#!/bin/bash AUTHOR="[hamid-gh98](https://github.com/hamid-gh98)" VERSION="1.2.0" # # Version: 1.2.0 # Date Created: 2023-04-18 # Date Modified: 2023-05-30 # # Script: install_warp_proxy.sh # # Description: # This script installs Warp Socks5 Proxy (WireProxy) for your system. # WireProxy is a secure and fast proxy service that routes your network traffic through Cloudflare's global network. # # Author: [hamid-gh98](https://github.com/hamid-gh98) # # Usage: bash ./install-warp-proxy.sh [-y] [-f] # # Options: # -y Accept default inputs. # -f Force reinstallation of Warp Socks5 Proxy (WireProxy) even if it's already installed. # # Note: # By default, the script checks whether Warp Socks5 Proxy (WireProxy) is already installed before proceeding. # Use the -y option to accept defaults. # Use the -f option to force reinstallation. # # Thanks To: [fscarmen](https://github.com/fscarmen) # # Supported OS: # 1. Ubuntu # 2. Debian # 3. CentOS # 4. Alpine # 5. Arch # 6. Oracle # 7. Alma # 8. Rocky # # One-Line Command for installation: (use of this commands) # not-forced: `curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hamid-gh98/x-ui-scripts/main/install_warp_proxy.sh | bash` # not-forced: `bash <(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hamid-gh98/x-ui-scripts/main/install_warp_proxy.sh)` # forced: `bash <(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hamid-gh98/x-ui-scripts/main/install_warp_proxy.sh) -yf` # # Define colors red="\e[31m\e[01m" blue="\e[36m\e[01m" green="\e[32m\e[01m" yellow="\e[33m\e[01m" bYellow="\e[1;33m" plain="\e[0m" # Draw ASCII-ART function draw_ascii_art() { echo -e " ____ ____ _ ____ ____ _____ ______ ______ ____ ____ |_ || _| / \ |_ \ / _||_ _||_ _ \`. .' ___ ||_ || _| | |__| | / _ \ | \/ | | | | | \`. \ ______ / .' \_| | |__| | | __ | / ___ \ | |\ /| | | | | | | ||______|| | ____ | __ | _| | | |_ _/ / \ \_ _| |_\/_| |_ _| |_ _| |_.' / \ \`.___] |_| | | |_ |____||____||____| |____||_____||_____||_____||______.' \`._____.'|____||____| " } # =============================== # ********** Variables ********** # =============================== # General Variables CAN_USE_TPUT=$(command -v tput >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "true" || echo "false") USE_DEFAULT="false" FORCE="false" SPIN_TEXT_LEN=0 SPIN_PID= WP_INSTALL_PORT="40000" WP_LISTENING_PORT= # Status Variables # STEP_STATUS ==> (0: failed) | (1: success) # WP_STATUS ==> (0: not installed) | (1: off) | (2: on) STEP_STATUS=1 WP_STATUS=0 # OS Variables OS_SYS= OS_INDEX= RELEASE=("Debian" "Ubuntu" "CentOS" "CentOS" "Alpine" "Arch") RELEASE_REGEX=("debian" "ubuntu" "centos|red hat|kernel|oracle linux|alma|rocky" "amazon linux" "alpine" "arch linux") PKG_UPDATE=("apt -y update" "apt -y update" "yum -y update" "yum -y update" "apk update -f" "pacman -Sy") PKG_INSTALL=("apt -y --fix-broken install" "apt -y --fix-broken install" "yum -y install" "yum -y install" "apk add -f --no-cache" "pacman -S --noconfirm") # =============================== # *********** Message *********** # =============================== declare -A T # base T[000]="Option requires an argument:" T[001]="Invalid option:" T[002]="Invalid choice." T[003]="" T[004]="" T[005]="[INFO]" T[006]="[ALERT]" T[007]="[ERROR]" T[008]="[DEBUG]" T[009]="[WARNING]" # intro T[010]="Thanks for using this script to install warp. \n Please give a star on github if you find this script useful!" T[011]="Version:" T[012]="Author:" T[013]="" T[014]="Options:" T[015]="Accept default values." T[016]="Force reinstall Warp