SUMMARY="Spanish dictionary for aspell program/library" DESCRIPTION="Spanish dictionary for the GNU Aspell program, an open source \ spell checker." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="1994-2010 Santiago Rodriguez and Jesus Carretero 2003-2010 Agustin Martin Domingo" LICENSE="GNU GPL v2" REVISION="1" SOURCE_URI="${portVersion/\~/-}.tar.bz2" CHECKSUM_SHA256="ad367fa1e7069c72eb7ae37e4d39c30a44d32a6aa73cedccbd0d06a69018afcc" SOURCE_DIR="aspell6-es-${portVersion/\~/-}" ARCHITECTURES="any" PROVIDES=" aspell_es = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku aspell >= 0.60 " BUILD_REQUIRES=" devel:libaspell " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" haiku_devel cmd:basename cmd:make cmd:prezip_bin cmd:which " BUILD() { ./configure make } INSTALL() { spellDir=$dataDir/$(basename $(aspell dump config dict-dir)) make dictdir=$spellDir datadir=$spellDir install }