#!/bin/bash /usr/lib/turtle/turtle_module VERSION="1.0" DESCRIPTION="Follow log printing data as file grows" CONF=/tmp/autossh.form : ${DIALOG_OK=0} : ${DIALOG_CANCEL=1} : ${DIALOG_HELP=2} : ${DIALOG_EXTRA=3} : ${DIALOG_ITEM_HELP=4} : ${DIALOG_ESC=255} function start { configure } function stop { echo "Nothing to stop" } function status { echo 0 } function tail_file { local tailfile="$1" dialog --title "Following File: $tailfile" --clear --tailbox "$tailfile" 18 72 } function configure { FILE=$(dialog --title "Follow a file" --stdout --title "Select file to follow" --fselect /tmp/ 18 60) if [ -f $FILE ]; then tail_file "$FILE" else dialog --title "Notice" --clear --msgbox "$FILE is not a regular file. Press [space] to select the file and [enter] to follow contents." 8 50 fi }