# Table of modules |Name |Description | |-----|------------| |amixer |get volume level

| |arch-update |Check updates to Arch Linux.

Requires the following executable:
* checkupdates (from pacman-contrib)
| |battery-upower |Displays battery status, remaining percentage and charging information.

* battery-upower.warning : Warning threshold in % of remaining charge (defaults to 20)
* battery-upower.critical : Critical threshold in % of remaining charge (defaults to 10)
* battery-upower.showremaining : If set to true (default) shows the remaining time until the batteries are completely discharged
| |battery |Displays battery status, remaining percentage and charging information.

* battery.device : Comma-separated list of battery devices to read information from (defaults to auto for auto-detection)
* battery.warning : Warning threshold in % of remaining charge (defaults to 20)
* battery.critical : Critical threshold in % of remaining charge (defaults to 10)
* battery.showdevice : If set to "true", add the device name to the widget (defaults to False)
* battery.decorate : If set to "false", hides additional icons (charging, etc.) (defaults to True)
* battery.showpowerconsumption: If set to "true", show current power consumption (defaults to False)
| |battery_all |Displays battery status, remaining percentage and charging information.

* battery.device : Comma-separated list of battery devices to read information from (defaults to auto for auto-detection)
* battery.warning : Warning threshold in % of remaining charge (defaults to 20)
* battery.critical : Critical threshold in % of remaining charge (defaults to 10)
* batter.showremaining : If set to true (default) shows the remaining time until the batteries are completely discharged
| |bluetooth |Displays bluetooth status (Bluez). Left mouse click launches manager app,
right click toggles bluetooth. Needs dbus-send to toggle bluetooth state.

* bluetooth.device : the device to read state from (default is hci0)
* bluetooth.manager : application to launch on click (blueman-manager)
* bluetooth.dbus_destination : dbus destination (defaults to org.blueman.Mechanism)
* bluetooth.dbus_destination_path : dbus destination path (defaults to /)
* bluetooth.right_click_popup : use popup menu when right-clicked (defaults to True)

| |brightness |Displays the brightness of a display

* brightness.step: The amount of increase/decrease on scroll in % (defaults to 2)
* brightness.device_path: The device path (defaults to /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight), can contain wildcards (in this case, the first matching path will be used)

| |caffeine |Enable/disable automatic screen locking.

Requires the following executables:
* xdg-screensaver
* xdotool
* xprop (as dependency for xdotool)
* notify-send
| |cmus |Displays information about the current song in cmus.

Requires the following executable:
* cmus-remote

* cmus.format: Format string for the song information. Tag values can be put in curly brackets (i.e. {artist})
Additional tags:
* {file} - full song file name
* {file1} - song file name without path prefix
if {file} = '/foo/bar.baz', then {file1} = 'bar.baz'
* {file2} - song file name without path prefix and extension suffix
if {file} = '/foo/bar.baz', then {file2} = 'bar'
* cmus.layout: Space-separated list of widgets to add. Possible widgets are the buttons/toggles cmus.prev, cmus.next, cmus.shuffle and cmus.repeat, and the main display with play/pause function cmus.main.
| |cpu |Displays CPU utilization across all CPUs.

* cpu.warning : Warning threshold in % of CPU usage (defaults to 70%)
* cpu.critical: Critical threshold in % of CPU usage (defaults to 80%)
* cpu.format : Format string (defaults to "{:.01f}%")
| |cpu2 |Multiwidget CPU module

Can display any combination of:

* max CPU frequency
* total CPU load in percents (integer value)
* per-core CPU load as graph - either mono or colored
* CPU temperature (in Celsius degrees)
* CPU fan speed


* the psutil Python module for the first three items from the list above
* sensors executable for the rest

* cpu2.layout: Space-separated list of widgets to add.
Possible widgets are:
* cpu2.maxfreq
* cpu2.cpuload
* cpu2.coresload
* cpu2.temp
* cpu2.fanspeed
* cpu2.colored: 1 for colored per core load graph, 0 for mono (default)
if this is set to 1, use --markup=pango
* cpu2.temp_pattern: pattern to look for in the output of 'sensors -u';
required if cpu2.temp widged is used
* cpu2.fan_pattern: pattern to look for in the output of 'sensors -u';
required if cpu2.fanspeed widged is used

Note: if you are getting "n/a" for CPU temperature / fan speed, then you're
lacking the aforementioned pattern settings or they have wrong values.

| |currency |Displays currency exchange rates. Currently, displays currency between GBP and USD/EUR only.

