SUMMARY="A modern configuration of the Vim text editor" DESCRIPTION="Vim is a powerful and full-featured text editor, the popular \ descendant of the 1976 Vi text editor. But Vim has a steep learning curve. It was not primarily designed to be easy \ to use, favoring performance and technical flexibility instead. Because it is \ so different, learning to use Vim takes time. Cream shapes Vim into an interface you probably already know (sometimes called \ Common User Access). Whether you are writing emails or developing large \ software applications, Cream saves you time and gets you up and running quickly." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2001-2014 Cream contributors" LICENSE="GNU GPL v3" REVISION="1" SOURCE_URI="$portName/Cream/$portVersion/$portName-$portVersion.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="b7adee33d5464f985a71722fdbe133e726bffebf34eae14c33674c4c5327d777" ARCHITECTURES="!any" PROVIDES=" cream = $portVersion cmd:cream " REQUIRES=" haiku cmd:vim == 7.4 " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel cmd:vim " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:perl cmd:which " BUILD() { true } INSTALL() { export VIMRUNTIME=$dataDir/vim/vim74/ mkdir -p $VIMRUNTIME sh $prefix rm -r $prefix/share # Useless .desktop file addAppDeskbarSymlink $binDir/cream "Cream" }