SUMMARY="The famous XEmacs editor" DESCRIPTION="A highly customizable open source text editor and application \ development system." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="1998-2000 Hrvoje Niksic 2000-2001 Michael Sperber 2001 Ben Wing 2001 Didier Verna 2004 Stephen Turnbull 2005-2006 Aidan Kehoe" LICENSE="GNU GPL v3" REVISION="3" SOURCE_URI="hg+" # TODO: FIXME: #Bootstrapping from temacs... #Warning: # XEmacs was unable to determine a good value for the user's $HOME # directory, and will be using the value: # / # This is probably incorrect. ARCHITECTURES="?all x86_gcc2" SECONDARY_ARCHITECTURES="x86_gcc2 x86" #POLICY WARNING: no matching provides "cmd:b2m" for "bin/b2m" #POLICY WARNING: no matching provides "cmd:ctags" for "bin/ctags" #POLICY WARNING: no matching provides "cmd:ellcc" for "bin/ellcc" #POLICY WARNING: no matching provides "cmd:etags" for "bin/etags" #POLICY WARNING: no matching provides "cmd:gnuattach" for "bin/gnuattach" #POLICY WARNING: no matching provides "cmd:gnuclient" for "bin/gnuclient" #POLICY WARNING: no matching provides "cmd:gnudoit" for "bin/gnudoit" #POLICY WARNING: no matching provides "cmd:ootags" for "bin/ootags" #POLICY WARNING: no matching provides "cmd:xemacs_21.5_b34" for "bin/xemacs-21.5-b34" #POLICY WARNING: no matching provides "cmd:xemacs_script" for "bin/xemacs-script PROVIDES=" xemacs$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersion app:xemacs = $portVersion cmd:xemacs = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku$secondaryArchSuffix lib:libiconv$secondaryArchSuffix lib:libncurses$secondaryArchSuffix lib:libz$secondaryArchSuffix lib:libpng16$secondaryArchSuffix lib:libjpeg$secondaryArchSuffix # lib:libtiff$secondaryArchSuffix # lib:libxpm$secondaryArchSuffix " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku${secondaryArchSuffix}_devel devel:libiconv$secondaryArchSuffix devel:libncurses$secondaryArchSuffix devel:libz$secondaryArchSuffix >= 1.2.8 devel:libpng16$secondaryArchSuffix devel:libjpeg$secondaryArchSuffix # devel:libtiff$secondaryArchSuffix # devel:libxpm$secondaryArchSuffix " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:autoconf cmd:make cmd:gcc$secondaryArchSuffix cmd:tar cmd:which cmd:makeinfo " # TODO: fix lispdir to not use $HOME BUILD() { autoconf export HOME=/boot/home runConfigure ./configure \ --with-tty=yes --with-pop --with-x11=no --with-ipv6-cname=no \ --with-mule --with-wnn=no \ -with-beos=yes \ --with-toolbars=yes \ --with-scrollbars=no \ --with-menubars=no \ --with-dialogs=no \ --with-widgets=no \ --with-dragndrop=yes \ --with-system-malloc --disable-mc-alloc --with-mc-alloc=no \ --with-postgresql=no \ --disable-kkcc \ --with-png make clean make } INSTALL() { make install addattr SYS:ENV DISABLE_ASLR=1 $binDir/xemacs-21* addAppDeskbarSymlink $binDir/xemacs XEmacs }