Requires the following python packages:
* requests

* currency.interval: Interval in minutes between updates, default is 1.
* currency.source: Source currency (ex. "GBP", "EUR"). Defaults to "auto", which infers the local one from IP address.
* currency.destination: Comma-separated list of destination currencies (defaults to "USD,EUR")
* currency.sourceformat: String format for source formatting; Defaults to "{}: {}" and has two variables,
the base symbol and the rate list
* currency.destinationdelimiter: Delimiter used for separating individual rates (defaults to "|")

Note: source and destination names right now must correspond to the names used by the API of https://markets.ft.com
| |datetime |Displays the current date and time.

* datetime.format: strftime()-compatible formatting string
* date.format : alias for datetime.format
* time.format : alias for datetime.format
* datetime.locale: locale to use rather than the system default
* date.locale : alias for datetime.locale
* time.locale : alias for datetime.locale
| |datetimetz |Displays the current date and time with timezone options.

* datetimetz.format : strftime()-compatible formatting string
* datetimetz.timezone : IANA timezone name
* datetz.format : alias for datetimetz.format
* timetz.format : alias for datetimetz.format
* timetz.timezone : alias for datetimetz.timezone
* datetimetz.locale : locale to use rather than the system default
* datetz.locale : alias for datetimetz.locale
* timetz.locale : alias for datetimetz.locale
* timetz.timezone : alias for datetimetz.timezone
| |deadbeef |Displays the current song being played in DeaDBeeF and provides
some media control bindings.
Left click toggles pause, scroll up skips the current song, scroll
down returns to the previous song.

Requires the following library:
* subprocess
* deadbeef.format: Format string (defaults to "{artist} - {title}")
Available values are: {artist}, {title}, {album}, {length},
{trackno}, {year}, {comment},
{copyright}, {time}
This is deprecated, but much simpler.
* deadbeef.tf_format: A foobar2000 title formatting-style format string.
These can be much more sophisticated than the standard
format strings. This is off by default, but specifying
any tf_format will enable it. If both deadbeef.format
and deadbeef.tf_format are specified, deadbeef.tf_format
takes priority.
* deadbeef.tf_format_if_stopped: Controls whether or not the tf_format format
string should be displayed even if no song is paused or
playing. This could be useful if you want to implement
your own stop strings with the built in logic. Any non-
null value will enable this (by default the module will
hide itself when the player is stopped).
* deadbeef.previous: Change binding for previous song (default is left click)
* deadbeef.next: Change binding for next song (default is right click)
* deadbeef.pause: Change binding for toggling pause (default is middle click)
Available options for deadbeef.previous, deadbeef.next and deadbeef.pause are:

| |deezer |Displays the current song being played
Requires the following library:
* python-dbus
* deezer.format: Format string (defaults to "{artist} - {title}")
Available values are: {album}, {title}, {artist}, {trackNumber}, {playbackStatus}
* deezer.previous: Change binding for previous song (default is left click)
* deezer.next: Change binding for next song (default is right click)
* deezer.pause: Change binding for toggling pause (default is middle click)
Available options for deezer.previous, deezer.next and deezer.pause are:
| |disk |Shows free diskspace, total diskspace and the percentage of free disk space.

* disk.warning: Warning threshold in % of disk space (defaults to 80%)
* disk.critical: Critical threshold in % of disk space (defaults ot 90%)
* disk.path: Path to calculate disk usage from (defaults to /)
* disk.open: Which application / file manager to launch (default xdg-open)
* disk.format: Format string, tags {path}, {used}, {left}, {size} and {percent} (defaults to "{path} {used}/{size} ({percent:05.02f}%)")
* (deprecated) disk.showUsed: Show used space (defaults to yes)
* (deprecated) disk.showSize: Show total size (defaults to yes)
* (deprecated) disk.showPercent: Show usage percentage (defaults to yes)
| |dnf |Displays DNF package update information (\/\/\/\)

Requires the following executable:
* dnf

* dnf.interval: Time in minutes between two consecutive update checks (defaults to 30 minutes)

| |docker_ps |Displays the number of docker containers running

Requires the following python packages:
* docker

| |dunst |Toggle dunst notifications. | |error |Draws an error widget.
| |getcrypto |Displays the price of a cryptocurrency.

