#!/bin/bash # This will start H2o backgrounded, and automatically consume 90% available memory # If you want S3 support create a core-site.xml file and place it in $HOME/.ec2/ # Assumes the h2o.jar you want is in /opt set -e d=`dirname $0` # Use 90% of RAM for H2O. memTotalKb=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal | sed 's/MemTotal:[ \t]*//' | sed 's/ kB//'` memTotalMb=$[ $memTotalKb / 1024 ] tmp=$[ $memTotalMb * 90 ] xmxMb=$[ $tmp / 100 ] # First try running java. java -version # Check that we can at least run H2O with the given java. # java -jar /opt/h2o.jar -version ### -version currently has a bug # HDFS credentials. hdfs_config_option="" hdfs_config_value="" hdfs_option="" hdfs_option_value="" hdfs_version="" if [ -f .ec2/core-site.xml ] then hdfs_config_option="-hdfs_config" hdfs_config_value=".ec2/core-site.xml" hdfs_option="-hdfs" hdfs_option_value="" hdfs_version="" fi # Start H2O disowned in the background. nohup java -Xmx${xmxMb}m -jar /opt/h2o.jar -name H2ODemo -flatfile flatfile.txt -port 54321 ${hdfs_config_option} ${hdfs_config_value} ${hdfs_option} ${hdfs_option_value} ${hdfs_version} 1> h2o.out 2> h2o.err &