#This is easywebdav client runnable in PYTHON 3, https://github.com/amnong/easywebdav/pull/28 import requests import platform from numbers import Number import xml.etree.cElementTree as xml from collections import namedtuple py_majversion, py_minversion, py_revversion = platform.python_version_tuple() if py_majversion == '2': from httplib import responses as HTTP_CODES from urlparse import urlparse basestring = basestring else: from http.client import responses as HTTP_CODES from urllib.parse import urlparse basestring = (str, bytes) DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES = 1 * 1024 * 1024 class WebdavException(Exception): pass class ConnectionFailed(WebdavException): pass def codestr(code): return HTTP_CODES.get(code, 'UNKNOWN') File = namedtuple('File', ['name', 'size', 'mtime', 'ctime', 'contenttype']) def prop(elem, name, default=None): child = elem.find('.//{DAV:}' + name) return default if child is None else child.text def elem2file(elem): return File( prop(elem, 'href'), int(prop(elem, 'getcontentlength', 0)), prop(elem, 'getlastmodified', ''), prop(elem, 'creationdate', ''), prop(elem, 'getcontenttype', ''), ) class OperationFailed(WebdavException): _OPERATIONS = dict( HEAD = "get header", GET = "download", PUT = "upload", DELETE = "delete", MKCOL = "create directory", PROPFIND = "list directory", ) def __init__(self, method, path, expected_code, actual_code): self.method = method self.path = path self.expected_code = expected_code self.actual_code = actual_code operation_name = self._OPERATIONS[method] self.reason = 'Failed to {operation_name} "{path}"'.format(**locals()) expected_codes = (expected_code,) if isinstance(expected_code, Number) else expected_code expected_codes_str = ", ".join('{0} {1}'.format(code, codestr(code)) for code in expected_codes) actual_code_str = codestr(actual_code) msg = '''\ {self.reason}. Operation : {method} {path} Expected code : {expected_codes_str} Actual code : {actual_code} {actual_code_str}'''.format(**locals()) super(OperationFailed, self).__init__(msg) class Client(object): def __init__(self, host, port=0, auth=None, username=None, password=None, protocol='http', verify_ssl=True, path=None, cert=None): if not port: port = 443 if protocol == 'https' else 80 self.baseurl = '{0}://{1}:{2}'.format(protocol, host, port) if path: self.baseurl = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.baseurl, path) self.cwd = '/' self.session = requests.session() self.session.verify = verify_ssl self.session.stream = True if cert: self.session.cert = cert if auth: self.session.auth = auth elif username and password: self.session.auth = (username, password) def _send(self, method, path, expected_code, **kwargs): url = self._get_url(path) response = self.session.request(method, url, allow_redirects=False, **kwargs) if isinstance(expected_code, Number) and response.status_code != expected_code \ or not isinstance(expected_code, Number) and response.status_code not in expected_code: raise OperationFailed(method, path, expected_code, response.status_code) return response def _get_url(self, path): path = str(path).strip() if path.startswith('/'): return self.baseurl + path return "".join((self.baseurl, self.cwd, path)) def cd(self, path): path = path.strip() if not path: return stripped_path = '/'.join(part for part in path.split('/') if part) + '/' if stripped_path == '/': self.cwd = stripped_path elif path.startswith('/'): self.cwd = '/' + stripped_path else: self.cwd += stripped_path def mkdir(self, path, safe=False): expected_codes = 201 if not safe else (201, 301, 405) self._send('MKCOL', path, expected_codes) def mkdirs(self, path): dirs = [d for d in path.split('/') if d] if not dirs: return if path.startswith('/'): dirs[0] = '/' + dirs[0] old_cwd = self.cwd try: for dir in dirs: try: self.mkdir(dir, safe=True) except Exception as e: if e.actual_code == 409: raise finally: self.cd(dir) finally: self.cd(old_cwd) def rmdir(self, path, safe=False): path = str(path).rstrip('/') + '/' expected_codes = 204 if not safe else (204, 404) self._send('DELETE', path, expected_codes) def delete(self, path): self._send('DELETE', path, 204) def upload(self, local_path_or_fileobj, remote_path): if isinstance(local_path_or_fileobj, basestring): with open(local_path_or_fileobj, 'rb') as f: self._upload(f, remote_path) else: self._upload(local_path_or_fileobj, remote_path) def _upload(self, fileobj, remote_path): self._send('PUT', remote_path, (200, 201, 204), data=fileobj) def download(self, remote_path, local_path_or_fileobj,depth=0): print(remote_path) response = self._send('GET', remote_path, 200, stream=True) if isinstance(local_path_or_fileobj, basestring): with open(local_path_or_fileobj, 'wb') as f: self._download(f, response) else: self._download(local_path_or_fileobj, response) def _download(self, fileobj, response): for chunk in response.iter_content(DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES): fileobj.write(chunk) def ls(self, remote_path='.'): headers = {'Depth': '1'} response = self._send('PROPFIND', remote_path, (207, 301), headers=headers) # Redirect if response.status_code == 301: url = urlparse(response.headers['location']) return self.ls(url.path) tree = xml.fromstring(response.content) return [elem2file(elem) for elem in tree.findall('{DAV:}response')] def exists(self, remote_path): response = self._send('HEAD', remote_path, (200, 301, 404)) return True if response.status_code != 404 else False