from phBot import * from time import localtime, strftime from threading import Timer import QtBind import struct import random import json import urllib.request import os name = 'TR_AutoConsignment' version = 2.0 NewestVersion = 0 path = get_config_dir()[:-7] gui = QtBind.init(__name__, name) PageIndex = 0 ItemCount = 0 Started = False button1 = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_search', ' Ara ', 500, 32) lstItems = QtBind.createList(gui,10,62,580,200) lblBuy = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Satın Alma Secenekleri',600,23) lblBuy = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Esya Isimleri',600,40) txtAddItem = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"",600,55,120,20) lstBuyItems = QtBind.createList(gui,600,102,120,80) button1 = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_add', ' Ekle ', 600, 77) button1 = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_remove', ' Sil ', 600, 182) lblBuy = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Maksimum Fiyat',600,205) txtMaxPrice = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"0",600,218,120,20) lblBuy = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Minimum Adet',600,238) txtQuantity = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"0",600,253,120,20) buttonStart = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_start', ' Baslat ', 600, 280) lblClass = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Sınıf',10,10) ComboClass = QtBind.createCombobox(gui,10,32,150,22) lblType = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Cinsi',170,10) ComboType = QtBind.createCombobox(gui,170,32,150,22) lblDegree = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Degre',330,10) ComboDegree = QtBind.createCombobox(gui,330,32,150,22) def button_start(): global Started, PageIndex, ItemCount if not Started: Started = True QtBind.setText(gui,buttonStart,' Durdur ') EnterConsignmentNPC() elif Started: PageIndex = 0 ItemCount = 0 Started = False QtBind.setText(gui,buttonStart,' Baslat ') ExitNPC() def button_search(): global Started QtBind.clear(gui,lstItems) Started = 'Search' EnterConsignmentNPC() def button_add(): item = QtBind.text(gui,txtAddItem) QtBind.append(gui,lstBuyItems,item) QtBind.setText(gui, txtAddItem,"") log('Eklenti: Esya Eklendi [%s]' %item) def button_remove(): item = QtBind.text(gui,lstBuyItems) QtBind.remove(gui,lstBuyItems,item) log('Eklenti: Esya Silindi [%s]' %item) def LoadList(List): QtBind.clear(gui,ComboType) QtBind.clear(gui,ComboDegree) if List == 'All': for item in ItemList: QtBind.append(gui,ComboClass,item) def LoadDegree(): QtBind.clear(gui,ComboDegree) for i in range(1,16): QtBind.append(gui,ComboDegree,str(i)) SelectedClass = '' SelectedType = '' NeedsDegree = ['Attribute Stone','Element','Alchemic Stone','Socket Stone','Earring','Necklace','Ring','Garment','Armor','Protector','Blade','Bow','Shield','Spear','Sword','Glaive','Heavy Armor','Light Armor','Robe','Clearic Rod','Crossbow','Dagger','Dual Axe','Harp','One-handed Sword','Staff','Two-handed Sword','Warlock Rod','Fortress Weapon','Job Accessories','Job Reinforcement','Job Armor','Job Weapons'] def event_loop(): global SelectedClass, SelectedType if not Started: CurrentClass = QtBind.text(gui, ComboClass) CurrentType = QtBind.text(gui, ComboType) if SelectedClass != CurrentClass: QtBind.clear(gui,ComboType) QtBind.clear(gui,ComboDegree) SelectedClass = CurrentClass for item in ItemList[SelectedClass][0]: QtBind.append(gui,ComboType,item) if SelectedType != CurrentType: SelectedType = CurrentType if SelectedType in NeedsDegree: LoadDegree() else: QtBind.clear(gui,ComboDegree) #page starts with 0.. so page 1 is 0 in the packet def RequestPage(Page): if Page == 0: p = b'\x01' if Page >= 1: p = b'\x03' p += struct.pack('B',Page) #search settings CurrentClass = QtBind.text(gui, ComboClass) CurrentType = QtBind.text(gui, ComboType) CurrentDegree = QtBind.text(gui, ComboDegree) if CurrentDegree == '': CurrentDegree = 0 ItemIndex = ItemList[SelectedClass][0][CurrentType] p += struct.pack('= BuyQuantity: log('Satın Alma: [%s] Adet [%s] [%s] &den [%s] Fiyatına Alındı.' %(Quantity,ItemName,CharName,Price)) BuyItem(CharName,ListingID,ItemID) PageIndex = 0 ItemCount = 0 #start again in 10 seconds Timer(10.0, EnterConsignmentNPC, ()).start() return itemdata = 'Satıcı:[%s] Adet: [%s] Fiyat: [%s] Esya :[%s]' %(CharName,Quantity,Price,ItemName) QtBind.append(gui,lstItems,itemdata) #request next page if PageIndex < NumberOfPages: PageIndex += 1 Timer(1.0,RequestPage(PageIndex)).start() else: log("Eklenti: Tüm Esyaların Kontrolü Tamamlandı.. Toplam Esyalar[%s]" %ItemCount) PageIndex = 0 ItemCount = 0 Timer(1.0, ExitNPC, ()).start() #start again in 20 seconds if Started != 'Search': Timer(20.0, EnterConsignmentNPC, ()).start() else: Started = False return False return True ItemList = { "Alchemy": [ { 'Attribute Stone': 37, 'Element': 35, 'Elixir': 33, 'Alchemic Stone': 36, 'Alchemic Ingredient': 39, 'Upgrade Ingredient': 63, 'Socket Stone': 34 } ], "Expendables": [ { 'Arrow': 46, 'Pills': 43, 'Enchancement': 45, 'Recovery Potion': 42, 'Return/Res.': 44 } ], "Chinese Accessory": [ { 'Earring': 11, 'Necklace': 10, 'Ring': 12 } ], "Chinese Armor": [ { 'Garment': 9, 'Armor': 7, 'Protector': 8 } ], "Chinese Weapon": [ { 'Blade': 2, 'Bow': 5, 'Shield': 6, 'Spear': 3, 'Sword': 1, 'Glaive': 4 } ], "COS": [ { 'COS': 40, 'COS Items': 41, 'Fellow Items': 64 } ], "Dress": [ { 'Avatar Dress': 30, 'Additional Dress': 31, 'Awakening Item': 32, 'Triangluar Conflict': 29 } ], "Others": [ { 'Transformation': 52, 'Chatting': 55, 'Others': 57, 'Repair': 56, 'Skill': 54, 'Special Items': 53 } ], "European Accessory": [ { 'Earring': 36, 'Necklace': 26, 'Ring': 28 } ], "European Armor": [ { 'Heavy Armor': 23, 'Light Armor': 24, 'Robe': 25 } ], "European Weapon": [ { 'Clearic Rod': 17, 'Crossbow': 19, 'Dagger': 20, 'Dual Axe': 15, 'Harp': 21, 'Shield': 22, 'One-handed Sword': 13, 'Staff': 18, 'Two-handed Sword': 14, 'Warlock Rod': 16 } ], "Event": [ { 'Event Items': 51 } ], "Exchange": [ { 'Coin': 50 } ], "Fortress War": [ { 'Fortress Item': 49, 'Fortress Weapon': 48 } ], "Guild": [ { 'Guild Items': 28 } ], "Job Equipment": [ { 'Job Accessories': 60, 'Job Reinforcement': 61, 'Job Armor': 59, 'Job Items': 62, 'Job Weapons': 58 } ] } def CheckForUpdate(): global NewestVersion if NewestVersion == 0: try: req = urllib.request.Request('', headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as f: lines = str("utf-8")).split() for num, line in enumerate(lines): if line == 'version': NewestVersion = int(lines[num+2].replace(".","")) CurrentVersion = int(str(version).replace(".","")) if NewestVersion > CurrentVersion: log('Eklenti: Yeni bir güncelleme var = [%s]!' % name) lblUpdate = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Yeni Bir Güncelleme Mevcut. Yüklemek için Tıkla ->',100,283) button1 = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_update', ' Güncelle ', 350, 280) except: pass def button_update(): path = get_config_dir()[:-7] if os.path.exists(path + "Plugins/" + ""): try: os.rename(path + "Plugins/" + "", path + "Plugins/" + "") req = urllib.request.Request('', headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as f: lines = str("utf-8")) with open(path + "Plugins/" + "", "w+") as f: f.write(lines) os.remove(path + "Plugins/" + "") log('Eklenti Başarıyla Güncellendi, Kullanmak için Eklentiyi Yeniden Yükleyin.') except Exception as ex: log('Güncelleme Hatası [%s] Lütfen Manuel Olarak Güncelleyin veya daha Sonra Tekrar Deneyin.' %ex) CheckForUpdate() LoadList('All') log('Eklenti:%s v%s Yuklendi. // edit by hakankahya' % (name,version))