SUMMARY="Circus Linux! is a clone of the Atari 2600 game Circus Atari" DESCRIPTION="The object is to move a teeter-totter back and forth across \ the screen to bounce clowns up into the air. When they reach the top, they \ pop rows of balloons and then fall back down." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2000 Bill Kendrik, Jarkko Rotsten" LICENSE="GNU GPL v2" REVISION="2" SOURCE_URI="$portVersion.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="bf9550ebd598a9e7d93a20d80ff466475122f8b023314bb1e07c31e8c608ce8a" PATCHES="circuslinux-$portVersion.patchset" ARCHITECTURES="all ?x86" PROVIDES=" circuslinux = $portVersion app:CircusLinux = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku lib:libSDL_1.2 lib:libSDL_image_1.2 lib:libSDL_mixer_1.2 " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel devel:libSDL devel:libSDL_image devel:libSDL_mixer " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:gcc cmd:libtoolize cmd:make " BUILD() { libtoolize -fci runConfigure --omit-dirs "binDir docDir dataRootDir" \ ./configure --bindir=$appsDir make $jobArgs } INSTALL() { make install mv $appsDir/circuslinux $appsDir/CircusLinux addAppDeskbarSymlink $appsDir/CircusLinux }