#!/bin/bash #MIT License #Copyright (c) 2020 h31105 #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all #copies or substantial portions of the Software. #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE #SOFTWARE. #==================================================== # System Request:Debian 9+/Ubuntu 18.04+/Centos 7+ # Author: Miroku/h31105 # Dscription: TLS-Shunt-Proxy&Trojan-Go&V2Ray Script # Official document: # https://www.v2ray.com/ # https://github.com/p4gefau1t/trojan-go # https://github.com/liberal-boy/tls-shunt-proxy # https://www.docker.com/ # https://github.com/containrrr/watchtower # https://github.com/portainer/portainer # https://github.com/wulabing/V2Ray_ws-tls_bash_onekey #==================================================== PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin export PATH cd "$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" || exit pwd )" || exit #Fonts Color Green="\033[32m" Red="\033[31m" Yellow="\033[33m" GreenBG="\033[42;30m" RedBG="\033[41;30m" Font="\033[0m" #Notification Information OK="${Green}[OK]${Font}" WARN="${Yellow}[警告]${Font}" Error="${Red}[错误]${Font}" #版本、初始化变量 shell_version="1.183" tsp_cfg_version="0.61.1" #install_mode="docker" upgrade_mode="none" github_branch="master" version_cmp="/tmp/version_cmp.tmp" tsp_conf_dir="/etc/tls-shunt-proxy" trojan_conf_dir="/etc/trojan-go" v2ray_conf_dir="/etc/v2ray" tsp_conf="${tsp_conf_dir}/config.yaml" tsp_cert_dir="/etc/ssl/tls-shunt-proxy/certificates/acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org-directory" trojan_conf="${trojan_conf_dir}/config.json" v2ray_conf="${v2ray_conf_dir}/config.json" web_dir="/home/wwwroot" random_num=$((RANDOM % 3 + 7)) #shellcheck disable=SC1091 source '/etc/os-release' #从VERSION中提取发行版系统的英文名称 VERSION=$(echo "${VERSION}" | awk -F "[()]" '{print $2}') check_system() { if [[ "${ID}" == "centos" && ${VERSION_ID} -eq 7 ]]; then echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 当前系统为 Centos ${VERSION_ID} ${VERSION} ${Font}" INS="yum -y -q" elif [[ "${ID}" == "centos" && ${VERSION_ID} -ge 8 ]]; then echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 当前系统为 Centos ${VERSION_ID} ${VERSION} ${Font}" INS="dnf -y" elif [[ "${ID}" == "debian" && ${VERSION_ID} -ge 8 ]]; then echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 当前系统为 Debian ${VERSION_ID} ${VERSION} ${Font}" INS="apt -y -qq" elif [[ "${ID}" == "ubuntu" && $(echo "${VERSION_ID}" | cut -d '.' -f1) -ge 16 ]]; then echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 当前系统为 Ubuntu ${VERSION_ID} ${UBUNTU_CODENAME} ${Font}" INS="apt -y -qq" else echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} 当前系统为 ${ID} ${VERSION_ID} 不在支持的系统列表内,安装中断 ${Font}" exit 1 fi } is_root() { if [ 0 == $UID ]; then echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 当前用户是root用户,继续执行 ${Font}" sleep 1 else echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} 当前用户不是root用户,请切换到root用户后重新执行脚本 ${Font}" exit 1 fi } judge() { #shellcheck disable=SC2181 if [[ 0 -eq $? ]]; then echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} $1 完成 ${Font}" sleep 1 else echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} $1 失败 ${Font}" exit 1 fi } urlEncode() { jq -R -r @uri <<<"$1" } chrony_install() { ${INS} install chrony judge "安装 Chrony 时间同步服务" timedatectl set-ntp true if [[ "${ID}" == "centos" ]]; then systemctl enable chronyd && systemctl restart chronyd else systemctl enable chrony && systemctl restart chrony fi judge "Chrony 启动" timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Shanghai echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 等待时间同步 ${Font}" sleep 10 chronyc sourcestats -v chronyc tracking -v date read -rp "请确认时间是否准确,误差范围±3分钟 (Y/N) [Y]: " chrony_install [[ -z ${chrony_install} ]] && chrony_install="Y" case $chrony_install in [yY][eE][sS] | [yY]) echo -e "${GreenBG} 继续执行 ${Font}" sleep 2 ;; *) echo -e "${RedBG} 终止执行 ${Font}" exit 2 ;; esac } dependency_install() { if [[ "${ID}" == "centos" && ${VERSION_ID} -eq 7 ]]; then yum install epel-release -y -q elif [[ "${ID}" == "centos" && ${VERSION_ID} -ge 8 ]]; then dnf install epel-release -y -q dnf config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools dnf upgrade libseccomp elif [[ "${ID}" == "debian" && ${VERSION_ID} -ge 8 ]]; then $INS update elif [[ "${ID}" == "ubuntu" && $(echo "${VERSION_ID}" | cut -d '.' -f1) -ge 16 ]]; then $INS update fi $INS install dbus ${INS} install git lsof unzip judge "安装依赖包 git lsof unzip" ${INS} install haveged systemctl start haveged && systemctl enable haveged command -v bc >/dev/null 2>&1 || ${INS} install bc judge "安装依赖包 bc" command -v jq >/dev/null 2>&1 || ${INS} install jq judge "安装依赖包 jq" command -v sponge >/dev/null 2>&1 || ${INS} install moreutils judge "安装依赖包 moreutils" command -v qrencode >/dev/null 2>&1 || ${INS} install qrencode judge "安装依赖包 qrencode" } basic_optimization() { # 最大文件打开数 sed -i '/^\*\ *soft\ *nofile\ *[[:digit:]]*/d' /etc/security/limits.conf sed -i '/^\*\ *hard\ *nofile\ *[[:digit:]]*/d' /etc/security/limits.conf echo '* soft nofile 65536' >>/etc/security/limits.conf echo '* hard nofile 65536' >>/etc/security/limits.conf # 关闭 Selinux if [[ "${ID}" == "centos" ]]; then sed -i 's/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/' /etc/selinux/config setenforce 0 fi } config_exist_check() { if [[ -f "$1" ]]; then echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 检测到旧配置文件,自动备份旧文件配置 ${Font}" cp "$1" "$1.$(date +%Y%m%d%H)" echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 已备份旧配置 ${Font}" fi } domain_port_check() { read -rp "请输入TLS端口(默认443):" tspport [[ -z ${tspport} ]] && tspport="443" read -rp "请输入你的域名信息(例如:fk.gfw.com):" domain domain=$(echo "${domain}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') domain_ip=$(ping -q -c 1 -t 1 "${domain}" | grep PING | sed -e "s/).*//" | sed -e "s/.*(//") echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 正在获取 公网ip 信息,请耐心等待 ${Font}" local_ip=$(curl -s https://api64.ipify.org) echo -e "域名DNS解析IP:${domain_ip}" echo -e "本机IP: ${local_ip}" sleep 2 if [[ "${local_ip}" = "${domain_ip}" ]]; then echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 域名DNS解析IP 与 本机IP 匹配 ${Font}" sleep 2 else echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} 请确保域名添加了正确的 A/AAAA 记录,否则将无法正常连接 ${Font}" echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} 域名DNS 解析IP 与 本机IP 不匹配将导致 SSL 证书申请失败,是否继续安装?