SUMMARY="The free and healthy typeface for bread and butter use" DESCRIPTION="\ Vollkorn means wholemeal in German. The Vollkorn typeface is free and healthy \ typeface for bread and butter use. It intends to be a quiet, modest and well \ working text face. It might be used. It might be used as body type as well as \ for headlines and titles. " HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="Friedrich Althausen" LICENSE="SIL Open Font License v1.1" REVISION="1" SOURCE_URI="${portVersion/./-}.zip" CHECKSUM_SHA256="e650ea9d967c2af1e9b8d34e1118721728bcd73ccfd3220da4264661301e8af5" SOURCE_DIR="" ARCHITECTURES="any" DISABLE_SOURCE_PACKAGE="yes" PROVIDES=" vollkorn = $portVersion " REQUIRES="" BUILD_REQUIRES="" BUILD_PREREQUIRES="" BUILD() { true } INSTALL() { install -d -m 755 "$fontsDir"/{ttfonts,otfonts} install -t "$fontsDir/ttfonts" -m 644 TTF/*.ttf install -t "$fontsDir/otfonts" -m 644 PS-OTF/*.otf }