Requires the following python packages:
* requests

* getcrypto.interval: Interval in seconds for updating the price, default is 120, less than that will probably get your IP banned.
* getcrypto.getbtc: 0 for not getting price of BTC, 1 for getting it (default).
* getcrypto.geteth: 0 for not getting price of ETH, 1 for getting it (default).
* getcrypto.getltc: 0 for not getting price of LTC, 1 for getting it (default).
* getcrypto.getcur: Set the currency to display the price in, usd is the default.
| |git |Print the branch and git status for the
currently focused window.

* xcwd
* Python module 'pygit2'
| |github |Displays the unread GitHub notifications for a GitHub user

Requires the following library:
* requests

* github.token: GitHub user access token, the token needs to have the 'notifications' scope.
* github.interval: Interval in minutes between updates, default is 5.
| |gpmdp |Displays information about the current song in Google Play music player.

Requires the following executable:
* gpmdp-remote
| |hddtemp |Fetch hard drive temeperature data from a hddtemp daemon
that runs on localhost and default port (7634)
| |hostname |Displays the system hostname. | |http_status |Display HTTP status code

* http_status.label: Prefix label (optional)
* http_status.target: Target to retrieve the HTTP status from
* http_status.expect: Expected HTTP status
| |indicator |Displays the indicator status, for numlock, scrolllock and capslock

* indicator.include: Comma-separated list of interface prefixes to include (defaults to "numlock,capslock")
* indicator.signalstype: If you want the signali type color to be "critical" or "warning" (defaults to "warning")
| |kernel |Shows Linux kernel version information | |layout-xkb |Displays the current keyboard layout using libX11

Requires the following library:
* libX11.so.6
and python module:
* xkbgroup

* layout-xkb.showname: Boolean that indicate whether the full name should be displayed. Defaults to false (only the symbol will be displayed)
* layout-xkb.show_variant: Boolean that indecates whether the variant name should be displayed. Defaults to true.
| |layout-xkbswitch |Displays and changes the current keyboard layout

Requires the following executable:
* xkb-switch
| |layout |Displays and changes the current keyboard layout

Requires the following executable:
* setxkbmap
| |load |Displays system load.

* load.warning : Warning threshold for the one-minute load average (defaults to 70% of the number of CPUs)
* load.critical: Critical threshold for the one-minute load average (defaults to 80% of the number of CPUs)
| |memory |Displays available RAM, total amount of RAM and percentage available.

* memory.warning : Warning threshold in % of memory used (defaults to 80%)
* memory.critical: Critical threshold in % of memory used (defaults to 90%)
* memory.format: Format string (defaults to "{used}/{total} ({percent:05.02f}%)")
* memory.usedonly: Only show the amount of RAM in use (defaults to False). Same as memory.format="{used}"
| |mocp |Displays information about the current song in mocp. Left click toggles play/pause. Right click toggles shuffle.

Requires the following executable:
* mocp

* mocp.format: Format string for the song information. Replace string sequences with the actual information:
%state State
%file File
%title Title, includes track, artist, song title and album
%artist Artist
%song SongTitle
%album Album
%tt TotalTime
%tl TimeLeft
%ts TotalSec
%ct CurrentTime
%cs CurrentSec
%b Bitrate
%r Sample rate
| |mpd |Displays information about the current song in mpd.