(Y/N)[N]${Font}" && read -r install case $install in [yY][eE][sS] | [yY]) echo -e "${GreenBG} 继续安装 ${Font}" sleep 2 ;; *) echo -e "${RedBG} 安装终止 ${Font}" exit 2 ;; esac fi } port_exist_check() { if [[ 0 -eq $(lsof -i:"$1" | grep -i -c "listen") ]]; then echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} $1 端口未被占用 ${Font}" sleep 1 else echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} 检测到 $1 端口被占用,以下为 $1 端口占用信息 ${Font}" lsof -i:"$1" echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 5s 后将尝试自动 kill 占用进程 ${Font}" sleep 5 lsof -i:"$1" | awk '{print $2}' | grep -v "PID" | xargs kill -9 echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} kill 完成 ${Font}" sleep 1 fi } service_status_check() { if systemctl is-active "$1" &>/dev/null; then echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} $1 已经启动 ${Font}" if systemctl is-enabled "$1" &>/dev/null; then echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} $1 是开机自启动项 ${Font}" else echo -e "${WARN} ${Yellow} $1 不是开机自启动项 ${Font}" systemctl enable "$1" judge "设置 $1 为开机自启动" fi else echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} 检测到 $1 服务未启动,正在尝试启动... ${Font}" systemctl restart "$1" && systemctl enable "$1" judge "尝试启动 $1 " sleep 5 if systemctl is-active "$1" &>/dev/null; then echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} $1 已经启动 ${Font}" else echo -e "${WARN} ${Yellow} 请尝试重新安装修复 $1 后再试 ${Font}" exit 4 fi fi } prereqcheck() { service_status_check docker if [[ -f ${tsp_conf} ]]; then service_status_check tls-shunt-proxy else echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} TLS-Shunt-Proxy 配置异常,请尝试重新安装 ${Font}" exit 4 fi } trojan_reset() { config_exist_check ${trojan_conf} [[ -f ${trojan_conf} ]] && rm -rf ${trojan_conf} if [[ -f ${tsp_conf} ]]; then TSP_Domain=$(grep '#TSP_Domain' ${tsp_conf} | sed -r 's/.*: (.*) #.*/\1/') && echo -e "检测到TLS域名为: ${TSP_Domain}" else echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} TLS-Shunt-Proxy 配置异常,无法检测到TLS域名信息,请重新安装后再试 ${Font}" exit 4 fi read -rp "请输入密码(Trojan-Go),默认随机 :" tjpasswd [[ -z ${tjpasswd} ]] && tjpasswd=$(head -n 10 /dev/urandom | md5sum | head -c ${random_num}) echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} Trojan-Go 密码: ${tjpasswd} ${Font}" read -rp "是否开启 WebSocket 模式支持 (Y/N) [N]:" trojan_ws_mode [[ -z ${trojan_ws_mode} ]] && trojan_ws_mode=false case $trojan_ws_mode in [yY][eE][sS] | [yY]) tjwspath="/trojan/$(head -n 10 /dev/urandom | md5sum | head -c ${random_num})/" echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} Trojan-Go WebSocket 模式开启,WSPATH: ${tjwspath} ${Font}" trojan_ws_mode=true ;; *) trojan_ws_mode=false ;; esac trojan_tcp_mode=true tjport=$((RANDOM % 6666 + 10000)) && echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} Trojan-Go 监听端口为: $tjport ${Font}" mkdir -p $trojan_conf_dir cat >$trojan_conf <<-EOF { "run_type": "server", "disable_http_check": true, "local_addr": "", "local_port": ${tjport}, "remote_addr": "", "remote_port": 80, "fallback_addr": "", "fallback_port": 443, "password": ["${tjpasswd}"], "transport_plugin": { "enabled": true, "type": "plaintext" }, "websocket": { "enabled": ${trojan_ws_mode}, "path": "${tjwspath}", "host": "${TSP_Domain}" } } EOF judge "Trojan-Go 配置生成" port_exist_check $tjport trojan_sync judge "同步 Trojan-Go 配置设置" systemctl restart tls-shunt-proxy && service_status_check tls-shunt-proxy judge "TLS-Shunt-Proxy 应用设置" } modify_trojan() { deployed_status_check echo -e "${WARN} ${Yellow} 修改 Trojan-Go 配置将重置现有的代理配置信息,是否继续 (Y/N) [N]? ${Font}" read -r modify_confirm [[ -z ${modify_confirm} ]] && modify_confirm="No" case $modify_confirm in [yY][eE][sS] | [yY]) prereqcheck trojan_reset docker restart Trojan-Go ;; *) ;; esac } trojan_sync() { [[ -z $tjport ]] && tjport=40001 [[ -z $tjwspath ]] && tjwspath=/trojan/none [[ -z $trojan_tcp_mode ]] && trojan_tcp_mode=none [[ -z $trojan_ws_mode ]] && trojan_ws_mode=none if [[ ${trojan_tcp_mode} = true ]]; then sed -i "/trojan: #Trojan_TCP/c \\ trojan: #Trojan_TCP" ${tsp_conf} sed -i "/handler: proxyPass #Trojan_TCP/c \\ handler: proxyPass #Trojan_TCP" ${tsp_conf} sed -i "/#Trojan_TCP_Port/c \\ args:${tjport} #Trojan_TCP_Port:${trojan_tcp_mode}" ${tsp_conf} else sed -i "/trojan: #Trojan_TCP/c \\ #trojan: #Trojan_TCP" ${tsp_conf} sed -i "/handler: proxyPass #Trojan_TCP/c \\ #handler: proxyPass #Trojan_TCP" ${tsp_conf} sed -i "/#Trojan_TCP_Port/c \\ #args:${tjport} #Trojan_TCP_Port:${trojan_tcp_mode}" ${tsp_conf} fi if [[ ${trojan_ws_mode} = true ]]; then sed -i "/#Trojan_WS_Path/c \\ - path: ${tjwspath} #Trojan_WS_Path" ${tsp_conf} sed -i "/handler: proxyPass #Trojan_WS/c \\ handler: proxyPass #Trojan_WS" ${tsp_conf} sed -i "/#Trojan_WS_Port/c \\ args:${tjport} #Trojan_WS_Port:${trojan_ws_mode}" ${tsp_conf} else sed -i "/#Trojan_WS_Path/c \\ #- path: ${tjwspath} #Trojan_WS_Path" ${tsp_conf} sed -i "/handler: proxyPass #Trojan_WS/c \\ #handler: proxyPass #Trojan_WS" ${tsp_conf} sed -i "/#Trojan_WS_Port/c \\ #args:${tjport} #Trojan_WS_Port:${trojan_ws_mode}" ${tsp_conf} fi } v2ray_mode_type() { read -rp "请选择 V2Ray TCP 模式协议类型:VMess(M)/VLESS(L),默认跳过,(M/L) [Skip]:" v2ray_tcp_mode [[ -z ${v2ray_tcp_mode} ]] && v2ray_tcp_mode="none" case $v2ray_tcp_mode in [mM]) echo -e "${GreenBG} 已选择 TCP 模式协议 VMess ${Font}" v2ray_tcp_mode="vmess" ;; [lL]) echo -e "${GreenBG} 已选择 TCP 模式协议 VLESS ${Font}" v2ray_tcp_mode="vless" ;; none) echo -e "${GreenBG} 跳过 TCP 模式 部署 ${Font}" v2ray_tcp_mode="none" ;; *) echo -e "${RedBG} 请输入正确的字母 (M/L) ${Font}" ;; esac read -rp "请选择 V2Ray WebSocket 模式协议类型:VMess(M)/VLESS(L),默认跳过,(M/L) [Skip]:" v2ray_ws_mode [[ -z ${v2ray_ws_mode} ]] && v2ray_ws_mode="none" case $v2ray_ws_mode in [mM]) echo -e "${GreenBG} 已选择 WS 模式 VMess ${Font}" v2ray_ws_mode="vmess" ;; [lL]) echo -e "${GreenBG} 已选择 WS 模式 VLESS ${Font}" v2ray_ws_mode="vless" ;; none) echo -e "${GreenBG} 跳过 WS 模式 部署 ${Font}" v2ray_ws_mode="none" ;; *) echo -e "${RedBG} 请输入正确的字母 (M/L) ${Font}" ;; esac } v2ray_reset() { config_exist_check ${v2ray_conf} [[ -f ${v2ray_conf} ]] && rm -rf ${v2ray_conf} mkdir -p $v2ray_conf_dir cat >$v2ray_conf <<-EOF { "log": { "loglevel": "warning" }, "inbounds":[ ], "outbounds": [ { "protocol": "freedom", "settings": {}, "tag": "direct" }, { "protocol": "blackhole", "settings": {}, "tag": "blocked" } ], "dns": { "servers": [ "https+local://", "", "", "", "", "localhost" ] }, "routing": { "rules": [ { "ip": [ "geoip:private" ], "outboundTag": "blocked", "type": "field" }, { "type": "field", "outboundTag": "blocked", "protocol": ["bittorrent"] }, { "type": "field", "inboundTag": [ ], "outboundTag": "direct" } ] } } EOF if [[ "${v2ray_ws_mode}" = v*ess ]]; then UUID=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid) echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} UUID:${UUID} ${Font}" v2wspath="/v2ray/$(head -n 10 /dev/urandom | md5sum | head -c ${random_num})/" echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 