from phBot import * from datetime import datetime from threading import Timer import shutil import QtBind import json import urllib.request import os name = 'TR_BackupRestorer' version = 2.0 NewestVersion = 0 path = get_config_dir() + 'Backup' gui = QtBind.init(__name__, name) Configs = {"Profiles": []} Loaded = False lstProfiles = QtBind.createList(gui,10,50,150,200) lblProfiles = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Karakter Profilleri (json)',30,23) ProfileDates = QtBind.createList(gui,180,50,200,200) lblProfileDates = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Mevcut Yedekleme Tarihleri',220,23) btnRestore = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_restore', ' Seçileni Geri Yükle ', 230, 260) lblChar = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Karakter Adı ',400,50) txtChar = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"",470,48,120,20) lblServer = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Sunucu Adı ',400,80) txtServer = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"",470,78,120,20) btnLoadProfiles = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_load', ' Profilleri Yükle ', 470, 120) def button_load(): global Loaded, Configs Configs = {"Profiles": []} QtBind.clear(gui,lstProfiles) Server = QtBind.text(gui, txtServer) Char = QtBind.text(gui, txtChar) if not Server or not Char: log('Eklenti: Aramak İçin Sunucu ve Karakter Adı Giriniz.') return AllConfigs = os.listdir(path) for Config in AllConfigs: if Config.endswith('.json'): Config = Config[:-5] server = Config[:len(Server)] if Server == server: char = Config[len(Server)+1:len(Server + Char)+1] if Char == char: if '.' in Config: profile = Config[len(Server + Char)+2:].split('_')[0] if len(profile) > 0: date = Config[len(Server + Char)+2:].split('_')[1] if CheckIfProfileExist(profile): AddDate(profile,date) else: data = {'Profile': profile, 'Backups': [date]} Configs['Profiles'].append(data) else: profile = 'Default' date = Config[len(Server + Char)+2:].split('_')[0] if CheckIfProfileExist(profile): AddDate(profile,date) else: data = {'Profile': profile, 'Backups': [date]} Configs['Profiles'].append(data) Loaded = True AppendProfiles() def button_restore(): SelectedProfile = QtBind.text(gui,lstProfiles) SelectedDate = QtBind.text(gui,ProfileDates).split(' ')[0] Server = QtBind.text(gui, txtServer) Char = QtBind.text(gui, txtChar) if not SelectedProfile or not SelectedDate: log('Eklenti: Profil Ve Yedekleme Tarihi Seçin..') return BackupFileName = BuildFileName('Backup',Server,Char,SelectedProfile,SelectedDate) ExistingFileName = BuildFileName('Existing',Server,Char,SelectedProfile,SelectedDate) ExistingPath = path[:-7] + '/' + ExistingFileName BackupPath = path + '/' + BackupFileName RestoreBackup(BackupPath,ExistingPath,SelectedDate) def BuildFileName(type,server,charname,profile,date=''): FileName = server + '_' + charname if profile == 'Default': if type == 'Existing': FileName = FileName + '.json' elif type == 'Backup': FileName = FileName + '_' + date + '.json' else: if type == 'Existing': FileName = FileName + '.' + profile + '.json' elif type == 'Backup': FileName = FileName + '.' + profile + '_' + date + '.json' return FileName def AddDate(profile,date): Profiles = Configs['Profiles'] for slot, item in enumerate(Profiles): if item: Profile = item['Profile'] if Profile == profile: item['Backups'].append(date) def CheckIfProfileExist(profile): Profiles = Configs['Profiles'] for slot, item in enumerate(Profiles): if item: Profile = item['Profile'] if Profile == profile: return True return False def AppendProfiles(): Profiles = Configs['Profiles'] for slot, item in enumerate(Profiles): if item: Profile = item['Profile'] QtBind.append(gui,lstProfiles,Profile) def LoadBackups(profile): QtBind.clear(gui,ProfileDates) Profiles = Configs['Profiles'] for slot, item in enumerate(Profiles): if item: Profile = item['Profile'] if Profile == profile: dates = item['Backups'] for date in dates: Age = CalculateAge(date) date = date + ' (%s Gün Önce)' %Age QtBind.append(gui,ProfileDates,date) def CalculateAge(date): backup = str(date) CurrentTime = BackupDate = datetime.strptime(backup, '%Y-%m-%d') Age = CurrentTime - BackupDate return Age.days def RestoreBackup(BackupPath,ExistingPath,date): try: shutil.copyfile(BackupPath,ExistingPath) log('Eklenti: [%s] Yedeklemesi Başarıyla Geri Yüklendi.' %date) except Exception as ex: log('Eklenti: Geri Yükleme Hatası [%s]') PreviouslySelected = '' def event_loop(): global PreviouslySelected if Loaded: SelectedProfile = QtBind.text(gui,lstProfiles) if PreviouslySelected != SelectedProfile: PreviouslySelected = SelectedProfile LoadBackups(SelectedProfile) def CheckForUpdate(): global NewestVersion if NewestVersion == 0: try: req = urllib.request.Request('', headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as f: lines = str("utf-8")).split() for num, line in enumerate(lines): if line == 'version': NewestVersion = int(lines[num+2].replace(".","")) CurrentVersion = int(str(version).replace(".","")) if NewestVersion > CurrentVersion: log('Eklenti: Yeni bir güncelleme var = [%s]!' % name) lblUpdate = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Yeni Bir Güncelleme Mevcut. Yüklemek için Tıkla ->',100,283) button1 = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_update', ' Güncelle ', 350, 280) except: pass def button_update(): path = get_config_dir()[:-7] if os.path.exists(path + "Plugins/" + ""): try: os.rename(path + "Plugins/" + "", path + "Plugins/" + "") req = urllib.request.Request('', headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as f: lines = str("utf-8")) with open(path + "Plugins/" + "", "w+") as f: f.write(lines) os.remove(path + "Plugins/" + "") log('Eklenti Başarıyla Güncellendi, Kullanmak için Eklentiyi Yeniden Yükleyin.') except Exception as ex: log('Güncelleme Hatası [%s] Lütfen Manuel Olarak Güncelleyin veya daha Sonra Tekrar Deneyin.' %ex) CheckForUpdate() log('Eklenti:%s v%s Yuklendi. // edit by hakankahya' % (name,version))