Requires the following executable:
* mpc

* mpd.format: Format string for the song information.
Supported tags (see `man mpc` for additional information)
* {name}
* {artist}
* {album}
* {albumartist}
* {comment}
* {composer}
* {date}
* {originaldate}
* {disc}
* {genre}
* {performer}
* {title}
* {track}
* {time}
* {file}
* {id}
* {prio}
* {mtime}
* {mdate}
Additional tags:
* {position} - position of currently playing song
not to be confused with %position% mpc tag
* {duration} - duration of currently playing song
* {file1} - song file name without path prefix
if {file} = '/foo/bar.baz', then {file1} = 'bar.baz'
* {file2} - song file name without path prefix and extension suffix
if {file} = '/foo/bar.baz', then {file2} = 'bar'
* mpd.host: MPD host to connect to. (mpc behaviour by default)
* mpd.layout: Space-separated list of widgets to add. Possible widgets are the buttons/toggles mpd.prev, mpd.next, mpd.shuffle and mpd.repeat, and the main display with play/pause function mpd.main.
| |network_traffic |Displays network traffic
* No extra configuration needed
| |nic |Displays the name, IP address(es) and status of each available network interface.

Requires the following python module:
* netifaces

* nic.exclude: Comma-separated list of interface prefixes to exclude (defaults to "lo,virbr,docker,vboxnet,veth,br")
* nic.include: Comma-separated list of interfaces to include
* nic.states: Comma-separated list of states to show (prefix with "^" to invert - i.e. ^down -\> show all devices that are not in state down)
* nic.format: Format string (defaults to "{intf} {state} {ip} {ssid}")
| |notmuch_count |Displays the result of a notmuch count query
default : unread emails which path do not contained "Trash" (notmuch count "tag:unread AND NOT path:/.*Trash.*/")

* notmuch_count.query: notmuch count query to show result

if the notmuch query failed, the shown value is -1

notmuch (https://notmuchmail.org/)
| |nvidiagpu |Displays GPU name, temperature and memory usage.

* nvidiagpu.format: Format string (defaults to "{name}: {temp}°C %{usedmem}/{totalmem} MiB")
Available values are: {name} {temp} {mem_used} {mem_total} {fanspeed} {clock_gpu} {clock_mem}

Requires nvidia-smi
| |pacman |Displays update information per repository for pacman.

* pacman.sum: If you prefere displaying updates with a single digit (defaults to "False")

Requires the following executables:
* fakeroot
* pacman
| |pihole |Displays the pi-hole status (up/down) together with the number of ads that were blocked today
* pihole.address : pi-hole address (e.q:
* pihole.pwhash : pi-hole webinterface password hash (can be obtained from the /etc/pihole/SetupVars.conf file)
| |ping |Periodically checks the RTT of a configurable host using ICMP echos

Requires the following executable:
* ping

* ping.interval: Time in seconds between two RTT checks (defaults to 60)
* ping.address : IP address to check
* ping.timeout : Timeout for waiting for a reply (defaults to 5.0)
* ping.probes : Number of probes to send (defaults to 5)
* ping.warning : Threshold for warning state, in seconds (defaults to 1.0)
* ping.critical: Threshold for critical state, in seconds (defaults to 2.0)
| |pomodoro |Display and run a Pomodoro timer.
Left click to start timer, left click again to pause.
Right click will cancel the timer.

* pomodoro.work: The work duration of timer in minutes (defaults to 25)
* pomodoro.break: The break duration of timer in minutes (defaults to 5)
* pomodoro.format: Timer display format with "%m" and "%s" for minutes and seconds (defaults to "%m:%s")
Examples: "%m min %s sec", "%mm", "", "timer"
* pomodoro.notify: Notification command to run when timer ends/starts (defaults to nothing)
Example: 'notify-send "Time up!"'. If you want to chain multiple commands,
please use an external wrapper script and invoke that. The module itself does
not support command chaining (see https://github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/issues/532
for a detailled explanation)
| |prime |Displays and changes the current selected prime video card

Left click will call 'sudo prime-select nvidia'
Right click will call 'sudo prime-select nvidia'

Running these commands without a password requires editing your sudoers file
(always use visudo, it's very easy to make a mistake and get locked out of your computer!)

sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/prime

Then put a line like this in there:

user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/prime-select

If you can't figure out the sudoers thing, then don't worry, it's still really useful.

* prime.nvidiastring: String to use when nvidia is selected (defaults to "intel")
* prime.intelstring: String to use when intel is selected (defaults to "intel")

Requires the following executable:
* prime-select

| |progress |
Show progress for cp, mv, dd, ...

