#Stylish Haskell plugin to Sublime Text 2 ## Installation Install this repository via [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) Install [stylish-haskell](git://github.com/jaspervdj/stylish-haskell.git) If stylish-haskell executable is not in your PATH - use **add_to_PATH** setting (or same setting in Sublime Haskell package) ## Usage To stylish your haskell code run this commands: - Linux: `ctrl+alt+h` - Windows: `ctrl+alt+h` - OS X: `super+ctrl+h` If selection is empty and configuration entry **use_entire_file_if_no_selection** is true, tries to prettify whole file. ## Default configuration **use_entire_file_if_no_selection** - true **add_to_PATH** - empty list