--- name: Create Agenda about: Assign issue to all team members day after meetup in prep for next meetup title: '' labels: documentation, help wanted, question assignees: '' --- ### Overview This issue tracks the agenda for our weekly meetings #### Issue Template ``` ## [Date ] Meeting Agenda ### Prework to prep for meeting - [ ] # ### Recurring items: Happens on the ________ meeting - [ ] review any issues that are in the [new issue approval column] - [ ] Accountability and Support Check. - [ ] Review assignments for each Team member - [ ] [Name of Person] - [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above) - [ ] review issues with [epic label] and define how to break down further - [ ] Review to see if there are any members to Onboard or Offboard - [ ] # ### New Items - [ ] - [ ] Carry over Items to next meeting that don't get addressed ### FYIs - ### Notes from Meeting ### Task Items ``` ### Links to other agenda issues for your team (so that you can easily post on their agendas items that come up at yours) ### Previous Meetings (link to each comment with the date)