# **The Hackening** ### WOW!! Look at all the new leaders that have joined Hack Club since last time: * 📘 [Gungun](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U05U85KANH3) from Jharkhand, India * 💻 [Jordan](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U05FHS4EDEJ) and [Aaron](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U05FKKR3HGX) from New York, USA * ⛰️ [Elliot](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U041DAECHHA) from Vermont, USA * 🏎️ 🤖 [Shayaan](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U03K9LZ3AE6) and [Ivan](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U05UC6UG9PF) from Ontario, CA * 💻 [Yiteng](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U04JBN6MZ9R) from Shandong, China * 🎸 [Karthick](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U05UAD1SLQ0) from Arizona, USA * 🍎 💻 [Landon](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U05V6GA0TQT) and [Charlie](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U05V3MUEHNH) from Rhode Island, USA * 🏊 [Gurashish](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U05UC4K2AH5) from Punjab, India * 🎥 🤖 [Varun](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U05QA373D99) and Saina from Haryana, India * 🎮 [Tolib](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U05UVK25FRR) from Maryland, USA * 💻 [Harsh](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U060TD31F24) from Rajasthan, India * 🎨 [Summer](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U060P7HCPR9) and Piotr from Indiana, USA * 🖱️ [Krrish](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U04FG8R2BLM) from Haryana, India * 📸 Sanjana from Minnesota, USA * 💻 [Rajeev](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U060WRX432P) from Madhya Pradesh, India * 🏃 🐢 [Nick](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U03CEJQ2F6V) and Mario from Arizona, USA * 🦀 [Jett](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U04EQ812E9M) from Shanghai, China * 🎮 🤖 Fawaz and Ahmed from Ontario, Canada ## 👋 It's [Holly](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U03M1H014CX) Today's newsletter is a bit different and bittersweet to write. Dear Leaders, I have gotten to know most of you well over the last year of being the Clubs Lead at HQ, and today I'm writing to let you all know that I'll be leaving Hack Club on Tuesday, October 17th because I've decided to take on a new job opportunity. I'll be working for the town I live in which will give me more time with my family. I can't begin to tell you how much every single person in this organization has meant to me, and how impacted my life has been by my time here. You're all a total inspiration and I can only hope that my own kids grow up to be as talented and amazing as all of you. Thank you for teaching me so much. This decision didn't come lightly for me, and I will miss you all! Moving forward, HQ (thanks to [Thomas](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U041FQB8VK2) and [Christina](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/UT2E7L19C)) has big plans to make support for you all even more amazing! Starting with forming a brand new Clubs Support Team made up of current and former club leaders. They'll be here to make this transition really smooth for everyone. As always, [#leaders](https://hackclub.slack.com/archives/C02PA5G01ND) on Slack is the best place to ask for advice about your club, and now you can also reach out directly to [@Thomas](https://hackclub.slack.com/team/U041FQB8VK2) on Slack or [email him](mailto:thomas@hackclub.com). Thank you for making this a really magical year for me. No goodbyes, just so long for now! Holly Waving Till next time! 💖Holly P.S. - Don't worry, The Hackening will live on!