SUMMARY="Metal Blob Solid is a 2D platform game" DESCRIPTION="Since their world was invaded by an alien race, the Blobs have \ faced a lifetime of war. But now they have a chance to win the war once and \ for all. In Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid, you take on the role of a fearless \ Blob agent, Bob. Bob's mission is to infiltrate the various enemy bases around \ the Blobs' homeworld and rescue as many MIAs as possible. But standing in his \ way are many vicious aliens, other Blobs who have been assimilated and the \ evil alien leader, Galdov." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2004, 2005 Milan Babuskov" LICENSE="GNU GPL v2" REVISION="1" SOURCE_URI="$portVersion.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="c406279f6cdf2aed3c6edb8d8be16efeda0217494acd525f39ee2bd3e77e4a99" PATCHES="blobwars-$portVersion.patchset" ARCHITECTURES="?all" PROVIDES=" blobwars = $portVersion app:blobwars = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku lib:libintl lib:libSDL2_2.0 lib:libSDL2_image_2.0 lib:libSDL2_mixer_2.0 lib:libSDL2_net_2.0 lib:libSDL2_ttf_2.0 lib:libz " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel devel:libintl devel:libSDL2_2.0 devel:libSDL2_image_2.0 devel:libSDL2_mixer_2.0 devel:libSDL2_net_2.0 devel:libSDL2_ttf_2.0 devel:libz " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:gcc cmd:make cmd:pkg_config " BUILD() { make $jobArgs } INSTALL() { mkdir -p $appsDir/BlobWars/{data,doc,icons,sound,gfx,locale} cp blobwars $appsDir/BlobWars/ cp -r data/* $appsDir/BlobWars/data/ cp -r doc $appsDir/BlobWars/ cp -r icons $appsDir/BlobWars/ cp -r sound $appsDir/BlobWars/ cp -r gfx $appsDir/BlobWars/ cp -r locale $appsDir/BlobWars/ addAppDeskbarSymlink $appsDir/BlobWars/blobwars BlobWars }