SUMMARY="Dillon's lightweight cron daemon" DESCRIPTION="This is a continuation of Matt Dillon's beautifully minimalist \ dcron. At first I had written a fork (yacron), but Matt has handed over \ maintainership of the main dcron branch, so all of yacron was merged into \ dcron 4.0. The biggest changes in v4.0 are syslogging and a variety of anacron-like \ features. If you use this version of dcron, you shouldn't have any further \ need for anacron. More specifically, dcron can now: * log to syslog or a file * email job output to a remote addresses, instead of the local user who owns \ the job (so it works with lightweight mail handlers like msmtp, which \ don't route mail to local users). * replace sendmail with any other script to which all job output should be piped * various crontab syntax extensions, including @daily and @reboot and more \ finer-grained frequency specifiers. See manpages for details." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="1994 Matthew Dillon 2009-2011 James Pryor" LICENSE="GNU GPL v2" REVISION="1" SOURCE_URI="$portVersion.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="9e50edb6f5bd8153b16bad05087d985e5153ce45cc01ae77e7f842213fb4a824" PATCHES="dcron-$portVersion.patchset" ARCHITECTURES="x86_gcc2" PROVIDES=" dcron = $portVersion cmd:crond cmd:crontab " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:as cmd:gcc cmd:make " BUILD() { make PREFIX=$prefix SBINDIR=$binDir BINDIR=$binDir MANDIR=$manDir \ CRONTAB_GROUP=root CRONTABS=$prefix/var/spool/cron/crontabs \ CRONSTAMPS=$prefix/var/spool/cron/cronstamps } INSTALL() { make install }