开启V2Ray WS模式,WSPATH: ${v2wspath} ${Font}" v2wsport=$((RANDOM % 6666 + 30000)) echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} V2Ray WS 监听端口为 ${v2wsport} ${Font}" if [[ "${v2ray_ws_mode}" = "vmess" ]]; then #read -rp "请输入 WS 模式 AlterID(默认:10 仅允许填非0数字):" alterID [[ -z ${alterID} ]] && alterID="10" jq '.inbounds += [{"sniffing":{"enabled":true,"destOverride":["http","tls"]},"port":'${v2wsport}',"listen":"","tag":"vmess-ws-in","protocol":"vmess","settings":{"clients":[{"id":"'"${UUID}"'","alterId":'${alterID}'}]},"streamSettings":{"network":"ws","wsSettings":{"acceptProxyProtocol":true,"path":"'"${v2wspath}"'"}}}]' ${v2ray_conf} | sponge ${v2ray_conf} && jq '.routing.rules[2].inboundTag += ["vmess-ws-in"]' ${v2ray_conf} | sponge ${v2ray_conf} judge "V2Ray VMess WS配置生成" fi if [[ "${v2ray_ws_mode}" = "vless" ]]; then jq '.inbounds += [{"sniffing":{"enabled":true,"destOverride":["http","tls"]},"port":'${v2wsport}',"listen":"","tag":"vless-ws-in","protocol":"vless","settings":{"clients":[{"id":"'"${UUID}"'","level":0}],"decryption":"none"},"streamSettings":{"network":"ws","wsSettings":{"acceptProxyProtocol":true,"path":"'"${v2wspath}"'"}}}]' ${v2ray_conf} | sponge ${v2ray_conf} && jq '.routing.rules[2].inboundTag += ["vless-ws-in"]' ${v2ray_conf} | sponge ${v2ray_conf} judge "V2Ray VLESS WS配置生成" fi port_exist_check ${v2wsport} fi if [[ "${v2ray_tcp_mode}" = v*ess ]]; then UUID=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid) echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} UUID:${UUID} ${Font}" v2port=$((RANDOM % 6666 + 20000)) echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} V2Ray TCP 监听端口为 ${v2port} ${Font}" if [[ "${v2ray_tcp_mode}" = "vmess" ]]; then #read -rp "请输入 TCP 模式 AlterID(默认:10 仅允许填非0数字):" alterID [[ -z ${alterID} ]] && alterID="10" jq '.inbounds += [{"sniffing":{"enabled":true,"destOverride":["http","tls"]},"port":'${v2port}',"listen":"","tag":"vmess-tcp-in","protocol":"vmess","settings":{"clients":[{"id":"'"${UUID}"'","alterId":'${alterID}'}]},"streamSettings":{"network":"tcp","tcpSettings":{"acceptProxyProtocol":true}}}]' ${v2ray_conf} | sponge ${v2ray_conf} && jq '.routing.rules[2].inboundTag += ["vmess-tcp-in"]' ${v2ray_conf} | sponge ${v2ray_conf} judge "V2Ray VMess TCP配置生成" fi if [[ "${v2ray_tcp_mode}" = "vless" ]]; then jq '.inbounds += [{"sniffing":{"enabled":true,"destOverride":["http","tls"]},"port":'${v2port}',"listen":"","tag":"vless-tcp-in","protocol":"vless","settings":{"clients":[{"id":"'"${UUID}"'","level":0}],"decryption":"none"},"streamSettings":{"network":"tcp","tcpSettings":{"acceptProxyProtocol":true}}}]' ${v2ray_conf} | sponge ${v2ray_conf} && jq '.routing.rules[2].inboundTag += ["vless-tcp-in"]' ${v2ray_conf} | sponge ${v2ray_conf} judge "V2Ray VLESS TCP配置生成" fi port_exist_check ${v2port} fi if [[ -f ${tsp_conf} ]]; then v2ray_sync judge "同步 V2Ray 配置" systemctl restart tls-shunt-proxy && service_status_check tls-shunt-proxy judge "TLS-Shunt-Proxy 应用设置" else echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} TLS-Shunt-Proxy 配置异常,请重新安装后再试 ${Font}" exit 4 fi } modify_v2ray() { deployed_status_check echo -e "${WARN} ${Yellow} 修改 V2Ray 配置将重置现有的代理配置信息,是否继续 (Y/N) [N]? ${Font}" read -r modify_confirm [[ -z ${modify_confirm} ]] && modify_confirm="No" case $modify_confirm in [yY][eE][sS] | [yY]) prereqcheck v2ray_mode_type [[ $v2ray_tcp_mode != "none" || $v2ray_ws_mode != "none" ]] && v2ray_reset docker restart V2Ray ;; *) ;; esac } v2ray_sync() { [[ -z $v2port ]] && v2port=40003 [[ -z $v2wsport ]] && v2wsport=40002 [[ -z $v2wspath ]] && v2wspath=/v2ray/none [[ -z $v2ray_tcp_mode ]] && v2ray_tcp_mode=none [[ -z $v2ray_ws_mode ]] && v2ray_ws_mode=none if [[ ${v2ray_tcp_mode} = v*ess ]]; then sed -i "/default: #V2Ray_TCP/c \\ default: #V2Ray_TCP" ${tsp_conf} sed -i "/handler: proxyPass #V2Ray_TCP/c \\ handler: proxyPass #V2Ray_TCP" ${tsp_conf} sed -i "/#V2Ray_TCP_Port/c \\ args:${v2port};proxyProtocol #V2Ray_TCP_Port:${v2ray_tcp_mode}" ${tsp_conf} else sed -i "/default: #V2Ray_TCP/c \\ #default: #V2Ray_TCP" ${tsp_conf} sed -i "/handler: proxyPass #V2Ray_TCP/c \\ #handler: proxyPass #V2Ray_TCP" ${tsp_conf} sed -i "/#V2Ray_TCP_Port/c \\ #args:${v2port};proxyProtocol #V2Ray_TCP_Port:${v2ray_tcp_mode}" ${tsp_conf} fi if [[ ${v2ray_ws_mode} = v*ess ]]; then sed -i "/#V2Ray_WS_Path/c \\ - path: ${v2wspath} #V2Ray_WS_Path" ${tsp_conf} sed -i "/handler: proxyPass #V2Ray_WS/c \\ handler: proxyPass #V2Ray_WS" ${tsp_conf} sed -i "/#V2Ray_WS_Port/c \\ args:${v2wsport};proxyProtocol #V2Ray_WS_Port:${v2ray_ws_mode}" ${tsp_conf} else sed -i "/#V2Ray_WS_Path/c \\ #- path: ${v2wspath} #V2Ray_WS_Path" ${tsp_conf} sed -i "/handler: proxyPass #V2Ray_WS/c \\ #handler: proxyPass #V2Ray_WS" ${tsp_conf} sed -i "/#V2Ray_WS_Port/c \\ #args:${v2wsport};proxyProtocol #V2Ray_WS_Port:${v2ray_ws_mode}" ${tsp_conf} fi } web_camouflage() { ##请注意 这里和LNMP脚本的默认路径冲突,千万不要在安装了LNMP的环境下使用本脚本,否则后果自负 rm -rf $web_dir mkdir -p $web_dir cd $web_dir || exit websites[0]="https://github.com/h31105/LodeRunner_TotalRecall.git" websites[1]="https://github.com/h31105/adarkroom.git" websites[2]="https://github.com/h31105/webosu" selectedwebsite=${websites[$RANDOM % ${#websites[@]}]} git clone ${selectedwebsite} web_camouflage judge "WebSite 伪装" } install_docker() { echo -e "${GreenBG} 开始安装 Docker 最新版本 ... ${Font}" curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o /tmp/get-docker.sh sh /tmp/get-docker.sh judge "安装 Docker " systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable docker && systemctl restart docker judge "Docker 启动" } install_tsp() { bash <(curl -L -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/liberal-boy/tls-shunt-proxy/master/dist/install.sh) judge "安装 TLS-Shunt-Proxy" chown -R tls-shunt-proxy:tls-shunt-proxy /etc/ssl/tls-shunt-proxy command -v setcap >/dev/null 2>&1 && setcap "cap_net_bind_service=+ep" /usr/local/bin/tls-shunt-proxy config_exist_check ${tsp_conf} [[ -f ${tsp_conf} ]] && rm -rf ${tsp_conf} mkdir -p $tsp_conf_dir cat >$tsp_conf <<-EOF #TSP_CFG_Ver:${tsp_cfg_version} listen:${tspport} #TSP_Port redirecthttps: inboundbuffersize: 4 outboundbuffersize: 32 vhosts: - name: ${domain} #TSP_Domain tlsoffloading: true managedcert: true keytype: p256 alpn: h2,http/1.1 protocols: tls12,tls13 http: paths: #- path: /trojan/none #Trojan_WS_Path #handler: proxyPass #Trojan_WS #args: #Trojan_WS_Port:${trojan_ws_mode} #- path: /v2ray/none #V2Ray_WS_Path #handler: proxyPass #V2Ray_WS #args:;proxyProtocol #V2Ray_WS_Port:${v2ray_ws_mode} handler: fileServer args: ${web_dir}/web_camouflage #Website_camouflage #trojan: #Trojan_TCP #handler: proxyPass #Trojan_TCP #args: #Trojan_TCP_Port:${trojan_tcp_mode} #default: #V2Ray_TCP #handler: proxyPass #V2Ray_TCP #args:;proxyProtocol #V2Ray_TCP_Port:${v2ray_tcp_mode} EOF judge "配置 TLS-Shunt-Proxy" systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl reset-failed systemctl enable tls-shunt-proxy && systemctl restart tls-shunt-proxy judge "启动 TLS-Shunt-Proxy" } modify_tsp() { domain_port_check sed -i "/#TSP_Port/c \\listen:${tspport} #TSP_Port" ${tsp_conf} sed -i "/#TSP_Domain/c \\ - name: ${domain} #TSP_Domain" ${tsp_conf} tsp_sync } tsp_sync() { echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 检测并同步现有代理配置... ${Font}" if [[ $trojan_stat = "installed" && -f ${trojan_conf} ]]; then tjport="$(grep '"local_port"' ${trojan_conf} | sed -r 's/.