"--------------------------------------------------------------------------- " GUI: " "--------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Fonts: "{{{ set ambiwidth=double if has('win32') || has('win64') " For Windows. " set guifontwide=VL\ Gothic:h11 " set guifontwide=Ricty:h12 set guifont=Ricty:h12 " set guifont=Anonymous\ Pro:h11 " set guifont=Courier\ New:h11 " set guifont=MS\ Gothic:h11 " set guifont=VL\ Gothic:h11 " set guifont=Consolas:h12 " set guifont=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono:h11 " set guifont=Inconsolata:h12 " set guifont=Terminal:h10:cSHIFTJIS " Number of pixel lines inserted between characters. set linespace=2 if has('patch-7.4.394') " Use DirectWrite set renderoptions=type:directx,gammma:2.2,mode:3 endif if has('kaoriya') " For Kaoriya only. set ambiwidth=auto endif elseif has('mac') " For Mac. set guifont=Osaka-等幅:h14 else " For Linux. set guifontwide=VL\ Gothic\ 13 set guifont=Courier\ 10\ Pitch\ 14 endif"}}} "--------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Window:"{{{ " if has('win32') || has('win64') " Width of window. set columns=230 " Height of window. set lines=55 " Set transparency. "autocmd GuiEnter * set transparency=221 " Toggle font setting. command! TransparencyToggle let &transparency = \ (&transparency != 255 && &transparency != 0)? 255 : 221 nnoremap TT :TransparencyToggle else if &columns < 170 " Width of window. set columns=170 endif if &lines < 40 " Height of window. set lines=40 endif endif " Don't override colorscheme. if !exists('g:colors_name') colorscheme candy endif "}}} "--------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Input Japanese:"{{{ " For Linux if (has('multi_byte_ime') || has('xim')) && has('GUI_GTK') " Disable uim when use skk.vim. let &imdisable=1 " To use uim-anthy. "let $GTK_IM_MODULE='uim-anthy' "set imactivatekey=C-space " To use ibus-mozc/fcitx. let $GTK_IM_MODULE='xim' endif "}}} "--------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Mouse:"{{{ " set mouse= set mousemodel= " Don't focus the window when the mouse pointer is moved. set nomousefocus " Hide mouse pointer on insert mode. set mousehide "}}} "--------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Menu:"{{{ " " Hide toolbar and menus. set guioptions-=Tt set guioptions-=m " Scrollbar is always off. set guioptions-=rL " Not guitablabel. set guioptions-=e " Confirm without window. set guioptions+=c "}}} "--------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Views:"{{{ " " Don't highlight search result. set nohlsearch " Don't flick cursor. set guicursor& set guicursor+=a:blinkon0 "}}} " vim: foldmethod=marker