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value: to_string($message.message),\n only_named_captures: true\n )\n );\nend" } }, "constraints": [ { "type": "server-version", "version": ">=3.3.0+4ea5649" } ] }, { "v": "1", "type": { "name": "pipeline_rule", "version": "1" }, "id": "36e234ae-ea9f-4b7d-82e6-1975882947e0", "data": { "title": { "@type": "string", "@value": "XG GUI Event Type" }, "description": { "@type": "string", "@value": "" }, "source": { "@type": "string", "@value": "rule \"XG GUI Event Type\"\nwhen\n to_string($message.log_type) == \"Event\" && to_string($message.log_component) == \"GUI\"\nthen\n set_fields(\n grok(\n pattern: \"status=%{DATA:QUOTEDSTRING}%{SPACE}priority=%{WORD:priority}%{SPACE}user_name=%{QUOTEDSTRING:user_name}%{SPACE}src_ip=%{DATA:src_ip}%{SPACE}ZONE=%{QUOTEDSTRING:zone}%{SPACE}message=%{QUOTEDSTRING:event_message}\",\n value: to_string($message.message),\n only_named_captures: true\n )\n );\nend" } }, "constraints": [ { "type": "server-version", "version": ">=3.3.0+4ea5649" } ] }, { "v": 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\"priority=%{WORD:priority}%{SPACE}idp_policy_id=%{INT:idp_policy_id}%{SPACE}fw_rule_id=%{INT:fw_rule_id}%{SPACE}user_name=%{QUOTEDSTRING:user_name}%{SPACE}signature_id=%{INT:signature_id}%{SPACE}signature_msg=%{QUOTEDSTRING:signature_msg}%{SPACE}classification=%{QUOTEDSTRING:classification}%{SPACE}rule_priority=%{INT:rule_priority}%{SPACE}src_ip=%{DATA:src_ip}%{SPACE}src_country_code=%{DATA:src_country_code}%{SPACE}dst_ip=%{DATA:dst_ip}%{SPACE}dst_country_code=%{DATA:dst_country_code}%{SPACE}protocol=%{QUOTEDSTRING:protocol}%{SPACE}src_port=%{INT:src_port}%{SPACE}dst_port=%{INT:dst_port}%{SPACE}platform=%{QUOTEDSTRING:platform}%{SPACE}category=%{QUOTEDSTRING:category}%{SPACE}target=%{QUOTEDSTRING:target}\",\n value: to_string($message.message),\n only_named_captures: true\n )\n );\nend" } }, "constraints": [ { "type": "server-version", "version": ">=3.3.0+4ea5649" } ] }, { "v": "1", "type": { "name": "pipeline_rule", "version": "1" }, "id": "f8b3642c-799d-468d-a3da-a52d5064ed8c", "data": { "title": { "@type": "string", "@value": "XG SMTP Type" }, "description": { "@type": "string", "@value": "" }, "source": { "@type": "string", "@value": "rule \"XG SMTP Type\"\nwhen\n to_string($message.log_component) == \"SMTP\"\nthen\n set_fields(\n grok(\n pattern: \"priority=%{WORD:priority}%{SPACE}fw_rule_id=%{INT:fw_rule_id}%{SPACE}user_name=%{QUOTEDSTRING:user_name}%{GREEDYDATA}from_email_address=%{QUOTEDSTRING:from_email_address}%{SPACE}to_email_address=%{QUOTEDSTRING:to_email_address}%{SPACE}email_subject=%{QUOTEDSTRING:email_subject}%{GREEDYDATA}src_domainname=%{QUOTEDSTRING:src_domain}\",\n value: to_string($message.message),\n only_named_captures: true\n )\n );\nend" } }, "constraints": [ { "type": "server-version", "version": ">=3.3.0+4ea5649" } ] } ] }