*: (.*),.*/\1/')" && trojan_tcp_mode=true && tjwspath="$(grep '"path":' ${trojan_conf} | awk -F '"' '{print $4}')" && trojan_ws_mode="$(jq -r '.websocket.enabled' ${trojan_conf})" judge "检测 Trojan-Go 配置" [[ -z $tjport ]] && trojan_tcp_mode=false [[ $trojan_ws_mode = null ]] && trojan_ws_mode=false [[ -z $tjwspath ]] && tjwspath=/trojan/none echo -e "检测到:Trojan-Go 代理:TCP:${Green}${trojan_tcp_mode}${Font} / WebSocket:${Green}${trojan_ws_mode}${Font} / 端口:${Green}${tjport}${Font} / WebSocket Path:${Green}${tjwspath}${Font}" fi if [[ $v2ray_stat = "installed" && -f ${v2ray_conf} ]]; then sed -i '/\#\"/d' ${v2ray_conf} v2port="$(jq -r '[.inbounds[] | select(.streamSettings.network=="tcp") | .port][0]' ${v2ray_conf})" && v2wsport="$(jq -r '[.inbounds[] | select(.streamSettings.network=="ws") | .port][0]' ${v2ray_conf})" && v2ray_tcp_mode="$(jq -r '[.inbounds[] | select(.streamSettings.network=="tcp") | .protocol][0]' ${v2ray_conf})" && v2ray_ws_mode="$(jq -r '[.inbounds[] | select(.streamSettings.network=="ws") | .protocol][0]' ${v2ray_conf})" && v2wspath="$(jq -r '[.inbounds[] | select(.streamSettings.network=="ws") | .streamSettings.wsSettings.path][0]' ${v2ray_conf})" judge "检测 V2Ray 配置" [[ $v2port = null ]] && v2port=40003 [[ $v2wsport = null ]] && v2wsport=40002 [[ $v2ray_tcp_mode = null ]] && v2ray_tcp_mode=none [[ $v2ray_ws_mode = null ]] && v2ray_ws_mode=none [[ $v2wspath = null ]] && v2wspath=/v2ray/none echo -e "检测到:V2Ray 代理:TCP:${Green}${v2ray_tcp_mode}${Font} 端口:${Green}${v2port}${Font} / WebSocket:${Green}${v2ray_ws_mode}${Font} 端口:${Green}${v2wsport}${Font} / WebSocket Path:${Green}${v2wspath}${Font}" fi if [[ -f ${tsp_conf} ]]; then trojan_sync v2ray_sync tsp_config_stat="synchronized" systemctl restart tls-shunt-proxy judge "分流配置同步" menu_req_check tls-shunt-proxy else echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} TLS-Shunt-Proxy 配置异常,请重新安装后再试 ${Font}" exit 4 fi } install_trojan() { systemctl is-active "docker" &>/dev/null || install_docker prereqcheck trojan_reset docker pull teddysun/trojan-go docker run -d --network host --name Trojan-Go --restart=always -v /etc/trojan-go:/etc/trojan-go teddysun/trojan-go judge "Trojan-Go 容器安装" } install_v2ray() { systemctl is-active "docker" &>/dev/null || install_docker prereqcheck v2ray_mode_type [[ $v2ray_tcp_mode = "vmess" || $v2ray_ws_mode = "vmess" ]] && check_system && chrony_install if [[ $v2ray_tcp_mode != "none" || $v2ray_ws_mode != "none" ]]; then v2ray_reset docker pull teddysun/v2ray docker run -d --network host --name V2Ray --restart=always -v /etc/v2ray:/etc/v2ray teddysun/v2ray judge "V2Ray 容器安装" fi } install_watchtower() { docker pull containrrr/watchtower docker run -d --name WatchTower --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock containrrr/watchtower --cleanup judge "WatchTower 容器安装" } install_portainer() { docker volume create portainer_data docker pull portainer/portainer-ce docker run -d -p 9080:9000 --name Portainer --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce judge "Portainer 容器安装" echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} Portainer 管理地址为 http://$TSP_Domain:9080 请自行开启防火墙端口! ${Font}" } install_tls_shunt_proxy() { check_system systemctl is-active "firewalld" &>/dev/null && systemctl stop firewalld && echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} Firewalld 已关闭 ${Font}" systemctl is-active "ufw" &>/dev/null && systemctl stop ufw && echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} UFW 已关闭 ${Font}" dependency_install basic_optimization domain_port_check port_exist_check "${tspport}" port_exist_check 80 config_exist_check "${tsp_conf}" web_camouflage install_tsp } uninstall_all() { echo -e "${RedBG} !!!此操作将删除 TLS-Shunt-Proxy、Docker 平台和此脚本所安装的容器数据!!! ${Font}" read -rp "请在确认后,输入 YES(区分大小写):" uninstall [[ -z ${uninstall} ]] && uninstall="No" case $uninstall in YES) echo -e "${GreenBG} 开始卸载 ${Font}" sleep 2 ;; *) echo -e "${RedBG} 我再想想 ${Font}" exit 1 ;; esac check_system uninstall_proxy_server uninstall_watchtower uninstall_portainer systemctl stop docker && systemctl disable docker if [[ "${ID}" == "centos" ]]; then ${INS} remove docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker docker-client docker-client-latest docker-common docker-latest docker-latest-logrotate docker-logrotate docker-engine else ${INS} remove docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker docker-engine docker.io containerd runc fi #rm -rf /var/lib/docker #Removes all docker data rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/docker.service uninstall_tsp echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 所有组件卸载完成,欢迎再次使用本脚本! ${Font}" exit 0 } uninstall_tsp() { systemctl stop tls-shunt-proxy && systemctl disable tls-shunt-proxy rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/tls-shunt-proxy.service rm -rf /usr/local/bin/tls-shunt-proxy rm -rf $tsp_conf_dir userdel -rf tls-shunt-proxy tsp_stat="none" rm -rf ${web_dir}/web_camouflage echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} TLS-Shunt-Proxy 卸载完成!