SUMMARY="DuckDuckGo from the terminal" DESCRIPTION="ddgr is a command-line tool to search DuckDuckGo. ddgr shows the \ title, URL and text context for each result. Results are fetched in pages. \ Keyboard shortcuts are available for page navigation. Results are indexed \ and a result URL can be opened in a browser using the index number. There is \ no configuration file as aliases serve the same purpose for this utility. \ Supports sequential searches in a single instance. Features: * Fast and clean (no ads, stray URLs or clutter), custom color * Designed to deliver maximum readability at minimum space * Specify the number of search results to show per page * Navigate result pages from omniprompt, open URLs in browser * Search and option completion scripts for Bash, Zsh and Fish * DuckDuckGo Bang support (along with completion) * Open the first result directly in browser (as in I'm Feeling Ducky) * Non-stop searches: fire new searches at omniprompt without exiting * Keywords (e.g. filetype:mime, support * Limit search by time, specify region, disable safe search * HTTPS proxy support, Do Not Track set, optionally disable User Agent * Support custom url handler script or cmdline utility * Comprehensive documentation, man page with handy usage examples * Minimal dependencies" HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2016-2018 Arun Prakash Jana" LICENSE="GNU GPL v3" REVISION="1" SOURCE_URI="$HOMEPAGE/archive/v$portVersion.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="eae7ff1ab44dfda168a8bbe46593e80ca4a26ab45a9efbab13e6f466349e0e5c" SOURCE_FILENAME="ddgr-$portVersion.tar.gz" ARCHITECTURES="any" PROVIDES=" ddgr = $portVersion cmd:ddgr " REQUIRES=" haiku cmd:python3 " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel cmd:make " TEST_REQUIRES=" cmd:python3 " INSTALL() { make BINDIR=$binDir MANDIR=$manDir/man1 DOCDIR=$docDir install } TEST() { make test }