" # Configuration if !exists('g:instant_markdown_slow') let g:instant_markdown_slow = 0 endif if !exists('g:instant_markdown_autostart') let g:instant_markdown_autostart = 1 endif " # Utility Functions " Simple system wrapper that ignores empty second args function! s:system(cmd, stdin) if strlen(a:stdin) == 0 call system(a:cmd) else call system(a:cmd, a:stdin) endif return v:shell_error endfu function! s:refreshView() let bufnr = expand('') " prevent block-and-waiting for STDIN let mdtext = s:bufGetContents(bufnr) if strlen(mdtext) == 0 let mdtext = " " endif let res = s:system("curl -X PUT -T - http://localhost:8090/", \ mdtext) " TODO: res == 7 means server has been down. restart? endfu function! s:startDaemon(initialMD) call s:system("nodemd.cmd", "") sleep 1 call s:refreshView() endfu function! s:initDict() if !exists('s:buffers') let s:buffers = {} endif endfu function! s:pushBuffer(bufnr) call s:initDict() let s:buffers[a:bufnr] = 1 endfu function! s:popBuffer(bufnr) call s:initDict() call remove(s:buffers, a:bufnr) endfu function! s:killDaemon() call system("curl -s -X DELETE http://localhost:8090/") endfu function! s:bufGetContents(bufnr) return join(getbufline(a:bufnr, 1, "$"), "\n") endfu " I really, really hope there's a better way to do this. fu! s:myBufNr() return str2nr(expand('')) endfu " # Functions called by autocmds " " ## push a new Markdown buffer into the system. " " 1. Track it so we know when to garbage collect the daemon " 2. Start daemon if we're on the first MD buffer. " 3. Initialize changedtickLast, possibly needlessly(?) fu! s:pushMarkdown() let bufnr = s:myBufNr() call s:initDict() if len(s:buffers) == 0 call s:startDaemon(s:bufGetContents(bufnr)) endif call s:pushBuffer(bufnr) let b:changedtickLast = b:changedtick endfu " ## pop a Markdown buffer " " 1. Pop the buffer reference " 2. Garbage collection " * daemon " * autocmds fu! s:popMarkdown() let bufnr = s:myBufNr() silent au! instant-markdown * call s:popBuffer(bufnr) if len(s:buffers) == 0 call s:killDaemon() endif endfu " ## Refresh if there's something new worth showing " " 'All things in moderation' fu! s:temperedRefresh() if !exists('b:changedtickLast') let b:changedtickLast = b:changedtick elseif b:changedtickLast != b:changedtick let b:changedtickLast = b:changedtick call s:refreshView() endif endfu fu! s:previewMarkdown() call s:startDaemon(join(getline(1, '$'), "\n")) aug instant-markdown if g:instant_markdown_slow au CursorHold,BufWrite,InsertLeave call s:temperedRefresh() else au CursorHold,CursorHoldI,CursorMoved,CursorMovedI call s:temperedRefresh() endif au BufWinLeave call s:cleanUp() aug END endfu fu! s:cleanUp() call s:killDaemon() au! instant-markdown * endfu if g:instant_markdown_autostart " # Define the autocmds " aug instant-markdown au! * au BufEnter call s:refreshView() if g:instant_markdown_slow au CursorHold,CursorHoldI,BufWrite,InsertLeave call s:temperedRefresh() else au CursorHold,CursorHoldI,CursorMoved,CursorMovedI call s:temperedRefresh() endif au BufWinLeave call s:popMarkdown() au BufwinEnter call s:pushMarkdown() aug END else command! -buffer InstantMarkdownPreview call s:previewMarkdown() endif