Socks5 Proxy (WireProxy)." T[017]="" T[018]="" T[019]="" T[020]="Useful Commands:" T[021]="Uninstall Warp" T[022]="Change Warp Account Type (free, plus, ...)" T[023]="Turn on/off WireProxy" T[024]="" T[025]="" T[026]="" T[027]="" T[028]="" T[029]="" T[030]="" T[031]="" T[032]="" T[033]="" T[034]="" T[035]="" T[036]="" T[037]="" T[038]="" T[039]="" # show_warnings T[040]="You're using this options:" T[041]="Accepting default values" T[042]="Forcing reinstall Warp Socks5 Proxy (WireProxy)" T[043]="" T[044]="" T[045]="" T[046]="" T[047]="" T[048]="" T[049]="" # prompts T[050]="Default" T[051]="Exceeded maximum attempts. Exiting..." T[052]="Remaining attempts:" T[053]="Last attempt! Remaining attempt:" T[054]="Please enter a port for" T[055]="Oops! Invalid input. Please enter a port between 1 and 65535." T[056]="Oops! The port is already in use. Please choose another port between 1 and 65535!" T[057]="WireProxy" T[058]="" T[059]="" # check_root T[060]="Verifying root access..." T[061]="Please run this script as root!" T[062]="Great News! You have Superuser privileges. Let's continue..." # check_os T[063]="Verifying if your OS is supported..." T[064]="Unfortunately, your OS is not supported at this time! \n The script supports Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, Arch or Alpine systems only.\n" T[065]="Your os is compatible with this installation. Moving forward..." # install_base_packages T[066]="Installing essential packages for your OS..." T[067]="There was an error during the installation of essential packages! \n Please check your connection or try again later." T[068]="All required packages have been successfully installed." # warp_command T[069]="Checking if [warp] command shortcut exists, and creating it if necessary..." T[070]="Failed to create [warp] command shortcut! Please try again later." T[071]="[warp] command shortcut created successfully." T[072]="[warp] command shortcut is already set up." # warp_status T[073]="Checking WARP Status..." T[074]="The WARP socks5 proxy (WireProxy) is already installed and currently running. \n WARP is listening on socks5://" T[075]="The WARP socks5 proxy (WireProxy) has already been installed, but it's currently not running." T[076]="The WARP socks5 proxy (WireProxy) isn't installed yet. No worries, we'll take care of it." # install_warp T[077]="Installing WARP socks5 proxy (WireProxy)..." T[078]="Sorry, the installation of WARP socks5 proxy (WireProxy) failed! Please try again later." T[079]="You're all set! WARP socks5 proxy (WireProxy) has been installed and is ready to use. \n WARP is listening on socks5://" # start_warp T[080]="Activating the WARP socks5 proxy (WireProxy)..." T[081]="The WARP socks5 proxy (WireProxy) failed to start! Please try again later." T[082]="The WARP socks5 proxy (WireProxy) is active and listening on socks5://" # confirm reinstall_warp T[083]="Do you want to proceed with reinstalling the WARP socks5 proxy?" # reinstall_warp T[084]="Performing a fresh installation of WARP socks5 proxy (WireProxy)..." T[085]="Sorry, the reinstallation of WARP socks5 proxy (WireProxy) failed! Please try again later." T[086]="Completed! WARP socks5 proxy (WireProxy) has been reinstalled and is ready to use. \n WARP is listening on socks5://" T[087]="" T[088]="" T[089]="" T[090]="" T[091]="" T[092]="" T[093]="" T[094]="" T[095]="" T[096]="" T[097]="" T[098]="" T[099]="" T[100]="" # =============================== # ******** Base Function ******** # =============================== # Get Options while getopts ":yf" opt; do case ${opt} in f) FORCE="true" ;; y) USE_DEFAULT="true" ;; :) echo -e " ${red}${T[000]} -${OPTARG}${plain}" 1>&2 exit 1 ;; \?) echo -e " ${red}${T[001]} -${OPTARG}${plain}" 1>&2 exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND -1)) function escaped_length() { # escape color from string local str="${1}" local stripped_len=$(echo -e "${str}" | sed 's|\x1B\[[0-9;]\{1,\}[A-Za-z]||g' | tr '\n' ' ' | wc -m) echo ${stripped_len} } function draw_line() { local line="" local width=$(( ${COLUMNS:-${CAN_USE_TPUT:+$(tput cols)}:-92} )) line=$(printf "%*s" "${width}" | tr ' ' '_') echo "${line}" } function confirm() { local question="${1}" local options="${2:-Y/n}" local RESPONSE="" read -rep " > ${question} [${options}] " RESPONSE RESPONSE=$(echo "${RESPONSE}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') || return if [[ -z "${RESPONSE}" ]]; then case "${options}" in "Y/n") RESPONSE="y";; "y/N") RESPONSE="n";; esac fi # return (yes=0) (no=1) case "${RESPONSE}" in "y"|"yes") return 0;; "n"|"no") return 1;; *) echo -e "${red}${T[002]}${plain}" confirm "${question}" "${options}" ;; esac } function run_step() { { $@ } &> /dev/null } # Spinner Function function start_spin() { local spin_chars='/-\|' local sc=0 local delay=0.1 local text="${1}" SPIN_TEXT_LEN=$(escaped_length "${text}") # Hide cursor [[ "${CAN_USE_TPUT}" == "true" ]] && tput civis while true; do printf "\r [%s] ${text}" "${spin_chars:sc++:1}" sleep ${delay} ((sc==${#spin_chars})) && sc=0 done & SPIN_PID=$! # Show cursor [[ "${CAN_USE_TPUT}" == "true" ]] && tput cnorm } function kill_spin() { kill "${SPIN_PID}" wait "${SPIN_PID}" 2>/dev/null } function end_spin() { local text="${1}" local text_len=$(escaped_length "${text}") run_step "kill_spin" if [[ ! -z "${text}" ]]; then printf "\r ${text}" # Due to the preceding space in the text, we append '6' to the total length. printf "%*s\n" $((${SPIN_TEXT_LEN} - ${text_len} + 6)) "" fi # Reset Status STEP_STATUS=1 } # Clean up if script terminated. function clean_up() { # Show cursor && Kill spinner [[ "${CAN_USE_TPUT}" == "true" ]] && tput cnorm end_spin "" } trap clean_up EXIT TERM SIGHUP SIGTERM SIGKILL # Check OS Function function get_os_release() { local RELEASE_OS= local RELEASE_CMD=( "$(grep -i pretty_name /etc/os-release 2>/dev/null | cut -d \" -f2)" "$(hostnamectl 2>/dev/null | grep -i system | cut -d : -f2)" "$(lsb_release -sd 2>/dev/null)" "$(grep -i description /etc/lsb-release 2>/dev/null | cut -d \" -f2)" "$(grep . /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null)" "$(grep . /etc/issue 2>/dev/null | cut -d \\ -f1 | sed '/^[ ]*$/d')" ) for i in "${RELEASE_CMD[@]}"; do RELEASE_OS="${i}" && [[ -n "${RELEASE_OS}" ]] && break done echo "${RELEASE_OS}" } # Prompt Function function prompt_port() { local for_text="${1}" local var_text="${2}" local attempts="${3:-0}" local check_occupied="${4:-false}" local default_port="" local error_msg="" # set defaults eval "default_port=\"\$${var_text}\"" local ports_str="${default_port}" # remaining attempts local current_attempt=1 local remaining_attempts=$((attempts - current_attempt + 1)) local remaining_msg="" # array commands to check port occupation local check_cmds=( "ss:-nltp | grep -q" "lsof:-i" ) # loop to get a correct port while true; do # reset error msg error_msg="" # calculate remaining attempts to show user remaining_attempts=$((attempts - current_attempt + 1)) if [[ $remaining_attempts -gt 1 ]]; then remaining_msg="(${T[052]} ${remaining_attempts})" else remaining_msg="(${T[053]} ${remaining_attempts})" fi # ask user for input read -rep " ${T[054]} ${for_text} (1-65535): `echo $'\n > '` ${for_text} [${T[050]} '${default_port}'] ${remaining_msg}: " ports_str # Set default if input is empty if [[ -z "$ports_str" ]]; then ports_str=${default_port} fi # Check if port is a valid number between 1 and 65535 is_invalid="false" if [[ ! "${ports_str}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ || ${ports_str} -lt 1 || ${ports_str} -gt 65535 ]]; then is_invalid="true" error_msg="${T[055]}" fi # Check if port is occupied if [[ "${check_occupied}" == "true" ]]; then for cmd_arg in "${check_cmds[@]}"; do IFS=':' read -r cmd args <<< "${cmd_arg}" if command -v "${cmd}" &> /dev/null; then if eval "${cmd} ${args} \":${ports_str}\"" &> /dev/null; then is_invalid="true" error_msg="${T[056]}" break fi fi done fi # if port is valid, set value and then break the loop if [[ "${is_invalid}" == "false" ]]; then eval "${var_text}=\$ports_str" break fi # check attempts if [[ ${attempts} -gt 0 && ${current_attempt} -ge ${attempts} ]]; then echo -e " ${red}${T[051]}${plain}" 1>&2 exit 1 fi current_attempt=$((current_attempt + 1)) # if invalid, show error echo -e " ${red}${error_msg}${plain}" done } # =============================== # ********** BaseSteps ********** # =============================== function step_check_os() { for ((OS_INDEX=0; OS_INDEX<${#RELEASE_REGEX[@]}; OS_INDEX++)); do [[ $(get_os_release | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') =~ ${RELEASE_REGEX[OS_INDEX]} ]] \ && export OS_SYS="${RELEASE[OS_INDEX]}" \ && [ -n "${OS_SYS}" ] && break done } function step_install_pkgs() { { case "${OS_SYS}" in "Arch") ${PKG_UPDATE[OS_INDEX]} ;; *) ${PKG_UPDATE[OS_INDEX]} ${PKG_INSTALL[OS_INDEX]} wget net-tools ;; esac } [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && STEP_STATUS=0 } function step_create_command() { { mkdir -p /etc/wireguard wget -N -P /etc/wireguard https://gitlab.com/fscarmen/warp/-/raw/main/menu.sh chmod +x /etc/wireguard/menu.sh ln -sf /etc/wireguard/menu.sh /usr/bin/warp } [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && STEP_STATUS=0 } function step_check_status() { WP_STATUS=0 if [[ $(type -p wireproxy) ]]; then WP_STATUS=1 if [[ $(ss -nltp) =~ wireproxy ]]; then WP_STATUS=2 WP_LISTENING_PORT=$(ss -nltp | grep 'wireproxy' | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | cut -d: -f2) fi fi } function step_install_warp() { warp w <<< $'1\n1\n'"${WP_INSTALL_PORT}"$'\n1\n' [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && STEP_STATUS=0 || STEP_STATUS=1 } function step_start_warp() { systemctl start wireproxy sleep 2 } function step_reinstall_warp() { { warp u <<< $'y\n' run_step "step_create_command" warp w <<< $'1\n1\n'"${WP_INSTALL_PORT}"$'\n1\n' } [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && STEP_STATUS=0 || STEP_STATUS=1 } # =============================== # ************ Steps ************ # =============================== function intro() { echo -e "${blue} $(draw_line) $(draw_line) $(draw_ascii_art) ${plain} ${green}${T[011]}${plain} ${bYellow}${VERSION}${plain} ${green}${T[012]}${plain} ${bYellow}${AUTHOR}${plain} ${blue}${T[010]}${plain} ${red}${T[014]}${plain} ${green}-y${plain} => ${bYellow}${T[015]}${plain} ${green}-f${plain} => ${bYellow}${T[016]}${plain} ${red}${T[020]}${plain} ${green}warp u${plain} => ${bYellow}${T[021]}${plain} ${green}warp a${plain} => ${bYellow}${T[022]}${plain} ${green}warp y${plain} => ${bYellow}${T[023]}${plain} ${blue} $(draw_line) $(draw_line) ${plain}" } function