v1.2.0 / 2022-11-02 =================== * chore(version): bump minor * Merge pull request #147 from sayanarijit/fix-146 * Add tests for m4a * Try matching audio before video * Merge pull request #145 from RSabet/master * update README to include avif * added image filetype avif * Update __init__.py * Merge pull request #141 from ferstar/master * test: remove unused imported(F401) * refactor: duck-typing reading magic string and try to restore the reader position if possible * test: fix E275 missing whitespace after keyword * test: Use tox pipeline instead of pytest * test: ignore E501 error for flake8 check * fix: CLI params parser * Merge pull request #137 from ferstar/master * fix: guess ".docx" func and add another doc file test case * fix: guess ".doc" func and add another doc file test case * test: skip benchmark test in tox config * fix: restore reader position after retrieving signature bytes * Merge pull request #136 from ferstar/master * test: no need to skip zstd test case * Merge pull request #135 from ferstar/master * fix: regression for file-like obj file type detection * Merge pull request #134 from babenek/actions * Merge pull request #129 from ferstar/master * Merge branch 'master' into master * Merge pull request #133 from magbyr/master * Merge pull request #131 from babenek/master * CI workflow in github actions * Changed to if statements in matching method * Changed return method because of coverage calculation problems * Extra line at EOF * Extra line at EOF * Extra line at EOF * Apply suggestions from code review * README changes * Linter changes * Added document filetypes for doc, docx, odt, xls, xlsx, ods, ppt, pptx and odp. Added tests and sample documents for document filetypes * Fix undocumented exception * style: Simplify binary to integer method * feat: add zstd skippable frames support * test: fix the tox config and missing test sample files * test: fix the zst test sample file * fix(readme): rst syntax wtf v1.1.0 / 2022-07-12 =================== * feat(version): bump minor * Merge pull request #127 from ferstar/master * Merge pull request #123 from levrik/patch-1 * Merge pull request #126 from babenek/master * docs: add zstd type * fix: remove unnecessary duck-typing try * feat: add zst(d) type * chore: fix lint errors * test: fix memoryview test cases * BugFix for uncaught exceptions * Support PDF with BOM v1.0.13 / 2022-04-21 ==================== * chore(version): bump patch * chore(version): bump patch * refactor(apng) * refactor(apng) * Merge pull request #120 from CatKasha/apng * fix typo * add APNG support (part 3) * add APNG support (part 2) * add APNG support (part 1) v1.0.12 / 2022-04-19 ==================== * Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/h2non/filetype.py * feat: version bump * Merge pull request #118 from smasty/woff-flavors-support * fix(font): minimum length check (woff) * Add support for more WOFF/WOFF2 flavors v1.0.10 / 2022-02-03 ==================== * Merge pull request #113 from nottaw/master * Use `==` for string comparisons v1.0.9 / 2021-12-20 =================== * Update __init__.py * Merge pull request #111 from asfaltboy/patch-1 * Add python 3.9 to version classifiers * Merge pull request #108 from hannesbraun/aiff-support * Add AIFF support * fix(Readme): rst syntax v1.0.5 / 2019-03-01 =================== * Merge pull request #36 from JorjMcKie/master * Update README.rst * add jpx example to fixtures * Update image.py * support JPEG 2000 * Merge pull request #35 from papis/master * Delete docs since are not linked to anything v1.0.4 / 2019-02-09 =================== * Merge pull request #34 from ltrojana3d/add_dicom_type * min bugfix * add Dcm class to IMAGE * adding image.Dcm class v1.0.3 / 2019-02-01 =================== * Merge pull request #32 from petergaultney/support-reading-bytes-from-readables * Merge pull request #33 from dotlambda/patch-1 * Include tests in PyPI tarball * Support reading bytes directly from duck-typed readables v1.0.1 / 2019-01-11 =================== * Merge pull request #31 from david-poirier-csn/master * removed py3.3 from travis * flake8 killing me * fix py2.7 error * fix py2.7 error * fix flake8 complaints * added support for HEIC files * added support for HEIC files * Merge pull request #28 from amitlissack/expose_webm * expose flv and webm matchers * Merge pull request #25 from CloudFerro/wip-fix-byte-reading * Fixed number of readed bytes in utils.py v1.0.1 / 2018-04-14 =================== * Merge pull request #22 from gaul/memoryview * Merge pull request #23 from gaul/avoid-bytearray-copy * Avoid bytearray copy when guessing bytes input * Allow memoryview input to filetype.guess * Update README.rst * Delete README.md * Merge pull request #19 from williamjmorenor/patch-1 * Create MANIFEST.in v1.0.0 / 2017-07-26 =================== * feat(docs): add static documentation * feat(version): bump to v1.0.0 * Merge pull request #15 from geofmureithi/patch-1 * Correct Flv minetype * Merge pull request #14 from vuolter/patch-2 * Restore tox intro * Fix setup.py version * Code cosmetics (2) * Fix style typo in README.md * Code cosmetics v0.1.6 / 2017-06-25 =================== * Merge pull request #12 from vuolter/patch-1 * Update .travis.yml * Update .travis.yml * Update setup.py * feat(version): bump to v0.1.5 * fix(Makefile): fix command v0.1.5 / 2017-05-17 =================== * Merge pull request #11 from pkravetskiy/master * fixed naming conflict * fixed ICO image extension and mime type * fix(setup.py): indentation style * fix(setup.py): use single-line package summary * feat(version): bump to v0.1.4 v0.1.4 / 2017-04-08 =================== * Merge pull request #10 from liam-middlebrook/fix-gif-mimetype * Fix mimetype for Gif Images * Merge pull request #9 from Aluriak/Aluriak-patch-1 * Fix README API example * feat: add tag task in Makefile * feat(version): bump