SUMMARY="Shell-script tool for converting XML files to various formats" DESCRIPTION="At the moment xmlto supports conversion from docbook, \ xhtml1 and fo format to various output formats (awt, fo, htmlhelp, \ javahelp, mif, pdf, svg, xhtml, dvi, html, html-nochunks, man, \ pcl, ps, txt, xhtml-nochunks, epub). It uses passivetex(default)/fop/dblatex for processing and provides an easy \ to use command line frontend to avoid having to remember many long options \ or searching for the correct syntax." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2009 Tim Waugh 2013 Ondrej Vasik" LICENSE="GNU GPL v2" REVISION="2" SOURCE_URI="$portVersion.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="2f986b7c9a0e9ac6728147668e776d405465284e13c74d4146c9cbc51fd8aad3" PATCHES="xmlto-$portVersion.patch" ARCHITECTURES="all" PROVIDES=" xmlto = $portVersion compat >= 0 cmd:xmlif cmd:xmlto " REQUIRES=" haiku cmd:getopt cmd:xmllint cmd:xsltproc docbook_xsl_stylesheets " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:awk cmd:cmp cmd:flex cmd:gcc cmd:getopt cmd:make " BUILD() { runConfigure --omit-dirs binDir ./configure --bindir=$prefix/bin make $jobArgs } INSTALL() { make install } TEST() { make check }