#!/bin/bash BINPATH=$(which h2od | sed "s/h2od//g") USESYSTEMD=$(systemctl list-unit-files|grep -i h2o|wc -l) ##---Check if root use may need sudo in some spots and set home path if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ] then SUDO='sudo' if test -d "$HOME/.h2ocore"; then DATPATH="$HOME/.h2ocore" else echo -e "\nUnable to locate H2O data file path." exit 1 fi else DATPATH="/root/.h2ocore" SUDO='' fi #generate masternode key and stop h2o node if pgrep -x "h2od" > /dev/null then echo "Trying to stop h2o service..." if [ "$USESYSTEMD" > 0 ]; then SVCNAME=$(systemctl list-unit-files|grep -i h2o|awk '{print $1}'|head -n 1) $SUDO systemctl stop $SVCNAME else echo "${BINPATH}h2o-cli stop" $BINPATH\h2o-cli stop fi sleep 6 if pgrep -x "h2od" > /dev/null then echo -e "\nCannot stop masternode." echo -e "\nPlease shutdown H2O masternode before installing." echo -e "\nUse the command h2o-cli stop \n\n" exit 1 fi #else #MNPKEY=$(egrep "^masternodeprivkey=" $DATPATH/h2o.conf |awk -F '=' '{print $2}') fi echo "In order to proceed with the installation, please paste Masternode genkey by clicking right mouse button. Once masternode genkey is visible in the terminal please hit ENTER."; read MNPKEY ##---Download new H2O Wallet and uncompress echo "Downloading upgraded h2o wallet..." wget -O Linux64-H2O-cli-01218.tgz https://github.com/h2ocore/h2o/releases/download/v0.12.1.8/Linux64-H2O-cli-01218.tgz tar -zxf Linux64-H2O-cli-01218.tgz rm -f Linux64-H2O-cli-01218.tgz ##---Check that files exist f1="h2od" f2="h2o-cli" f3="h2o-tx" if [ ! -f $f1 ]; then echo "{$f1} not found!" echo "Stopping...." exit 0 fi if [ ! -f $f2 ]; then echo "{$f2} not found!" echo "Stopping...." exit 0 fi if [ ! -f $f3 ]; then echo "{$f3} not found!" echo "Stopping...." exit 0 fi echo "Moving {$f1} {$f2} {$f3} to $BINPATH..." $SUDO mv -f $f1 $f2 $f3 $BINPATH $SUDO rm -f $DATPATH/banlist.dat $SUDO rm -f $DATPATH/fee_estimates.dat $SUDO rm -f $DATPATH/governance.dat $SUDO rm -f $DATPATH/mncache.dat $SUDO rm -f $DATPATH/mnpayments.dat $SUDO rm -f $DATPATH/netfulfilled.dat $SUDO rm -f $DATPATH/peers.dat $SUDO cp $DATPATH/h2o.conf $DATPATH/h2o.conf.$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).saved $SUDO egrep -v "^masternodeprivkey=" $DATPATH/h2o.conf >/tmp/h2o.conf.new printf "\nmasternodeprivkey=$MNPKEY\n" >>/tmp/h2o.conf.new #printf "\naddnode=\naddnode=\naddnode=\naddnode=\n" #printf "\naddnode=\naddnode=\naddnode=\n\n\" $SUDO mv -f /tmp/h2o.conf.new $DATPATH/h2o.conf #printf "\n************************************************************************" #printf "\n***" #printf "\n*** A new masternode private key has been generated" #printf "\n*** Please update your 'masternode.conf' file with this new key:" #printf "\n***" #printf "\n*** $MNPKEY" #printf "\n***" #printf "\n************************************************************************\n\n" ##---Restart H2O Masternode echo "Trying to restart masternode..." #if [ "$USESYSTEMD" -eq "1" ]; if [ "$USESYSTEMD" > 0 ]; then echo $SVCNAME $SUDO systemctl start $SVCNAME else $BINPATH\h2od fi sleep 3 if ! pgrep -x "h2od" > /dev/null then echo "Could not restart H2O masternode :'(" exit 1 fi echo "Checking version..." sleep 2 ##---Check for success for failure of upgrade if h2o-cli getinfo | grep -m 1 '"protocolversion": 70209,' then echo "H2O Mastenode has been successfully updated" else echo "H2O masternode Install failed :'( " exit 0 fi sleep 5 echo "Syncing..."; echo "Take a coffee break this will take a few minutes maybe more..."; until h2o-cli mnsync status | grep -m 1 '"IsSynced": true'; do sleep 5; done > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "Sync complete. You masternode is running!!"; printf "\n************************************************************************" printf "\n***" printf "\n*** Start your masternode in your collateral wallet." printf "\n*** You can do this by clicking start alias" printf "\n*** Once started runing h2o-cli masternode status should ouput:" printf "\n*** Masternode successfully activated" printf "\n***" printf "\n***" printf "\n************************************************************************\n\n" printf "\n\nUse\n\th2o-cli mnsync status\n" printf "and\n\th2o-cli masternode status\n" printf "to verify if masternode is active"