type = "article"
title = "Virtualizing Haiku in VMware Workstation"
date = "2016-12-22T18:11:53.000Z"
tags = []
For Google Code-In 2019, Zotyamester created a [video on how to install Haiku in VMware Workstation](http://files.haiku-os.org/files/media/GCI-2019_VMware-Workstation_Zotyamester.mp4) [59 MiB].
Virtual instances of operating systems are perfect for all kinds of testing purposes that need to be done in a safe and isolated environment. Installing Haiku in a virtual machine is a solution for people who do not want to install it on their physical computers, but wish to become familiar with it.
This How-To guide will describe the process of running Haiku on virtual machine (VM) using VMWare Workstation 14 and an Anyboot image file.
The Anyboot image file can be obtained [here](/get-haiku). VMWare Player is available from VMWare for free [on their website](https://www.vmware.com/products/player/). There is also VMware Workstation, which is similar but has more features and is commercial. This means you have to pay for this version, but it does offer a 30 days trial. However you could just stick to the free one _(VMware Player)_ as you most likely will not need the extra features. You can both read about the commercial version's extra features and download it from its website [here](https://www.vmware.com/products/workstation/overview.html)
##### Go to section
* [Installing and running Haiku from an Anyboot image](#part_install)
* [Additional steps](#part_additional)
* [Troubleshooting](#part_trouble)
### Installing and running haiku from an Anyboot image
The following guide will describe installation of Haiku with an Anyboot image on VMWare.
##### Step 1. Creating a virtual machine
After downloading the Anyboot image and installing VMWare Workstation, we can begin the installation process.
Open VMWare Workstation. On the Home tab, click **`Create a virtual machine`**.
The *New Virtual Machine Wizard* will appear. Select *Typical*, then click **`Next`**.
Select *Installer disc image file _(.iso)_*, and browse for the Anyboot image we have downloaded. VMWare will then complain that it could not detect which operating system is in the disc image. Click **`Next`** again.
Select the *Other* operating system, and *Other* version, then click **`Next`**.
Give a name to the virtual machine, and choose the location where the virtual machine will be stored. Then, click **`Next`** again.
Specify the hard disk size of virtual machine. Some will need to allocate more than the default size. This can be expanded later. We can also split the virtual hard disk image, to make transporting to another machine easier, but note that it may slow down performance on large virtual disks. When done adjusting the disk size and splitting, click **`Next`**.
Verify the details of the new virtual machine, then click **`Finish`** to create the virtual machine.
Now the virtual machine is created and we are ready to install Haiku to the virtual machine.
##### Step 2. Installing Haiku
Before we install Haiku to the virtual machine, we first need to start it by clicking on **`Power on this virtual machine`** option.
The virtual machine will automatically boot the Anyboot image we chose as the installer disc image.
The installation itself is quite simple and does not differ really from a physical one (follow the guides [on this page](/get-haiku/installation-guide) if you are not familiar with installing
We run the installer by clicking **`Run installer`** inside the virtual machine, and proceed with the installation like we are installing on a physical machine.
The Installer will say that there are no partitions, as the hard disk is still empty. Click on **`Set up partitions...`** to bring up DriveSetup. DriveSetup should detect two devices, one is CD-ROM which contains the Haiku image, and a hard disk which is our virtual machine's virtual hard disk. All we need to do is select the hard disk, go to *Partitions -> Format*, click on *Be File System* and continue the initialization. When done setting up the disk, close DriveSetup.
Then we can proceed to installing Haiku. Select the virtual hard disk as the destination, then click on **`Install`**. Wait until the installation is complete, and then click **`Restart`** to restart to our new Haiku installation.
### Additional steps
##### Additional step 1. Installing the VMWare Addons
Haiku provides a `vmware_addons` package that allows clipboard sharing between Haiku and the host OS, mouse sharing (so that the mouse can seamlessly enter and quit the VM window), and disk compacting (reducing the sizes of auto-expanding virtual disks). Install it with the HaikuDepot application from the Deskbar's Applications menu.
### Troubleshooting
##### Adding more RAM to the virtual machine
When we need to increase the memory allocated to the virtual machine, we can increase it from the virtual machine settings.
On the virtual machine tab, when the VM is powered off, click on *Edit virtual machine settings*. The *Virtual Machine Settings* window will then appear.
Navigate to *Hardware* > *Memory*. We can than increase the memory allocated by dragging the slider to the top. Note that allocating more than the maximum recommended memory may cause the host to memory swap.
Click **`OK`** to close the settings window.
##### Increasing the virtual disk size without reinstalling
VMWare allows expanding a virtual hard disk to be bigger, but take note that there is no way to reduce the size of your virtual hard disk once it starts to occupy space.
On the virtual machine tab, when the VM is powered off, click on *Edit virtual machine settings*. The *Virtual Machine Settings* window will then appear.
Navigate to *Hardware* > *Hard Disk*, then on the right pane click **`Expand`**
Specify the amount of the expanded hard disk image, then click **`Expand`**
Click **`OK`** to close the settings window.
Then, resize the Haiku partition inside the virtual machine using the Haiku ISO or GParted.