${Font}" sleep 3 } uninstall_proxy_server() { uninstall_trojan uninstall_v2ray echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 卸载(Trojan-Go/V2Ray)TCP/WS 代理完成! ${Font}" sleep 3 } uninstall_trojan() { rm -rf $trojan_conf_dir trojan_ws_mode="none" && trojan_tcp_mode="none" [ -f ${tsp_conf} ] && trojan_sync systemctl start docker [[ $trojan_stat = "installed" ]] && docker stop Trojan-Go && docker rm -f Trojan-Go && echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 卸载 Trojan-Go TCP/WS 代理完成! ${Font}" } uninstall_v2ray() { rm -rf $v2ray_conf_dir v2ray_ws_mode="none" && v2ray_tcp_mode="none" [ -f ${tsp_conf} ] && v2ray_sync systemctl start docker [[ $v2ray_stat = "installed" ]] && docker stop V2Ray && docker rm -f V2Ray && echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 卸载 V2Ray TCP/WS 代理完成! ${Font}" } uninstall_watchtower() { docker stop WatchTower && docker rm -f WatchTower && watchtower_stat="none" && echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 卸载 WatchTower 完成! ${Font}" sleep 3 } uninstall_portainer() { docker stop Portainer && docker rm -fv Portainer && portainer_stat="none" && echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 卸载 Portainer 完成! ${Font}" sleep 3 } upgrade_tsp() { current_version="$(/usr/local/bin/tls-shunt-proxy --version 2>&1 | awk 'NR==1{gsub(/"/,"");print $3}')" echo -e "${GreenBG} TLS-Shunt-Proxy 当前版本: ${current_version},开始检测最新版本... ${Font}" latest_version="$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- https://api.github.com/repos/liberal-boy/tls-shunt-proxy/tags | grep 'name' | cut -d\" -f4 | head -1)" [[ -z ${latest_version} ]] && echo -e "${Error} 检测最新版本失败 ! ${Font}" && menu if [[ ${latest_version} != "${current_version}" ]]; then echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 当前版本: ${current_version} 最新版本: ${latest_version},是否更新 (Y/N) [N]? ${Font}" read -r update_confirm [[ -z ${update_confirm} ]] && update_confirm="No" case $update_confirm in [yY][eE][sS] | [yY]) config_exist_check "${tsp_conf}" bash <(curl -L -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/liberal-boy/tls-shunt-proxy/master/dist/install.sh) judge "TLS-Shunt-Proxy 更新" systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl reset-failed systemctl enable tls-shunt-proxy && systemctl restart tls-shunt-proxy judge "TLS-Shunt-Proxy 重新启动" ;; *) ;; esac else echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 当前 TLS-Shunt-Proxy 已经为最新版本 ${current_version} ${Font}" fi } update_sh() { command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1 || ${INS} install curl judge "安装依赖包 curl" ol_version=$(curl -L -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/h31105/trojan_v2_docker_onekey/${github_branch}/deploy.sh | grep "shell_version=" | head -1 | awk -F '=|"' '{print $3}') echo "$ol_version" >$version_cmp echo "$shell_version" >>$version_cmp if [[ "$shell_version" < "$(sort -rV $version_cmp | head -1)" ]]; then echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 更新内容:${Font}" echo -e "${Yellow}$(curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/h31105/trojan_v2_docker_onekey/releases/latest | grep body | head -n 1 | awk -F '"' '{print $4}')${Font}" echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 存在新版本,是否更新 (Y/N) [N]? ${Font}" read -r update_confirm case $update_confirm in [yY][eE][sS] | [yY]) wget -N --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/h31105/trojan_v2_docker_onekey/${github_branch}/deploy.sh echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 更新完成,请重新运行脚本:\n#./deploy.sh ${Font}" exit 0 ;; *) ;; esac else echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 当前版本为最新版本 ${Font}" fi } list() { case $1 in uninstall) deployed_status_check uninstall_all ;; sync) deployed_status_check tsp_sync ;; debug) debug="enable" #set -xv menu ;; *) menu ;; esac } deployed_status_check() { tsp_stat="none" && trojan_stat="none" && v2ray_stat="none" && watchtower_stat="none" && portainer_stat="none" trojan_tcp_mode="none" && v2ray_tcp_mode="none" && trojan_ws_mode="none" && v2ray_ws_mode="none" tsp_config_stat="synchronized" && chrony_stat="none" echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 检测分流配置信息... ${Font}" [[ -f ${tsp_conf} || -f '/usr/local/bin/tls-shunt-proxy' ]] && tsp_template_version=$(grep '#TSP_CFG_Ver' ${tsp_conf} | sed -r 's/.*TSP_CFG_Ver:(.*) */\1/') && tsp_stat="installed" && TSP_Port=$(grep '#TSP_Port' ${tsp_conf} | sed -r 's/.*0:(.*) #.*/\1/') && TSP_Domain=$(grep '#TSP_Domain' ${tsp_conf} | sed -r 's/.*: (.*) #.*/\1/') && trojan_tcp_port=$(grep '#Trojan_TCP_Port' ${tsp_conf} | sed -r 's/.*:(.*) #.*/\1/') && trojan_tcp_mode=$(grep '#Trojan_TCP_Port' ${tsp_conf} | sed -r 's/.*Trojan_TCP_Port:(.*) */\1/') && trojan_ws_port=$(grep '#Trojan_WS_Port' ${tsp_conf} | sed -r 's/.*:(.*) #.*/\1/') && trojan_ws_mode=$(grep '#Trojan_WS_Port' ${tsp_conf} | sed -r 's/.*Trojan_WS_Port:(.*) */\1/') && trojan_ws_path=$(grep '#Trojan_WS_Path' ${tsp_conf} | sed -r 's/.*: (.*) #.*/\1/') && v2ray_tcp_port=$(grep '#V2Ray_TCP_Port' ${tsp_conf} | sed -r 's/.*:(.*);.*/\1/') && v2ray_tcp_mode=$(grep '#V2Ray_TCP_Port' ${tsp_conf} | sed -r 's/.*V2Ray_TCP_Port:(.*) */\1/') && v2ray_ws_port=$(grep '#V2Ray_WS_Port' ${tsp_conf} | sed -r 's/.*:(.*);.*/\1/') && v2ray_ws_mode=$(grep '#V2Ray_WS_Port' ${tsp_conf} | sed -r 's/.*V2Ray_WS_Port:(.*) */\1/') && v2ray_ws_path=$(grep '#V2Ray_WS_Path' ${tsp_conf} | sed -r 's/.*: (.*) #.*/\1/') && menu_req_check tls-shunt-proxy echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 检测组件部署状态... ${Font}" systemctl is-active "docker" &>/dev/null && docker ps -a | grep Trojan-Go &>/dev/null && trojan_stat="installed" systemctl is-active "docker" &>/dev/null && docker ps -a | grep V2Ray &>/dev/null && v2ray_stat="installed" systemctl is-active "docker" &>/dev/null && docker ps -a | grep WatchTower &>/dev/null && watchtower_stat="installed" systemctl is-active "docker" &>/dev/null && docker ps -a | grep Portainer &>/dev/null && portainer_stat="installed" echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 检测代理配置信息... ${Font}" if [[ -f ${trojan_conf} && $trojan_stat = "installed" ]]; then tjport=$(grep '"local_port"' ${trojan_conf} | sed -r 's/.*: (.*),.*/\1/') tjpassword=$(grep '"password"' ${trojan_conf} | awk -F '"' '{print $4}') [[ $trojan_ws_mode = true ]] && tjwspath=$(grep '"path":' ${trojan_conf} | awk -F '"' '{print $4}') && tjwshost=$(grep '"host":' ${trojan_conf} | awk -F '"' '{print $4}') [[ $trojan_tcp_mode = true && $tjport != "$trojan_tcp_port" ]] && echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} 检测到 Trojan-Go TCP 端口分流配置异常 ${Font}" && tsp_config_stat="mismatched" [[ $trojan_ws_mode = true && $tjport != "$trojan_ws_port" ]] && echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} 检测到 Trojan-Go WS 端口分流配置异常 ${Font}" && tsp_config_stat="mismatched" [[ $trojan_ws_mode = true && $tjwspath != "$trojan_ws_path" ]] && echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} 检测到 Trojan-Go WS 路径分流配置异常 ${Font}" && tsp_config_stat="mismatched" [[ $tsp_config_stat = "mismatched" ]] && echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} 检测到分流配置不一致,将尝试自动同步修复... ${Font}" && tsp_sync fi if [[ -f ${v2ray_conf} && $v2ray_stat = "installed" ]]; then [[ $v2ray_tcp_mode = "vmess" ]] && v2port=$(jq -r '[.inbounds[] | select(.protocol=="vmess") | select(.streamSettings.network=="tcp") | .port][0]' ${v2ray_conf}) && VMTID=$(jq -r '[.inbounds[] | select(.protocol=="vmess") | select(.streamSettings.network=="tcp") | .settings.clients[].id][0]' ${v2ray_conf}) && VMAID=$(jq -r '[.inbounds[] | select(.protocol=="vmess") | select(.streamSettings.network=="tcp") | .settings.clients[].alterId][0]' ${v2ray_conf}) [[ $v2ray_tcp_mode = "vless" ]] && v2port=$(jq -r '[.inbounds[] | select(.protocol=="vless") | select(.streamSettings.network=="tcp") | .port][0]' ${v2ray_conf}) && VLTID=$(jq -r '[.inbounds[] | select(.protocol=="vless") | select(.streamSettings.network=="tcp") | .settings.clients[].id][0]' ${v2ray_conf}) [[ $v2ray_ws_mode = "vmess" ]] && v2wsport=$(jq -r '[.inbounds[] | select(.protocol=="vmess") | select(.streamSettings.network=="ws") | .port][0]' ${v2ray_conf}) && v2wspath=$(jq -r '[.inbounds[] | select(.protocol=="vmess") | select(.streamSettings.network=="ws") | .streamSettings.wsSettings.path][0]' ${v2ray_conf}) && VMWSID=$(jq -r '[.inbounds[] | select(.protocol=="vmess") | select(.streamSettings.network=="ws") | .settings.clients[].id][0]' ${v2ray_conf}) && VMWSAID=$(jq -r '[.inbounds[] | select(.protocol=="vmess") | select(.streamSettings.network=="ws") | .settings.clients[].alterId][0]' ${v2ray_conf}) [[ $v2ray_ws_mode = "vless" ]] && v2wsport=$(jq -r '[.inbounds[] | select(.protocol=="vless") | select(.streamSettings.network=="ws") | .port][0]' ${v2ray_conf}) && v2wspath=$(jq -r '[.inbounds[] | select(.protocol=="vless") | select(.streamSettings.network=="ws") | .streamSettings.wsSettings.path][0]' ${v2ray_conf}) && VLWSID=$(jq -r '[.inbounds[] | select(.protocol=="vless") | select(.streamSettings.network=="ws") | .settings.clients[].id][0]' ${v2ray_conf}) [[ $v2ray_tcp_mode = v*ess && $v2port != "$v2ray_tcp_port" ]] && echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} 检测到 V2Ray TCP 端口分流配置异常 ${Font}" && tsp_config_stat="mismatched" [[ $v2ray_ws_mode = v*ess && $v2wsport != "$v2ray_ws_port" ]] && echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} 检测到 V2Ray WS 端口分流配置异常 ${Font}" && tsp_config_stat="mismatched" [[ $v2ray_ws_mode = v*ess && $v2wspath != "$v2ray_ws_path" ]] && echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} 检测到 V2Ray WS 路径分流配置异常 ${Font}" && tsp_config_stat="mismatched" [[ $tsp_config_stat = "mismatched" ]] && echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} 检测到分流配置不一致,将尝试自动同步修复... ${Font}" && tsp_sync if [[ $v2ray_tcp_mode = "vmess" || $v2ray_ws_mode = "vmess" ]]; then if [[ "${ID}" == "centos" ]]; then systemctl is-active "chronyd" &>/dev/null || chrony_stat=inactive else systemctl is-active "chrony" &>/dev/null || chrony_stat=inactive fi if [[ $chrony_stat = inactive ]]; then echo -e "${Error} ${RedBG} 检测到 Chrony 时间同步服务未启动,若系统时间不准确将会严重影响 V2Ray VMess 协议的可用性 ${Font}\n${WARN} ${Yellow} 当前系统时间: $(date),请确认时间是否准确,误差范围±3分钟内(Y)或 尝试修复时间同步服务(R)[R]: ${Font}" read -r chrony_confirm [[ -z ${chrony_confirm} ]] && chrony_confirm="R" case $chrony_confirm in [rR]) echo -e "${GreenBG} 安装 Chrony 时间同步服务 ${Font}" check_system chrony_install ;; *) ;; esac fi fi fi [[ -f ${trojan_conf} || -f ${v2ray_conf} || $trojan_stat = "installed" || $v2ray_stat = "installed" ]] && menu_req_check docker [[ $trojan_stat = "installed" && ! -f $trojan_conf ]] && echo -e "\n${Error} ${RedBG} 检测到 Trojan-Go 代理配置异常,以下选项功能将被屏蔽,请尝试重装修复后重试... ${Font}" && echo -e "${WARN} ${Yellow}[屏蔽] Trojan-Go 配置修改${Font}" [[ $v2ray_stat = "installed" && ! -f $v2ray_conf ]] && echo -e "\n${Error} ${RedBG} 检测到 V2Ray 代理配置异常,以下选项功能将被屏蔽,请尝试重装修复后重试... ${Font}" && echo -e "${WARN} ${Yellow}[屏蔽] V2Ray 配置修改${Font}" if [[ $tsp_stat = "installed" && $tsp_template_version != "${tsp_cfg_version}" ]]; then echo -e "${WARN} ${Yellow}检测到 TLS-Shunt-Proxy 存在关键更新,为确保脚本正常运行,请确认立即执行更新操作(Y/N)[Y] ${Font}" read -r upgrade_confirm [[ -z ${upgrade_confirm} ]] && upgrade_confirm="Yes" case $upgrade_confirm in [yY][eE][sS] | [yY]) uninstall_tsp install_tls_shunt_proxy tsp_sync deployed_status_check ;; *) ;; esac fi [[ $debug = "enable" ]] && echo -e "\n Trojan-Go 代理:TCP:${Green}${trojan_tcp_mode}${Font} / WebSocket:${Green}${trojan_ws_mode}${Font}\n V2Ray 代理:TCP:${Green}${v2ray_tcp_mode}${Font} / WebSocket:${Green}${v2ray_ws_mode}${Font}" && echo -e "\n 代理容器:Trojan-Go:${Green}${trojan_stat}${Font} / V2Ray:${Green}${v2ray_stat}${Font}" && echo -e " 其他容器:WatchTower:${Green}${watchtower_stat}${Font} / Portainer:${Green}${portainer_stat}${Font}\n" } info_config() { deployed_status_check cert_stat_check tls-shunt-proxy echo -e "\n————————————————————分流配置信息————————————————————" if [ -f ${tsp_conf} ]; then echo -e "TLS-Shunt-Proxy $(/usr/local/bin/tls-shunt-proxy --version 2>&1 | awk 'NR==1{gsub(/"/,"");print $3}')" && echo -e "服务器TLS端口: ${TSP_Port}" && echo -e "服务器TLS域名: ${TSP_Domain}" [[ $trojan_tcp_mode = true ]] && echo -e "Trojan-Go TCP 分流端口: $trojan_tcp_port" && echo -e "Trojan-Go 监听端口: $tjport" [[ $trojan_ws_mode = true ]] && echo -e "Trojan-Go WebSocket 分流端口: $trojan_ws_port" && echo -e "Trojan-Go WebSocket 分流路径: $trojan_ws_path" [[ $v2ray_tcp_mode = v*ess ]] && echo -e "V2Ray TCP 分流端口: $v2ray_tcp_port" && echo -e "V2Ray TCP 监听端口: $v2port" [[ $v2ray_ws_mode = v*ess ]] && echo -e "V2Ray WebSocket 分流端口: $v2ray_ws_port" && echo -e "V2Ray WS 监听端口: $v2wsport" && echo -e "V2Ray WebSocket 分流路径: $v2ray_ws_path" fi if [[ -f ${trojan_conf} && $trojan_stat = "installed" ]]; then echo -e "—————————————————— Trojan-Go 配置 ——————————————————" && echo -e "$(docker exec Trojan-Go sh -c 'trojan-go --version' 2>&1 | awk 'NR==1{gsub(/"/,"");print}')" && echo -e "服务器端口: ${TSP_Port}" && echo -e "服务器地址: ${TSP_Domain}" [[ $trojan_tcp_mode = true ]] && echo -e "Trojan-Go 密码: ${tjpassword}" [[ $trojan_ws_mode = true ]] && echo -e "Trojan-Go WebSocket Path: ${tjwspath}" && echo -e "Trojan-Go WebSocket Host: ${tjwshost}" fi if [[ -f ${v2ray_conf} && $v2ray_stat = "installed" ]]; then echo -e "\n———————————————————— V2Ray 配置 ————————————————————" && echo -e "$(docker exec V2Ray sh -c 'v2ray --version' 2>&1 | awk 'NR==1{gsub(/"/,"");print}')" && echo -e "服务器端口: ${TSP_Port}" && echo -e "服务器地址: ${TSP_Domain}" [[ $v2ray_tcp_mode = "vmess" ]] && echo -e "\nVMess TCP UUID: ${VMTID}" && echo -e "VMess AlterID: ${VMAID}" && echo -e "VMess 加密方式: Auto" && echo -e "VMess Host: ${TSP_Domain}" [[ $v2ray_tcp_mode = "vless" ]] && echo -e "\nVLESS TCP UUID: ${VLTID}" && echo -e "VLESS 加密方式: none" && echo -e "VLESS Host: ${TSP_Domain}" [[ $v2ray_ws_mode = "vmess" ]] && echo -e "\nVMess WS UUID: ${VMWSID}" && echo -e "VMess AlterID: $VMWSAID" && echo -e "VMess 加密方式: Auto" && echo -e "VMess WebSocket Host: ${TSP_Domain}" && echo -e "VMess WebSocket Path: ${v2wspath}" [[ $v2ray_ws_mode = "vless" ]] && echo -e "\nVLESS WS UUID: ${VLWSID}" && echo -e "VLESS 加密方式: none" && echo -e "VLESS