }, "Radcliffe 1976": { "name": "74 inch (1.9 m) Radcliffe Telescope", "obs": "South African Astronomical Observatory, Sutherland", "alt": 1798, "diam": 1880, "firstlight": "1976-02-15" }, "DDO": { "name": "David Dunlap Observatory 1.88m reflector", "obs": "David Dunlap Observatory", "alt": 224, "diam": 1880, "firstlight": "1935-06-15" }, "Okayama 1.88m": { "name": "Okayama Observatory 1.88 m telescope", "obs": "Okayama Astrophysical Observatory", "diam": 1880, "alt": 372, "design": "Cassegrain", "inauguration": "1960-10-19", "firstlight": "1960-10-19" }, "Kottamia": { "name": "Kottamia telescope", "obs": "Kottamia Astronomical Observatory", "diam": 1880, "alt": 482, "loc": "Egypt", "design": "Cassegrain", "bib": "1998AfrSk...2...16H", "firstlight": "1964-05-15" }, "Perkins": { "name": "72-Inch Perkins Telescope", "obs": "Lowell Observatory, Anderson Mesa Station", "obscode": "688", "alt": 2163, "diam": 1830, "design": "Cassegrain", "firstlight": "1965-06-15" }, "VATT": { "name": "Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope", "obs": "Mount Graham International Observatory", "obscode": "290", "alt": 3178, "diam": 1830, "design": "Aplanatic Gregorian", "firstlight": "1993-09-15" }, "ELODIE": { "name": "ELODIE", "telescope": "Haute-Provence Observatory 1.93m", "obs": "Observatoire de Haute-Provence", "alt": 650, "type": "spectrograph", "diam": 1930, "firstlight": "1993-06-01", "wvband": "V", "wv": [389, 681], "end": "2006-08-15", "url": "http://www.obs-hp.fr/archive/elodie-for-dummies.html" }, "CORALIE": { "name": "CORALIE", "obs": "La Silla Observatory", "telescope": "Swiss 1.2-metre Leonhard Euler Telescope", "alt": 2375, "type": "spectrograph", "wvband": "V", "wv": [390, 680], "diam": 1200, "firstlight": "1998-05-15" }, "JCMT": { "name": "James Clerk Maxwell Telescope", "obs": "Mauna Kea Observatories", "telescope": "James Clerk Maxwell Telescope", "alt": 4092, "wvband": ["FIR", "Submm"], "wv": [450000, 3000000], "diam": 15000, "firstlight": "1987-06-15" }, "SOFIA": { "name": "Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy", "obs": "Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy", "type": "airborne", "diam": 2500, "alt": 13700, "wvband": ["NIR", "IR", "FIR", "Submm"], "wv": [300, 655000], "firstlight": "2010-05-26", "end": "2022-09-29" }, "HST": { "name": "Hubble Space Telescope", "runame": "Космический телескоп Хаббл", "telescope": "Hubble Space Telescope", "loc": "space", "design": "RC", "diam": 2400, "area": 4, "f": 24, "obs": "Hubble Space Telescope", "wvband": ["UV", "NUV", "V", "NIR"], "obscode": "250", "region": "LEO", "alt": 537000, "launch": "1990-04-24", "firstlight": "1990-05-20" }, "Spitzer": { "name": "Spitzer Space Telescope", "runame": "Космический телескоп Спитцер", "obs": "Spitzer Space Telescope", "obscode": "245", "diam": 850, "area": "<0.56", "f": 12, "design": "RC", "wvband": ["IR", "NIR", "FIR"], "wv": {"IRAC": [3600, 8000], "IRS": [5300, 40000], "MIPS": [24000, 160000]}, "loc": "space", "region": "Earth-trailing, Heliocentric", "launch": "2003-08-25", "firstlight": "2003-12-18", "end": "2020-01-30", "bib": "2007RScI...78a1302G", "url": "https://www.spitzer.caltech.edu/image/ssc2003-06a1-spitzer-irac-composite-image-of-a-dark-globule-in-ic-1396" }, "Herschel": { "name": "Herschel Space Observatory", "obs": "Herschel Space Observatory", "diam": 3500, "area": "<9.6", "loc": "space", "region": "L2", "design": "RC", "wvband": ["IR", "FIR"], "wv": {"PACS": [55000, 210000], "SPIRE": [194000, 672000], "HIFI": [157000, 625000]}, "launch": "2009-05-14", "firstlight": {"HIFI": "2009-06-22", "PACS": "2009-06-23", "SPIRE": "2009-06-24"}, "end": "2013-04-29", "url": "https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/herschel/first-light" }, "Kepler": { "name": "Kepler space telescope", "diam": 950, "area": 0.708, "wv": [420, 900], "wvband": "V", "loc": "space", "region": "Earth-trailing, Heliocentric", "obs": "Kepler space