The privacy policy of our iOS phone app called "Easy - QR Code App" is as follows: 1. Data Responsibility: Easy - QR Code App is in no way responsible for the data shared by users through the application or collected by the application. The security, confidentiality and use of data shared or collected by users are the sole responsibility of the user. 2. Data Collection and Usage: Easy - QR Code Appn does not collect, use or share users' personal data. There is no data collected by the application. 3. Third Party Services: Easy - QR Code App is not responsible for the use of third-party services within the application or directed by the application or the privacy policies of these services. Users are responsible for reading and understanding their own privacy policies when using third-party services. 4. Security: Although Easy - QR Code App takes appropriate measures to ensure the security of user data, it does not guarantee the security of data transfers and is not responsible for any security breaches. 5. Legal Obligations: Easy - QR Code Appn can report user data to the competent authorities when legal obligations require it. 6. Children's Privacy: Easy - QR Code Appn does not knowingly collect personal data from children under the age of 13. If you are under the age of 13, you must get your parent's permission before using the app. 7. Changes: Easy - QR Code Appn may update its privacy policy from time to time and the updated privacy policy is published in the application. For more information about Easy - QR Code App, please read our privacy policy or contact us. Easy - QR Code App does not take full responsibility for users' data usage and security, and users are fully responsible for their own data sharing and any risk arising from using the application.