* progress.placeholder: Text to display while no process is running (defaults to "n/a")
* progress.barwidth: Width of the progressbar if it is used (defaults to 8)
* progress.format: Format string (defaults to "{bar} {cmd} {arg}")
Available values are: {bar} {pid} {cmd} {arg} {percentage} {quantity} {speed} {time}
* progress.barfilledchar: Character used to draw the filled part of the bar (defaults to "#"), notice that it can be a string
* progress.baremptychar: Character used to draw the empty part of the bar (defaults to "-"), notice that it can be a string

Requires the following executable:
* progress
| |publicip |Displays public IP address

Requires the following python packages:
* requests

* publicip.region: us-central (default), us-east, us-west, uk, de, pl, nl
* publicip.service: web address that returns plaintext ip address (ex. "http://l2.io/ip")
| |pulseaudio |Displays volume and mute status and controls for PulseAudio devices. Use wheel up and down to change volume, left click mutes, right click opens pavucontrol.

Aliases: pasink (use this to control output instead of input), pasource

* pulseaudio.autostart: If set to "true" (default is "false"), automatically starts the pulseaudio daemon if it is not running
* pulseaudio.percent_change: How much to change volume by when scrolling on the module (default is 2%)
* pulseaudio.limit: Upper limit for setting the volume (default is 0%, which means "no limit")
Note: If the left and right channels have different volumes, the limit might not be reached exactly.
* pulseaudio.showbars: 1 for showing volume bars, requires --markup=pango;
0 for not showing volume bars (default)

Requires the following executable:
* pulseaudio
* pactl
* pavucontrol
| |redshift |Displays the current color temperature of redshift

Requires the following executable:
* redshift

* redshift.location : location provider, either of "geoclue2" (default), "ipinfo" (requires the requests package), or "manual"
* redshift.lat : latitude if location is set to "manual"
* redshift.lon : longitude if location is set to "manual"
| |rotation |Shows a widget for each connected screen and allows the user to loop through different orientations.

Requires the following executable:
* xrandr
| |rss |RSS news ticker

Fetches rss news items and shows these as a news ticker.
Left-clicking will open the full story in a browser.
New stories are highlighted.

* rss.feeds : Space-separated list of RSS URLs
* rss.length : Maximum length of the module, default is 60
| |sensors |Displays sensor temperature

* sensors.path: path to temperature file (default /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp).
* sensors.json: if set to "true", interpret sensors.path as JSON "path" in the output
of "sensors -j" (i.e. \/\/.../\), for example, path could
be: "coretemp-isa-00000/Core 0/temp1_input" (defaults to "false")
* sensors.match: (fallback) Line to match against output of 'sensors -u' (default: temp1_input)
* sensors.match_pattern: (fallback) Line to match against before temperature is read (no default)
* sensors.match_number: (fallback) which of the matches you want (default -1: last match).
* sensors.show_freq: whether to show CPU frequency. (default: true)
| |sensors2 |Displays sensor temperature and CPU frequency


* sensors2.chip: "sensors -u" compatible filter for chip to display (default to empty - show all chips)
* sensors2.showcpu: Enable or disable CPU frequency display (default: true)
* sensors2.showtemp: Enable or disable temperature display (default: true)
* sensors2.showfan: Enable or disable fan display (default: true)
* sensors2.showother: Enable or display "other" sensor readings (default: false)
* sensors2.showname: Enable or disable show of sensor name (default: false)
* sensors2.chip_include: Comma-separated list of chip to include (defaults to "" will include all by default, example: "coretemp,bat")
* sensors2.chip_exclude:Comma separated list of chip to exclude (defaults to "" will exlude none by default)
* sensors2.field_include: Comma separated list of chip to include (defaults to "" will include all by default, example: "temp,fan")
* sensors2.field_exclude: Comma separated list of chip to exclude (defaults to "" will exclude none by default)
* sensors2.chip_field_exclude: Comma separated list of chip field to exclude (defaults to "" will exclude none by default, example: "coretemp-isa-0000.temp1,coretemp-isa-0000.fan1")
* sensors2.chip_field_include: Comma-separated list of adaper field to include (defaults to "" will include all by default)
| |shell | Execute command in shell and print result