observatory", "obscode": "C55", "launch": "2009-03-07", "firstlight": ["2009-04-08", "2014-05-30"], "end": ["2013-05-11", "2018-10-30"], "url": "https://www.nasa.gov/image-article/keplers-diamond-mine-of-stars/" }, "TESS": { "name": "Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite", "diam": "10.5x4", "f": 1.4, "wv": [600, 1000], "wvband": ["V", "NIR"], "obs": "TESS space observatory", "obscode": "C57", "loc": "space", "launch": "2018-04-18", "region": "Highly elliptical orbit", "firstlight": "2018-08-07", "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/13069" }, "CHEOPS": { "name": "CHaracterising ExOPlanets Satellite", "diam": 320, "f": 8, "wv": [330, 1100], "wvband": "V", "obs": "CHEOPS space observatory", "loc": "space", "launch": "2019-12-18", "region": "Sun-synchronous orbit", "firstlight": "2020-02-07", "url": ["https://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Space_Science/Cheops/A_perfect_blur_First_image_by_exoplanet_watcher_Cheops", "https://sci.esa.int/web/cheops/-/cheops-image-of-its-first-target-star"] }, "Gaia": { "name": "Gaia", "runame": "Gaia", "telescope": "Gaia", "diam": "480.3901x2", "area": "0.7x2", "wvband": ["V", "NIR"], "wv": {"BP/RP": [330, 680], "RP": [640, 1050], "RVS": [845, 872]}, "obs": "Gaia space observatory", "obscode": "258", "loc": "space", "region": "L2", "launch": "2013-12-19", "englight": "2014-01-08", "firstlight": "2014-02-05" }, "JWST": { "name": "James Webb Space Telescope", "runame": "Джеймс Уэбб", "telescope": "James Webb Space Telescope", "mirror": "segmented", "design": "Korsch", "diam": 6500, "area": 25.4, "wvband": ["NIR", "IR"], "wv": {"NIRCam": [600, 5000], "NIRSpec": [600, 5300], "FGS/NIRISS": [800, 5000], "MIRI": [4900, 28800]}, "f": 20.2, "obs": "James Webb Space Telescope", "loc": "space", "region": "L2", "launch": "2021-12-25", "englight": "2022-03-11", "cooling": "2022-04-07", "firstlight": "2022-06-07", "url": "https://www.nasa.gov/news-release/nasas-webb-reaches-alignment-milestone-optics-working-successfully/" }, "Astron": { "name": "Astron", "runame": "Астрон", "diam": 800, "wvband": "UV", "wvrange": [114, 350], "loc": "space", "region": "High Earth orbit", "launch": "1983-03-23", "firstlight": "1983-04-23", "end": "1991-03-23" }, "ISO": { "name": "Infrared Space Observatory", "obs": "Infrared Space Observatory", "diam": 600, "design": "RC", "loc": "space", "region": "highly elliptical geocentric orbit", "launch": "1995-11-17", "firstlight": "1995-12-09", "end": "1998-05-16", "wvband": ["NIR", "IR", "FIR"], "wvrange": [2500, 240000] }, "GALEX": { "name": "Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX)", "obs": "GALEX spacecraft", "diam": 500, "design": "RC", "region": "LEO", "alt": 694000, "wvband": ["FUV", "UV", "NUV"], "wvrange": [[134.4, 178.6], [177.1, 283.1]], "launch": "2003-04-28", "firstlight": "2003-05-21", "end": "2013-06-28" }, "Euclid": { "name": "Euclid", "runame": "Евклид", "telescope": "Euclid space telescope", "diam": 1200, "area": 1.006, "obs": "Euclid", "loc": "space", "region": "L2", "sensor": "4096x4132x6x6, 2040x2040x4x4", "fov": "1.25x0.727", "wvband": ["V", "NIR"], "wv": {"VIS": [530, 920], "NISP": [920, 2020]}, "launch": "2023-07-01", "englight": "2023-07-15", "firstlight": "2023-11-07", "url": "https://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Space_Science/Euclid/Euclid_test_images_tease_of_riches_to_come", "bib": "2022A%26A...662A.112E" }, "HiRISE-MRO": { "name": "High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera (HiRISE) on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter", "obs": "Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter", "launch": "2005-08-12", "loc": "space", "region": "Mars orbit", "wvband": ["V", "NIR"], "wv": [[400, 600], [550, 850], [800, 1000]], "diam": 500, "englight": "2005-09-08", "firstlight": ["2006-03-23", "2006-09-29"], "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Mars_Reconnaissance_Orbiter" } }