SUMMARY="A perl module for parsing XML documents" DESCRIPTION="XML-Parser - A perl module for parsing XML documents." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="1998-2000 Larry Wall and Clark Cooper" LICENSE="Artistic" REVISION="2" SOURCE_URI="" CHECKSUM_SHA256="9fd529867402456bd826fe0e5588d35b3a2e27e586a2fd838d1352b71c2ed73f" SOURCE_DIR="XML-Parser-2.36" ARCHITECTURES="all" PROVIDES=" xml_parser = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku lib:libexpat vendor_perl " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel devel:libexpat " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:gcc cmd:make cmd:perl " # TODO: Remove hardcoded paths. The following shows how to get the the file path: #find /boot/common/lib/perl5 -type f -name unixish.h | grep -FzZ BePC-haiku/CORE/unixish.h BUILD() { perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=$prefix sed -i 's/-fstack-protector//g' Expat/Makefile make } INSTALL() { make install DESTDIR="${DESTDIR}" }