Few command examples:
'ping -c 1 | grep -Po "(?\<=time=)\d+(\.\d+)? ms"'
'echo "BTC=$(curl -s rate.sx/1BTC | grep -Po "^\d+")USD"'
'curl -s https://wttr.in/London?format=%l+%t+%h+%w'
'pip3 freeze | wc -l'
'any_custom_script.sh | grep arguments'

* shell.command: Command to execute
Use single parentheses if evaluating anything inside (sh-style)
For example shell.command='echo $(date +"%H:%M:%S")'
But NOT shell.command="echo $(date +'%H:%M:%S')"
Second one will be evaluated only once at startup
* shell.interval: Update interval in seconds
(defaults to 1s == every bumblebee-status update)
* shell.async: Run update in async mode. Won't run next thread if
previous one didn't finished yet. Useful for long
running scripts to avoid bumblebee-status freezes
(defaults to False)
| |shortcut |Shows a widget per user-defined shortcut and allows to define the behaviour
when clicking on it.

For more than one shortcut, the commands and labels are strings separated by
a demiliter (; semicolon by default).

For example in order to create two shortcuts labeled A and B with commands
cmdA and cmdB you could do:

./bumblebee-status -m shortcut -p shortcut.cmd="ls;ps" shortcut.label="A;B"

* shortcut.cmds : List of commands to execute
* shortcut.labels: List of widgets' labels (text)
* shortcut.delim : Commands and labels delimiter (; semicolon by default)
| |spaceapi |Displays the state of a Space API endpoint
Space API is an API for hackspaces based on JSON. See spaceapi.io for
an example.

Requires the following libraries:
* requests
* regex

* spaceapi.url: String representation of the api endpoint
* spaceapi.format: Format string for the output

Format Strings:
* Format strings are indicated by double %%
* They represent a leaf in the JSON tree, layers seperated by "."
* Boolean values can be overwritten by appending "%true%false"
in the format string
* Example: to reference "open" in "{"state":{"open": true}}"
you would write "%%state.open%%", if you also want
to say "Open/Closed" depending on the boolean you
would write "%%state.open%Open%Closed%%"
| |spacer |Draws a widget with configurable text content.

* spacer.text: Widget contents (defaults to empty string)
| |spotify |Displays the current song being played
Requires the following library:
* python-dbus
* spotify.format: Format string (defaults to "{artist} - {title}")
Available values are: {album}, {title}, {artist}, {trackNumber}, {playbackStatus}
* spotify.previous: Change binding for previous song (default is left click)
* spotify.next: Change binding for next song (default is right click)
* spotify.pause: Change binding for toggling pause (default is middle click)
Available options for spotify.previous, spotify.next and spotify.pause are:
| |stock |Display a stock quote from worldtradingdata.com

Requires the following python packages:
* requests

* stock.symbols : Comma-separated list of symbols to fetch
* stock.change : Should we fetch change in stock value (defaults to True)
| |sun |Displays sunrise and sunset times

Requires the following python packages:
* requests
* suntime

* cpu.lat : Latitude of your location
* cpu.lon : Longitude of your location
| |system | system module

adds the possibility to
* shutdown
* reboot
the system.

Per default a confirmation dialog is shown before the actual action is performed.

* system.confirm: show confirmation dialog before performing any action (default: true)
* system.reboot: specify a reboot command (defaults to 'reboot')
* system.shutdown: specify a shutdown command (defaults to 'shutdown -h now')
* system.logout: specify a logout command (defaults to 'i3exit logout')
* system.switch_user: specify a command for switching the user (defaults to 'i3exit switch_user')
* system.lock: specify a command for locking the screen (defaults to 'i3exit lock')
* system.suspend: specify a command for suspending (defaults to 'i3exit suspend')
* system.hibernate: specify a command for hibernating (defaults to 'i3exit hibernate')
| |taskwarrior |Displays the number of pending tasks in TaskWarrior.

Requires the following library:
* taskw

* taskwarrior.taskrc : path to the taskrc file (defaults to ~/.taskrc)
| |test |Test module
| |title |Displays focused i3 window title.

* i3ipc

* title.max : Maximum character length for title before truncating. Defaults to 64.
* title.placeholder : Placeholder text to be placed if title was truncated. Defaults to "...".
* title.scroll : Boolean flag for scrolling title. Defaults to False
| |todo |Displays the number of todo items from a text file

* todo.file: File to read TODOs from (defaults to ~/Documents/todo.txt)
| |traffic |Displays network IO for interfaces.

