from phBot import * from threading import Timer import QtBind import struct import urllib.request name = 'TR_CarnivalBalloon' version = '2.0' NewestVersion = 0 INFLATE_BALLOON_LEVEL_STOP = 6 INFLATE_BALLOON_LEVELUP_DELAY = 1.0 gui = QtBind.init(__name__,name) txtOpcode = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"",85,45,40,20) btnSetLevel = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnSetLevel_clicked'," Seviyeyi Ayarla ",135,45) lblLevel = QtBind.createLabel(gui,' Mevcut Seviye: ' + str(INFLATE_BALLOON_LEVEL_STOP) ,75,85) btnBaslat = QtBind.createButton(gui,'InflateBalloons'," Balonları Uçurmaya Başla ",75,120) def btnSetLevel_clicked(): INFLATE_BALLOON_LEVEL_STOP = int(QtBind.text(gui,txtOpcode)) QtBind.setText(gui,lblLevel,' Mevcut Seviye: ' + str(INFLATE_BALLOON_LEVEL_STOP)) def GetItemByExpression(_lambda): items = get_inventory()['items'] for slot, item in enumerate(items): if item: if _lambda(item['name'],item['servername']): item['slot'] = slot return item return None def InflateNewBalloon(): item = GetItemByExpression(lambda n,s: s.startswith('ITEM_ETC_E101216_BALLOON_')) if item: global inflatingLevel inflatingLevel = 1 p = struct.pack('B',item['slot']) p += b'\x30\x0C\x09\x00' log('Eklenti: Using "'+item['name']+'"...') inject_joymax(0x704C,p,True) Timer(INFLATE_BALLOON_LEVELUP_DELAY,LevelUpBalloon).start() else: global isInflating isInflating = False log('Eklenti: Balon Bulunamadı, Return Çekiliyor..') use_return_scroll() start_bot() def LevelUpBalloon(): global inflatingLevel if inflatingLevel >= INFLATE_BALLOON_LEVEL_STOP: log('Eklenti: Balon Ödülünü Alındı. (Lv.'+str(inflatingLevel)+')') inject_joymax(0x7574,b'\x02',False) inflatingLevel = 0 Timer(INFLATE_BALLOON_LEVELUP_DELAY,LevelUpBalloon).start() elif inflatingLevel: log('Eklenti: Balon Şişiriliyor...') inject_joymax(0x7574,b'\x01',False) Timer(INFLATE_BALLOON_LEVELUP_DELAY,LevelUpBalloon).start() else: InflateNewBalloon() def InflateBalloons(): if not isInflating: inflate_balloons([]) def inflate_balloons(args): item = GetItemByExpression(lambda n,s: s.startswith('ITEM_ETC_E101216_BALLOON_')) if item: stop_bot() global isInflating isInflating = True log('Eklenti: Balonlar Şişirilmeye Başlandı...') Timer(0.001,InflateNewBalloon).start() else: log('Eklenti: Envanterinizde Balon Bulunmuyor.') return 0 def handle_joymax(opcode,data): if opcode == 0xB574 and isInflating: if data[0] == 1: global inflatingLevel if data[1] == 1: inflatingLevel += 1 elif data[1] == 2: inflatingLevel = 0 return True def CheckForUpdate(): global NewestVersion if NewestVersion == 0: try: req = urllib.request.Request('', headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as f: lines = str("utf-8")).split() for num, line in enumerate(lines): if line == 'version': NewestVersion = int(lines[num+2].replace(".","")) CurrentVersion = int(str(version).replace(".","")) if NewestVersion > CurrentVersion: log('Eklenti: Yeni bir güncelleme var = [%s]!' % name) lblUpdate = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Yeni Bir Güncelleme Mevcut. Yüklemek için Tıkla ->',100,283) button1 = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_update', ' Güncelle ', 350, 280) except: pass def button_update(): path = get_config_dir()[:-7] if os.path.exists(path + "Plugins/" + ""): try: os.rename(path + "Plugins/" + "", path + "Plugins/" + "") req = urllib.request.Request('', headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as f: lines = str("utf-8")) with open(path + "Plugins/" + "", "w+") as f: f.write(lines) os.remove(path + "Plugins/" + "") log('Eklenti Başarıyla Güncellendi, Kullanmak için Eklentiyi Yeniden Yükleyin.') except Exception as ex: log('Güncelleme Hatası [%s] Lütfen Manuel Olarak Güncelleyin veya daha Sonra Tekrar Deneyin.' %ex) CheckForUpdate() log('Eklenti:%s v%s Yuklendi. // edit by hakankahya' % (name,version))