WebSocket Host: ${TSP_Domain}" && echo -e "VLESS WebSocket Path: ${v2wspath}" fi echo -e "————————————————————————————————————————————————————\n" read -t 60 -n 1 -s -rp "按任意键继续(60s)..." clear } info_links() { deployed_status_check cert_stat_check tls-shunt-proxy if [[ -f ${trojan_conf} && $trojan_stat = "installed" ]]; then echo -e "———————————————— Trojan-Go 分享链接 ————————————————" && [[ $trojan_tcp_mode = true ]] && echo -e "\n Trojan-Go TCP TLS 分享链接:" && echo -e " Trojan 客户端:\n trojan://${tjpassword}@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}?sni=${TSP_Domain}&allowinsecure=0&mux=0#${HOSTNAME}-TCP" && echo -e " Qv2ray 客户端(需安装 Trojan-Go 插件):\n trojan-go://${tjpassword}@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}/?sni=${TSP_Domain}&type=original&host=${TSP_Domain}#${HOSTNAME}-TCP" && echo -e " Shadowrocket 二维码:" && qrencode -t ANSIUTF8 -s 1 -m 2 "trojan://${tjpassword}@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}?sni=${TSP_Domain}&peer=${TSP_Domain}&allowinsecure=0&mux=0#${HOSTNAME}-TCP" [[ $trojan_ws_mode = true ]] && echo -e "\n Trojan-Go WebSocket TLS 分享链接:" && echo -e " Trojan-Qt5 客户端:\n trojan://${tjpassword}@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}?sni=${TSP_Domain}&peer=${TSP_Domain}&allowinsecure=0&mux=1&ws=1&wspath=${tjwspath}&wshost=${TSP_Domain}#${HOSTNAME}-WS" && echo -e " Qv2ray 客户端(需安装 Trojan-Go 插件):\n trojan-go://${tjpassword}@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}/?sni=${TSP_Domain}&type=ws&host=${TSP_Domain}&path=${tjwspath}#${HOSTNAME}-WS" && echo -e " Shadowrocket 二维码:" && qrencode -t ANSIUTF8 -s 1 -m 2 "trojan://${tjpassword}@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}?peer=${TSP_Domain}&mux=1&plugin=obfs-local;obfs=websocket;obfs-host=${TSP_Domain};obfs-uri=${tjwspath}#${HOSTNAME}-WS" read -t 60 -n 1 -s -rp "按任意键继续(60s)..." fi if [[ -f ${v2ray_conf} && $v2ray_stat = "installed" ]]; then echo -e "\n—————————————————— V2Ray 分享链接 ——————————————————" && [[ $v2ray_tcp_mode = "vmess" ]] && echo -e "\n VMess TCP TLS 分享链接:" && echo -e " V2RayN 格式:\n vmess://$(echo "{\"add\":\"${TSP_Domain}\",\"aid\":\"0\",\"host\":\"${TSP_Domain}\",\"peer\":\"${TSP_Domain}\",\"id\":\"${VMTID}\",\"net\":\"tcp\",\"port\":\"${TSP_Port}\",\"ps\":\"${HOSTNAME}-TCP\",\"tls\":\"tls\",\"type\":\"none\",\"v\":\"2\"}" | base64 -w 0)" && echo -e " VMess 新版格式:\n vmess://tcp+tls:${VMTID}-0@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}/?tlsServerName=${TSP_Domain}#$(urlEncode "${HOSTNAME}-TCP")" && echo -e " Shadowrocket 二维码:" && qrencode -t ANSIUTF8 -s 1 -m 2 "vmess://$(echo "auto:${VMTID}@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}" | base64 -w 0)?tls=1&mux=1&peer=${TSP_Domain}&allowInsecure=0&tfo=0&remarks=${HOSTNAME}-TCP" [[ $v2ray_ws_mode = "vmess" ]] && echo -e "\n VMess WebSocket TLS 分享链接:" && echo -e " V2RayN 格式:\n vmess://$(echo "{\"add\":\"${TSP_Domain}\",\"aid\":\"0\",\"host\":\"${TSP_Domain}\",\"peer\":\"${TSP_Domain}\",\"id\":\"${VMWSID}\",\"net\":\"ws\",\"path\":\"${v2wspath}\",\"port\":\"${TSP_Port}\",\"ps\":\"${HOSTNAME}-WS\",\"tls\":\"tls\",\"type\":\"none\",\"v\":\"2\"}" | base64 -w 0)" && echo -e " VMess 新版格式:\n vmess://ws+tls:${VMWSID}-0@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}/?path=$(urlEncode "${v2wspath}")&host=${TSP_Domain}&tlsServerName=${TSP_Domain}#$(urlEncode "${HOSTNAME}-WS")" && echo -e " Shadowrocket 二维码:" && qrencode -t ANSIUTF8 -s 1 -m 2 "vmess://$(echo "auto:${VMWSID}@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}" | base64 -w 0)?tls=1&mux=1&peer=${TSP_Domain}&allowInsecure=0&tfo=0&remarks=${HOSTNAME}-WS&obfs=websocket&obfsParam=${TSP_Domain}&path=${v2wspath}" [[ $v2ray_tcp_mode = "vless" ]] && echo -e "\n VLESS TCP TLS 分享链接:" && echo -e " VLESS 新版格式:\n vless://${VLTID}@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}?security=tls&sni=${TSP_Domain}#$(urlEncode "${HOSTNAME}-TCP")" [[ $v2ray_ws_mode = "vless" ]] && echo -e "\n VLESS WebSocket TLS 分享链接:" && echo -e " VLESS 新版格式:\n vless://${VLWSID}@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}?type=ws&security=tls&host=${TSP_Domain}&path=$(urlEncode "${v2wspath}")&sni=${TSP_Domain}#$(urlEncode "${HOSTNAME}-WS")" read -t 60 -n 1 -s -rp "按任意键继续(60s)..." fi if [[ -f ${v2ray_conf} || -f ${trojan_conf} ]]; then echo -e "\n——————————————————— 订阅链接信息 ———————————————————" rm -rf "$(grep '#Website' ${tsp_conf} | sed -r 's/.*: (.*) #.*/\1/')"/subscribe* cat >"$(grep '#Website' ${tsp_conf} | sed -r 's/.*: (.*) #.*/\1/')"/robots.txt <<-EOF User-agent: * Disallow: / EOF subscribe_file="$(head -n 10 /dev/urandom | md5sum | head -c ${random_num})" subscribe_links | base64 -w 0 >"$(grep '#Website' ${tsp_conf} | sed -r 's/.*: (.*) #.*/\1/')"/subscribe"${subscribe_file}" echo -e "订阅链接:\n https://${TSP_Domain}/subscribe${subscribe_file} \n${Yellow}请注意:脚本生成的订阅链接包含当前服务端部署的所有代理协议配置信息,出于信息安全考虑,链接地址会在每次查看时随机刷新!\n另外,由于不同客户端对代理协议的兼容支持程度各不相同,请根据实际情况自行调整!${Font}" read -t 60 -n 1 -s -rp "按任意键继续(60s)..." fi clear } subscribe_links() { if [[ -f ${trojan_conf} && $trojan_stat = "installed" ]]; then [[ $trojan_tcp_mode = true ]] && echo -e "trojan://${tjpassword}@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}?sni=${TSP_Domain}&peer=${TSP_Domain}&allowinsecure=0&mux=0#${HOSTNAME}-TCP" && echo -e "trojan-go://${tjpassword}@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}/?sni=${TSP_Domain}&type=original&host=${TSP_Domain}#${HOSTNAME}-Trojan-Go-TCP" [[ $trojan_ws_mode = true ]] && echo -e "trojan-go://${tjpassword}@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}/?sni=${TSP_Domain}&type=ws&host=${TSP_Domain}&path=${tjwspath}#${HOSTNAME}-Trojan-Go-WS" && echo -e "trojan://${tjpassword}@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}?peer=${TSP_Domain}&mux=1&plugin=obfs-local;obfs=websocket;obfs-host=${TSP_Domain};obfs-uri=${tjwspath}#${HOSTNAME}-Trojan-Go-WS" fi if [[ -f ${v2ray_conf} && $v2ray_stat = "installed" ]]; then [[ $v2ray_tcp_mode = "vmess" ]] && echo -e "vmess://$(echo "{\"add\":\"${TSP_Domain}\",\"aid\":\"0\",\"host\":\"${TSP_Domain}\",\"peer\":\"${TSP_Domain}\",\"id\":\"${VMTID}\",\"net\":\"tcp\",\"port\":\"${TSP_Port}\",\"ps\":\"${HOSTNAME}-TCP\",\"tls\":\"tls\",\"type\":\"none\",\"v\":\"2\"}" | base64 -w 0)" && echo -e "vmess://tcp+tls:${VMTID}-0@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}/?tlsServerName=${TSP_Domain}#$(urlEncode "${HOSTNAME}-新版格式-TCP")" [[ $v2ray_ws_mode = "vmess" ]] && echo -e "vmess://$(echo "{\"add\":\"${TSP_Domain}\",\"aid\":\"0\",\"host\":\"${TSP_Domain}\",\"peer\":\"${TSP_Domain}\",\"id\":\"${VMWSID}\",\"net\":\"ws\",\"path\":\"${v2wspath}\",\"port\":\"${TSP_Port}\",\"ps\":\"${HOSTNAME}-WS\",\"tls\":\"tls\",\"type\":\"none\",\"v\":\"2\"}" | base64 -w 0)" && echo -e "vmess://ws+tls:${VMWSID}-0@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}/?path=$(urlEncode "${v2wspath}")&host=${TSP_Domain}&tlsServerName=${TSP_Domain}#$(urlEncode "${HOSTNAME}-新版格式-WS")" [[ $v2ray_tcp_mode = "vless" ]] && echo -e "vless://${VLTID}@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}?security=tls&sni=${TSP_Domain}#$(urlEncode "${HOSTNAME}-TCP")" [[ $v2ray_ws_mode = "vless" ]] && echo -e "vless://${VLWSID}@${TSP_Domain}:${TSP_Port}?type=ws&security=tls&host=${TSP_Domain}&path=$(urlEncode "${v2wspath}")&sni=${TSP_Domain}#$(urlEncode "${HOSTNAME}-WS")" fi } cert_stat_check() { echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} 检测证书状态信息... ${Font}" if systemctl is-active "$1" &>/dev/null; then [[ $1 = "tls-shunt-proxy" ]] && [[ ! -f ${tsp_cert_dir}/${TSP_Domain}/${TSP_Domain}.crt || ! -f ${tsp_cert_dir}/${TSP_Domain}/${TSP_Domain}.json || ! -f ${tsp_cert_dir}/${TSP_Domain}/${TSP_Domain}.key ]] && echo -e "${Yellow}未检测到有效的 SSL 证书,请执行以下命令:\n#systemctl restart tls-shunt-proxy\n#journalctl -u tls-shunt-proxy.service\n检查日志,待证书完成申请后,重新运行脚本${Font}" && exit 4 fi } menu_req_check() { if systemctl is-active "$1" &>/dev/null; then [[ $debug = "enable" ]] && echo -e "${OK} ${GreenBG} $1 已经启动 ${Font}" else echo -e "\n${Error} ${RedBG} 检测到 $1 服务未成功启动,根据依赖关系,以下选项将被屏蔽,请修复后再试... ${Font}" [[ $1 = "tls-shunt-proxy" ]] && echo -e "${Yellow}[屏蔽] 安装(Trojan-Go/V2Ray)TCP/WS 代理\n[屏蔽] (Trojan-Go/V2Ray)配置修改\n[屏蔽] 查看配置信息${Font}" [[ $1 = "docker" ]] && echo -e "${Yellow}[屏蔽] 安装/卸载 WatchTower(自动更新容器)\n[屏蔽] 安装/卸载 Portainer(Web管理容器)${Font}" read -t 60 -n 1 -s -rp "按任意键继续(60s)..." fi } menu() { deployed_status_check echo -e "\n${Green} TSP & Trojan-Go/V2Ray 部署脚本 版本: ${shell_version} ${Font}" echo -e "${Yellow} Telegram 交流群:https://t.me/trojanv2${Font}\n" echo -e "——————————————————————部署管理——————————————————————" if [[ $tsp_stat = "installed" ]]; then echo -e "${Green}1.${Font} ${Yellow}卸载${Font} TLS-Shunt-Proxy(网站&自动管理证书)" else echo -e "${Green}1.${Font} 安装 TLS-Shunt-Proxy(网站&自动管理证书)" fi systemctl is-active "tls-shunt-proxy" &>/dev/null && if [[ $trojan_stat = "none" ]]; then echo -e "${Green}2.${Font} 安装 Trojan-Go TCP/WS 代理" else echo -e "${Green}2.${Font} ${Yellow}卸载${Font} Trojan-Go TCP/WS 代理" fi systemctl is-active "tls-shunt-proxy" &>/dev/null && if [[ $v2ray_stat = "none" ]]; then echo -e "${Green}3.${Font} 安装 V2Ray TCP/WS 代理" else echo -e "${Green}3.${Font} ${Yellow}卸载${Font} V2Ray TCP/WS 代理" fi systemctl is-active "docker" &>/dev/null && if [[ $watchtower_stat = "none" ]]; then echo -e "${Green}4.${Font} 安装 WatchTower(自动更新容器)" else echo -e "${Green}4.${Font} ${Yellow}卸载${Font} WatchTower(自动更新容器)" fi systemctl is-active "docker" &>/dev/null && if [[ $portainer_stat = "none" ]]; then echo -e "${Green}5.${Font} 安装 Portainer(Web管理容器)" else echo -e "${Green}5.${Font} ${Yellow}卸载${Font} Portainer(Web管理容器)" fi systemctl is-active "tls-shunt-proxy" &>/dev/null && echo -e "——————————————————————配置修改——————————————————————" && echo -e "${Green}6.${Font} 修改 TLS 端口/域名" && [[ $trojan_stat = "installed" && -f ${trojan_conf} ]] && echo -e "${Green}7.${Font} 修改 Trojan-Go 代理配置" systemctl is-active "tls-shunt-proxy" &>/dev/null && [[ $v2ray_stat = "installed" && -f ${v2ray_conf} ]] && echo -e "${Green}8.${Font} 修改 V2Ray 代理配置" systemctl is-active "tls-shunt-proxy" &>/dev/null && echo -e "——————————————————————查看信息——————————————————————" && echo -e "${Green}9.${Font} 查看 配置信息" && [[ $trojan_stat = "installed" || $v2ray_stat = "installed" ]] && echo -e "${Green}10.${Font} 查看 分享/订阅 链接" echo -e "——————————————————————杂项管理——————————————————————" [ -f ${tsp_conf} ] && echo -e "${Green}11.${Font} 升级 TLS-Shunt-Proxy/Docker 基础平台" && echo -e "${Green}12.${Font} ${Yellow}卸载${Font} 已安装的所有组件" echo -e "${Green}13.${Font} 安装 4合1 BBR 锐速脚本" echo -e "${Green}14.${Font} 运行 SuperSpeed 测速脚本" echo -e "${Green}0.${Font} 退出脚本 " echo -e "————————————————————————————————————————————————————\n" read -rp "请输入数字:" menu_num case "$menu_num" in 1) if [[ $tsp_stat = "installed" ]]; then uninstall_tsp else install_tls_shunt_proxy tsp_sync fi ;; 2) systemctl is-active "tls-shunt-proxy" &>/dev/null && if [[ $trojan_stat = "none" ]]; then install_trojan else uninstall_trojan fi ;; 3) systemctl is-active "tls-shunt-proxy" &>/dev/null && if [[ $v2ray_stat = "none" ]]; then install_v2ray else uninstall_v2ray fi ;; 4) systemctl is-active "docker" &>/dev/null && if [[ $watchtower_stat = "none" ]]; then install_watchtower else uninstall_watchtower fi ;; 5) systemctl is-active "docker" &>/dev/null && if [[ $portainer_stat = "none" ]]; then install_portainer else uninstall_portainer fi ;; 6) systemctl is-active "tls-shunt-proxy" &>/dev/null && modify_tsp ;; 7) systemctl is-active "tls-shunt-proxy" &>/dev/null && [[ -f ${trojan_conf} && $trojan_stat = "installed" ]] && modify_trojan ;; 8) systemctl is-active "tls-shunt-proxy" &>/dev/null && [[ -f ${v2ray_conf} && $v2ray_stat = "installed" ]] && modify_v2ray ;; 9) systemctl is-active "tls-shunt-proxy" &>/dev/null && info_config ;; 10) systemctl is-active "tls-shunt-proxy" &>/dev/null && info_links ;; 11) [ -f ${tsp_conf} ] && read -rp "请确认是否升级 TLS-Shunt-Proxy 分流组件,(Y/N) [N]:" upgrade_mode [[ -z ${upgrade_mode} ]] && upgrade_mode="none" case $upgrade_mode in [yY]) echo -e "${GreenBG} 开始升级 TLS-Shunt-Proxy 分流组件 ${Font}" upgrade_mode="Tsp" sleep 1 upgrade_tsp ;; *) echo -e "${GreenBG} 跳过升级 TLS-Shunt-Proxy 分流组件 ${Font}" ;; esac [ -f ${tsp_conf} ] && read -rp "请确认是否升级 Docker 平台组件,(Y/N) [N]:" upgrade_mode [[ -z ${upgrade_mode} ]] && upgrade_mode="none" case $upgrade_mode in [yY]) echo -e "${GreenBG} 开始升级 Docker 平台组件 ${Font}" upgrade_mode="Docker" sleep 1 install_docker ;; *) echo -e "${GreenBG} 跳过升级 Docker 平台组件 ${Font}" ;; esac ;; 12) [ -f ${tsp_conf} ] && uninstall_all ;; 13) kernel_change="YES" systemctl is-active "docker" &>/dev/null && echo -e "${RedBG} !!!由于 Docker 与系统内核关联紧密,更换系统内核可能导致 Docker 无法正常使用!!! ${Font}\n${WARN} ${Yellow} 如果内核更换后 Docker 无法正常启动,请尝试通过 脚本 <选项10:升级 Docker> 修复 或 <选项11:完全卸载> 后重新部署 ${Font}" && read -rp "请在确认后,输入 YES(区分大小写):" kernel_change [[ -z ${kernel_change} ]] && kernel_change="no" case $kernel_change in YES) [ -f "tcp.sh" ] && rm -rf ./tcp.sh wget -N --no-check-certificate "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ylx2016/Linux-NetSpeed/master/tcpx.sh" && chmod +x tcpx.sh && ./tcpx.sh ;; *) echo -e "${RedBG} 我再想想 ${Font}" exit 0 ;; esac ;; 14) bash <(curl -Lso- https://git.io/superspeed) ;; 0) exit 0 ;; *) echo -e "${RedBG} 请输入正确的数字 ${Font}" sleep 3 ;; esac menu } clear check_system is_root update_sh list "$1"