SUMMARY="Web Open Font Format 2 reference implementation" DESCRIPTION="The Web Open Font Format (WOFF) is a font format for use in web pages. \ WOFF files are OpenType or TrueType fonts, with format-specific compression applied \ and additional XML metadata added. The two primary goals are first to distinguish font \ files intended for use as web fonts from fonts files intended for use in desktop \ applications via local installation, and second to reduce web font latency when \ fonts are transferred from a server to a client over a network connection." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2013-2022 by the WOFF2 Authors" LICENSE="MIT" REVISION="2" SOURCE_URI="$portVersion.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="add272bb09e6384a4833ffca4896350fdb16e0ca22df68c0384773c67a175594" ARCHITECTURES="all !x86_gcc2" SECONDARY_ARCHITECTURES="x86" PROVIDES=" woff2$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersion lib:libwoff2enc$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersion compat >= 1 lib:libwoff2dec$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersion compat >= 1 lib:libwoff2common$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersion compat >= 1 " REQUIRES=" haiku$secondaryArchSuffix lib:libbrotlidec$secondaryArchSuffix lib:libbrotlienc$secondaryArchSuffix " PROVIDES_devel=" woff2${secondaryArchSuffix}_devel = $portVersion devel:libwoff2enc$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersion compat >= 1 devel:libwoff2dec$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersion compat >= 1 devel:libwoff2common$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersion compat >= 1 " REQUIRES_devel=" woff2$secondaryArchSuffix == $portVersion base " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku${secondaryArchSuffix}_devel devel:libbrotlidec$secondaryArchSuffix devel:libbrotlienc$secondaryArchSuffix " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:cmake cmd:gcc$secondaryArchSuffix cmd:grep cmd:make cmd:pkg_config$secondaryArchSuffix cmd:sed " BUILD() { cmake -Bbuild -S. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$prefix \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=$libDir \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR=$includeDir \ -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=ON \ -DCANONICAL_PREFIXES=ON make -C build $jobArgs } INSTALL() { make -C build install prepareInstalledDevelLibs \ libwoff2enc \ libwoff2dec \ libwoff2common fixPkgconfig # devel package packageEntries devel \ $developDir }