SUMMARY="The Yasm modular assembler" DESCRIPTION=" Yasm is a complete rewrite of the NASM assembler under the “new” BSD License \ (some portions are under other licenses, see COPYING for details). Yasm currently supports the x86 and AMD64 instruction sets, accepts NASM and \ GAS assembler syntaxes, outputs binary, ELF32, ELF64, 32 and 64-bit Mach-O, \ RDOFF2, COFF, Win32, and Win64 object formats, and generates source debugging \ information in STABS, DWARF 2, and CodeView 8 formats. Yasm can be easily integrated into Visual Studio 2005/2008 and 2010 for \ assembly of NASM or GAS syntax code into Win32 or Win64 object files." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2001-2011 Peter Johnson and other Yasm developers." LICENSE="Artistic BSD (2-clause) BSD (3-clause) GNU GPL v2 GNU LGPL v2" REVISION="3" SOURCE_URI="" CHECKSUM_SHA256="768ffab457b90a20a6d895c39749adb547c1b7cb5c108e84b151a838a23ccf31" ARCHITECTURES="all" PROVIDES=" yasm = $portVersion compat >= 1 cmd:vsyasm = $portVersion compat >= 1 cmd:yasm = $portVersion compat >= 1 cmd:ytasm = $portVersion compat >= 1 devel:libyasm = $portVersion compat >= 1.2 " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES=" " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" haiku_devel cmd:gcc cmd:ld cmd:libtoolize cmd:make " BUILD() { libtoolize --force --copy --install runConfigure ./configure \ --disable-nls make $jobArgs } INSTALL() { make install prepareInstalledDevelLibs libyasm }