* traffic.exclude: Comma-separated list of interface prefixes to exclude (defaults to "lo,virbr,docker,vboxnet,veth")
* traffic.states: Comma-separated list of states to show (prefix with "^" to invert - i.e. ^down -\> show all devices that are not in state down)
* traffic.showname: If set to False, hide network interface name (defaults to True)
* traffic.format: Format string for download/upload speeds.
Defaults to "{:.2f}"
* traffic.graphlen: Graph lenth in seconds. Positive even integer. Each
char shows 2 seconds. If set, enables up/down traffic
| |twmn |Toggle twmn notifications. | |uptime |Displays the system uptime. | |vault |Copy passwords from a password store into the clipboard (currently supports only "pass")

Many thanks to [@bbernhard](https://github.com/bbernhard) for the idea!

* vault.duration: Duration until password is cleared from clipboard (defaults to 30)
* vault.location: Location of the password store (defaults to ~/.password-store)
* vault.offx: x-axis offset of popup menu (defaults to 0)
* vault.offy: y-axis offset of popup menu (defaults to 0)
| |vpn | Displays the VPN profile that is currently in use.

Left click opens a popup menu that lists all available VPN profiles and allows to establish
a VPN connection using that profile.

* nmcli needs to be installed and configured properly.
To quickly test, whether nmcli is working correctly, type "nmcli -g NAME,TYPE,DEVICE con" which
lists all the connection profiles that are configured. Make sure that your VPN profile is in that list!

e.g: to import a openvpn profile via nmcli:
sudo nmcli connection import type openvpn file \
| |weather |Displays the temperature on the current location based on the ip

Requires the following python packages:
* requests

* weather.location: Set location, defaults to 'auto' for getting location from http://ipinfo.io
If set to a comma-separated list, left-click and right-click can be used to rotate the locations.
Locations should be city names or city ids.
* weather.unit: metric (default), kelvin, imperial
* weather.showcity: If set to true, show location information, otherwise hide it (defaults to true)
* weather.showminmax: If set to true, show the minimum and maximum temperature, otherwise hide it (defaults to false)
* weather.apikey: API key from http://api.openweathermap.org
| |xkcd |Opens a random xkcd comic in the browser. | |xrandr |Shows a widget for each connected screen and allows the user to enable/disable screens.

* xrandr.overwrite_i3config: If set to 'true', this module assembles a new i3 config
every time a screen is enabled or disabled by taking the file "~/.config/i3/config.template"
and appending a file "~/.config/i3/config.\" for every screen.
* xrandr.autoupdate: If set to 'false', does *not* invoke xrandr automatically. Instead, the
module will only refresh when displays are enabled or disabled (defaults to true)

Requires the following python module:
* (optional) i3 - if present, the need for updating the widget list is auto-detected

Requires the following executable:
* xrandr
| |zpool |Displays info about zpools present on the system

* zpool.list: Comma-separated list of zpools to display info for. If empty, info for all zpools
is displayed. (Default: "")
* zpool.format: Format string, tags {name}, {used}, {left}, {size}, {percentfree}, {percentuse},
{status}, {shortstatus}, {fragpercent}, {deduppercent} are supported.
(Default: "{name} {used}/{size} ({percentfree}%)")
* zpool.showio: Show also widgets detailing current read and write I/O (Default: true)
* zpool.ioformat: Format string for I/O widget, tags {ops} (operations per seconds) and {band}
(bandwidth) are supported. (Default: "{band}")
* zpool.warnfree: Warn if free space is below this percentage (Default: 10)
* zpool.sudo: Use sudo when calling the `zpool` binary. (Default: false)

Option `zpool.sudo` is intended for Linux users using zfsonlinux older than 0.7.0: In pre-0.7.0
releases of zfsonlinux regular users couldn't invoke even informative commands such as
`zpool list`. If this option is true, command `zpool list` is invoked with sudo. If this option
is used, the following (or ekvivalent) must be added to the `sudoers(5)`:

\ ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/zpool list

Be aware of security implications of doing this!