# Useful files and binaries ## Useful files - `/var/config/lastgood.xml` - Contains the user portion of the configuration {% if include.lastgoodHs %} - `/var/config/lastgood-hs.xml` - Contains the "hardware" configuration (which _should not_ be changed) {% endif %} - `/tmp/omcilog` - OMCI messages logs (must be enabeled, see below) ## Useful binaries - `{{ include.flash }}` - Used to manipulate the config files in a somewhat safe manner - `xmlconfig` - Used for low-level manipulation of the XML config files. Called by `{{ include.flash }}` - `nv` - Used to manipulate nvram storage, including persistent config entries via `nv setenv`/`nv getenv` - `omcicli` - Used to interact with the running OMCI daemon - `omci_app` - The OMCI daemon - `diag` - Used to run low-level diagnostics commands on the stick # GPON ONU status ## Getting the operational status of the ONU ```sh diag gpon get onu-state ``` ## Querying a particular OMCI ME ```sh # omcicli mib get MIB_IDX ``` {% if include.speedLan %} ## Getting/Setting Speed LAN Mode {% assign customSpeedLanAlert = include.customSpeedLanAlert | default: "Before editing the speed make sure your hardware supports it." %} {% include alert.html content=customSpeedLanAlert alert="Note" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %} To change the link mode use this command: ```sh # {{ include.flash }} get LAN_SDS_MODE LAN_SDS_MODE=0 # {{ include.flash }} set LAN_SDS_MODE 1 ``` | Value | `cat /proc/kmsg` | Mode | Behavior | | ----- | ------------------------------------ | -------- | --------------------------- |{% if include.speedLan contains '0' %} | 0 | `<4>change mode to 0(GE/FE PHY)` | `TP` | 1GbaseT/100baseT |{% endif %}{% if include.speedLan contains '1' %} | 1 | `<4>change mode to 1(Fiber 1G)` | `FIBER` | 1GbaseX with auto-neg on |{% endif %}{% if include.speedLan contains '2' %} | 2 | `<4>change mode to 2(SGMII PHY)` | `TP MII` | 1Gb PHY |{% endif %}{% if include.speedLan contains '3' %} | 3 | `<4>change mode to 3(SGMII MAC)` | `MII` | 1Gb MAC |{% endif %}{% if include.speedLan contains '4' %} | 4 | `<4>change mode to 4(HiSGMII PHY)` | `TP MII` | 2.5Gb PHY |{% endif %}{% if include.speedLan contains '5' %} | 5 | `<4>change mode to 5(HiSGMII MAC)` | `MII` | 2.5Gb MAC |{% endif %}{% if include.speedLan contains '6' %} | 6 | `<4>change mode to 6(2500BaseX)` | `FIBER` | 2500baseX with auto-neg on |{% endif %}{% if include.speedLan contains '7' %} | 7 | `<4>change mode to 7(SGMII Force)` | `TP` | 1GbaseT with auto-neg off |{% endif %}{% if include.speedLan contains '8' %} | 8 | `<4>change mode to 8(HISGMII Force)` | `TP` | 2500baseT with auto-neg off |{% endif %} {% endif %} # GPON/OMCI settings ## Getting/Setting ONU GPON Serial Number ```sh # {{ include.flash }} get GPON_SN GPON_SN=TMBB00000000 # {{ include.flash }} set GPON_SN TMBB0A1B2C3D ``` ## Getting/Setting ONU GPON PLOAM password {% if include.ploam == 'asciiAndHex' %} {% include alert.html content="The PLOAM password can be saved in either ASCII or HEX format, without any 0x or separators" alert="Note" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %} ```sh # {{ include.flash }} get GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD=AAAAAAAAAA # {{ include.flash }} set GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD AAAAAAAAAA # {{ include.flash }} set GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD 41414141414141414141 ``` {% elsif include.ploam == 'hex' %} {% include alert.html content="The PLOAM password is stored in HEX format, without any 0x or separators" alert="Note" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %} ```sh # {{ include.flash }} get GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD=41414141414141414141 # {{ include.flash }} set GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD 41414141414141414141 ``` {% elsif include.ploam == 'ascii' %} {% include alert.html content="The PLOAM password is stored in ASCII