show_warnings() { local should_show="false" local alert_msgs=() local alert_vars=( "USE_DEFAULT:-y:T[041]" "FORCE:-f:T[042]" ) # loop through options variables and check if they exist, add to final message for alert in "${alert_vars[@]}"; do IFS=':' read -r var option message <<< "${alert}" if [[ "${!var}" == "true" ]]; then should_show="true" alert_msgs+=(" ${red}${option}${plain} => ${blue}${!message}${plain}") fi done # if there is any message to show, echo it if [[ "${should_show}" == "true" ]]; then echo -e " ${yellow}${T[006]} ${T[040]}${plain}" for msg in "${alert_msgs[@]}"; do echo -e "${msg}" done echo "" fi } function check_root() { start_spin "${yellow}${T[060]}${plain}" [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] && end_spin "${red}${T[007]} ${T[061]}${plain}" && exit 1 end_spin "${green}${T[062]}${plain}" } function check_os() { start_spin "${yellow}${T[063]}${plain}" run_step "step_check_os" if [[ -z "${OS_SYS}" ]]; then end_spin "${red}${T[007]} ${T[064]}${plain}" && exit 1 fi if echo "${OS_SYS}" | grep -qiE "debian|ubuntu"; then export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" fi end_spin "${green}${T[065]}${plain}" } function prompt_all() { local attempts=5 local check_occupied=$( [[ "${WP_STATUS}" == "0" ]] && echo "true" || echo "false" ) [[ "${USE_DEFAULT}" == "false" ]] && prompt_port "${T[057]}" "WP_INSTALL_PORT" "${attempts}" "${check_occupied}" } function install_base_packages() { start_spin "${yellow}${T[066]}${plain}" run_step "step_install_pkgs" if [[ "${STEP_STATUS}" -eq 0 ]]; then end_spin "${red}${T[007]} ${T[067]}${plain}" && exit 1 fi end_spin "${green}${T[068]}${plain}" } function warp_command() { start_spin "${yellow}${T[069]}${plain}" if ! command -v warp &> /dev/null; then run_step "step_create_command" if [[ "${STEP_STATUS}" -eq 0 ]]; then end_spin "${red}${T[007]} ${T[070]}${plain}" && exit 1 fi end_spin "${green}${T[071]}${plain}" else end_spin "${green}${T[072]}${plain}" fi } function warp_status() { start_spin "${yellow}${T[073]}${plain}" run_step "step_check_status" case "${WP_STATUS}" in 2) end_spin "${green}${T[074]}${WP_LISTENING_PORT}${plain}" ;; 1) end_spin "${yellow}${T[075]}${plain}" ;; 0) end_spin "${yellow}${T[076]}${plain}" ;; esac } function install_warp() { start_spin "${yellow}${T[077]}${plain}" run_step "step_install_warp" run_step "step_check_status" if [[ "${STEP_STATUS}" -eq 0 ]]; then end_spin "${red}${T[007]} ${T[078]}${plain}" && exit 1 fi end_spin "${green}${T[079]}${WP_LISTENING_PORT}${plain}\n" } function start_warp() { start_spin "${yellow}${T[080]}${plain}" run_step "step_start_warp" run_step "step_check_status" if [[ "${WP_STATUS}" -ne 2 ]]; then end_spin "${red}${T[007]} ${T[081]}${plain}" && exit 1 fi end_spin "${green}${T[082]}${WP_LISTENING_PORT}${plain}\n" } function reinstall_warp() { start_spin "${yellow}${T[084]}${plain}" run_step "step_reinstall_warp" run_step "step_check_status" if [[ "${STEP_STATUS}" -eq 0 ]]; then end_spin "${red}${T[007]} ${T[085]}${plain}" && exit 1 fi end_spin "${green}${T[086]}${WP_LISTENING_PORT}${plain}\n" } # =============================== # ************* Run ************* # =============================== clear intro show_warnings check_root check_os install_base_packages warp_command warp_status case "${WP_STATUS}" in 0) prompt_all install_warp ;; 1|2) [[ "${FORCE}" == "false" ]] && ! confirm "${T[083]}" "y/N" && exit 0 prompt_all reinstall_warp run_step "step_check_status" [[ "${WP_STATUS}" -eq 1 ]] && start_warp ;; esac # END clean_up # END