format" alert="Info" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %} ```sh # {{ include.flash }} get GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD=AAAAAAAAAA # {{ include.flash }} set GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD AAAAAAAAAA ``` {% endif %} ## Getting/Setting OMCI software version (ME 7) {% if include.customSwVersionAlert %} {% assign customSwVersionAlert = include.customSwVersionAlert %} {% include alert.html content=customSwVersionAlert alert="Note" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %} {% endif %} {% if include.flashSwVersion %} ```sh # {{ include.flash }} get OMCI_SW_VER1 OMCI_SW_VER1=YOURFIRSTSWVER # {{ include.flash }} set OMCI_SW_VER1 YOURFIRSTSWVER # {{ include.flash }} get OMCI_SW_VER2 OMCI_SW_VER1=YOURSECONDSWVER # {{ include.flash }} set OMCI_SW_VER2 YOURSECONDSWVER ``` {% else %} ```sh # nv setenv sw_custom_version0 YOURFIRSTSWVER # nv setenv sw_custom_version1 YOURSECONDSWVER ``` {% endif %} ## Getting/Setting OMCI hardware version (ME 256) {% if include.customHwVersionAlert %} {% assign customHwVersionAlert = include.customHwVersionAlert %} {% include alert.html content=customHwVersionAlert alert="Note" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %} {% endif %} ```sh # {{ include.flash }} get HW_HWVER HW_HWVER=V2.0 # {{ include.flash }} set HW_HWVER MYHWVERSION ``` ## Getting/Setting OMCI vendor ID (ME 256) {% if include.customVendorAlert %} {% assign customVendorAlert = include.customVendorAlert %} {% include alert.html content=customVendorAlert alert="Note" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %} {% endif %} ```sh # {{ include.flash }} get PON_VENDOR_ID PON_VENDOR_ID=ZTEG # {{ include.flash }} set PON_VENDOR_ID HWTC ``` ## Getting/Setting OMCI equipment ID (ME 257) {% if include.customEquipAlert %} {% assign customEquipAlert = include.customEquipAlert %} {% include alert.html content=customEquipAlert alert="Note" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %} {% endif %} ```sh # {{ include.flash }} get GPON_ONU_MODEL GPON_ONU_MODEL=DFP-34X-2C2 # {{ include.flash }} set GPON_ONU_MODEL DFP-34X-XXX ``` ## Getting/Setting OMCI OLT Mode and Fake OMCI Configure how ONT Stick handle OMCI from OLT: ```sh # {{ include.flash }} get OMCI_OLT_MODE OMCI_OLT_MODE=1 # {{ include.flash }} set OMCI_OLT_MODE 2 ``` | Value | Note | OMCI Information | | ----- | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | 0 | Default Mode | Stock setting, some values cannot be changed | | 1 | Huawei OLT Mode | Huawei MA5671a | | 2 | ZTE OLT Mode | ZTE | | 3 | Customized Mode | Custom Software/Hardware Version, OMCC, etc... |{% if include.omciOLT21 %} | 21 | Owerflow Mode | Custom Software/Hardware Version, OMCC, etc... (this is a hack and causes sigsegv of `/bin/checkomci`) |{% endif %} Some vendors/wholesale providers/ISPs have explicit LAN Port Number provisioning or proprietary OMCI that the stick cannot understand, this will make the stick reply OK to whatever the OLT sends it via OMCI. `0` = Disable, `1` = Enable, Default is 0 ```sh # {{ include.flash }} get OMCI_FAKE_OK OMCI_FAKE_OK=0 # {{ include.flash }} set OMCI_FAKE_OK 1 ``` # Advanced settings ## Setting management IP ```sh # {{ include.flash }} get LAN_IP_ADDR LAN_IP_ADDR= # {{ include.flash }} set LAN_IP_ADDR ``` ## Getting/Setting the L2 Bridge MTU {% include alert.html content="Settings given via diag are not permanent after reboot" alert="Note" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %} Getting/Setting the MTU of the L2 bridge ```sh # diag switch get max-pkt-len port all Port Speed ---------- 0 1538 2 2031 # diag switch set max-pkt-len port all length 2000 ``` ## Checking the currently active image ```sh # nv getenv sw_active sw_active=1 # nv getenv sw_version0 sw_version0=V1_7_8_210412 # nv getenv sw_version1 sw_version1=V1_7_8_210412 ``` ## Booting to a different image ```sh # nv setenv sw_commit 0|1 # reboot ```